Behringer DEQ2496 Digital EQ

Discussion in 'Digital: DACs, USB converters, decrapifiers' started by gixxerwimp, May 11, 2020.


EQ is:

  1. The spawn of the devil and I wouldn't let it anywhere near my music.

    2 vote(s)
  2. Useful for tweaking the sound to how I like it.

    21 vote(s)
  3. Something my wife/GF/partner tells me I'm lacking.

    6 vote(s)
  1. HeyWaj10

    HeyWaj10 Almost "Made"

    Jan 10, 2022
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    @gixxerwimp @Armaegis - I'm raising this thread from the dead :)

    I came across this PEQ while browsing through Sweetwater, and it really grabbed my attention as a very affordable, transparent, digital PEQ option to slot into my headphone chain - with the goal of getting out of the computer/software domain. How has the experience been long-term with this model? Likewise, does this still stand as a better or preferred hardware option vs. say the MiniDSP Flex digital? I have read that the DSP engine in the Flex would be a lossy component in the chain, so I'm also wondering if the DEQ2496 is as well?

    Lastly, for the digital output side of things, I'm also planning to get a Bifrost 2/64 as my DAC, which would require an adaptor for SDIF coax input. Is an XLR>RCA adapter sufficient in real-world, or is the inclusion of a PAD truly necessary?

  2. Riotvan

    Riotvan Snoofer in the Woofer

    Sep 27, 2015
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    I had this unit and now have a minidsp SHD studio which to my ears is fully transparent whereas i could always tell the DEQ was in the chain. No idea how the Flex stacks up though.
  3. HeyWaj10

    HeyWaj10 Almost "Made"

    Jan 10, 2022
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    Very helpful, thank you! So you feel that the overall SQ capability of the SHD Studio exceeds the DEQ? The SHD, while considerably more expensive, is interesting in that it would be an AIO for streamer/PEQ, and I could just tie in a CD transport from there, reducing cables and boxes (which the Flex wouldn't be able to do). How have you liked the SHD for headphone system duty?
  4. Riotvan

    Riotvan Snoofer in the Woofer

    Sep 27, 2015
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    The SHD and flex are much more modern units and from a more reputable brand than Behringer. The headphone output from the SHD is clean, not super powerful but very low noise on my Softear RSV's which are quite sensitive. I don't use it as a primary headphone amp, nor do i use the SHD as a digital preamp anymore(though it was great if you can spare the headroom). It is only for DSP/DIRAC/Streamer/digital input switcher right now.

    After some early firmware issues the unit and the streamer have been very stable for almost 4 years. Only issue is with Dirac being enabled regardless of which preset you used to calibrate it. So if you have a speaker system for 1 and eq profiles for the other 3 presets you have to turn off Dirac before using the presets other than 1.
  5. HeyWaj10

    HeyWaj10 Almost "Made"

    Jan 10, 2022
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    Good to hear. My application would be even more basic (PEQ/Streamer for headphones only), almost to the point of being a waste of money. But I really would prefer to get detached from a computer and be able to utilize a CD transport as a source (but still apply PEQ for various headphones). Is a computer still required in order to do any/all PEQ functions within the SHD, or once things have been configured initially, can an iPhone/iPad serve as the controller after that?
  6. Riotvan

    Riotvan Snoofer in the Woofer

    Sep 27, 2015
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    Yeah you load in what you want and then it's just a streamer/digital pre. Does Tidal and spotify connect, the volumio streamer supports pretty much everything including roon.
  7. Armaegis

    Armaegis Friend

    Pyrate BWC
    Sep 27, 2015
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    I think the DCX2496 is actually one of the better Behringer products (which is practically praise considering how I feel about the brand in general). It's relatively easy to figure out, doesn't require a PC for interface, you can jam a spdif coax output through a dummy RCA-XLR converter to the AES input and it still works, it's quite affordable compared to the other options on the market, and there's an active modding community with plenty of upgrade options.

    That said, my DCX2496 has been collecting dust for a while now due to the following:
    - DBX units sounded slightly better (more clarity? big room PA setup, completely different world than headphones)
    - a fixed analog crossover was easier and more robust
    - later switched to a set of amps that had the PEQ built in to reduce my rack size
    - mine eventually developed the dreaded "popcorn" static which is one of the more common problems
  8. HeyWaj10

    HeyWaj10 Almost "Made"

    Jan 10, 2022
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    Cary, NC
    Sigh...there always seems to be a catch in this domain. MiniDSP seems to be the only true player in this standalone DSP device game that's not designed primarily for pro audio use - especially in the more budget friendly category. I love the capability of what the RME ADI-2 FS offers, but don't want to be "stuck" with their DAC. Again, that's where MiniDSP really seems to offer the best overall solution. I just hope I don't run into too much need for tinkering with the PEQ once created, as my goal is to basically eliminate all computer-based need from my chain.

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