Geshelli JNOG V2 Impressions

Discussion in 'Digital: DACs, USB converters, decrapifiers' started by crazychile, May 5, 2021.

  1. Justin S

    Justin S Friend

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    Mar 14, 2018
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    I just received my J2 back from Geshelli with the new board (new regulators and the heatsync on the the chip). While I can't A/B with the previous revision of the board, my preliminary impression (with monitors) is that it sounds slightly better: better separation in the imaging, even more clean in the treble region (cymbals etc), I am hearing more spacial/room cues which makes it sound deeper. I would highlight one caveat: this could just be contrast between what I have been listening to at work in the J2's absence (shitty motherboard audio). I'll let it settle for a week and revisit my review to see if I have any observations that require revision.

    [Add Jun 14] I have made some small revisions my earlier observations of the J2 to take into account the new board. The short story is that my earlier observations stand. I do think it's a bit better now - more clarity, more focus, more engaging staging. I continue to be happy with this purchase and am not missing the RME ADI-2. I added a bit of info on upressing and using and alternate filter with the J2 using HQ Player to my original post.
    Last edited: Jun 15, 2021
  2. jmaz87

    jmaz87 New

    Feb 3, 2021
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    While it's relevant is there an easy way to confirm if my J2 is already updated? S/N? or the number of heatsinks etc?

    Been enjoying their stuff and would hate to bug them if it's a non-issue. luckily I'm only a few hours away from them in FL :)
  3. crazychile

    crazychile Eastern Iowa's Spiciest Pepper

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    Jan 19, 2016
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    So far I have no complaints with the SW51+ and this dac. I think I have enough hours on both to determine it’s a fine pairing. Only caveat is that I have old guy ears. Younger listeners can disagree if relevant. I don’t have any issues playing this combo with HD-650s for a couple of hours at a time.
  4. Raimei Templar

    Raimei Templar Friend

    Dec 8, 2019
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    If you bought it after mid May it will be the new version as that is when they did the update. If it has heatsink on the DAC chip its the new version, original didnt have that.

    I am still very happy with mine, it has successfully killed any kind of upgradeitis.
  5. Justin S

    Justin S Friend

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    Mar 14, 2018
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    They would contact you if your JNOG was not the updated version - that's the kind of company they are. I sent mine in for an update. It was returned quickly and had been in my work system for months now. I have recently been putting in some long hours with it and the HD650Ms through a MAD EAR+HD with an Amperex ECC 81 BB. It's very enjoyable and not the least bit fatiguing. It's clean as a whistle and has an engaging presentation in my chain.
  6. jmaz87

    jmaz87 New

    Feb 3, 2021
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    My only complaint has been the lack of volume control for my active speakers combined with 2.5Vrms vs the 4ish I would expect from balanced output...
    Using an XLR Switch to go between Archel2.5Pro, Erish and now a Topping A90.
    I'd like to run Erish/A90 at the same time if my GF's in my office for example and I already use Voicemeeter Potato so multiple DACs is super easy. that and i think A90 would benefit from a more typical voltage output like D90 has

    any suggestions for a DAC to pair with A90 knowing i already have a pretty transparent stack from Geshelli?

    I was hoping for something more punchy considered a bifrost 2...
  7. Justin S

    Justin S Friend

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    Mar 14, 2018
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    If you do a bit of lurk-reading around here you can find some detailed impressions of a lot of DACs (even topping DACs - look at the front page posts) and most will have a range of DAC AMP combos. I did have the BF2 and liked it a lot - it's certainly punchy. I was a bit weirded out by it in headphones as I came from an RME ADI-2. The BF2 is GREAT in a 2CH system and I kept it there for over a year before switching things up.

    That's like saying your only complaint about the chicken soup is that it leaks out when you put it in your pocket. The J2's a pure DAC.

    A decent monitor controller is a better route to go if you're using active monitors for all kinds of reasons. I use an SPL 2Contol with the J2 and still have to put passive -12dB pads on the monitors to get to 82dB at unity gain on the 2Control - so no issues with the output voltage on the J2. I like this combo better than, for example, using the RME with the digital pre - sounds better, more flexible, more useful.
    Last edited: Sep 13, 2021
  8. jmaz87

    jmaz87 New

    Feb 3, 2021
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    Well admittedly I was nitpicking and I do love my J2.

    IDK if a monitor controller is like a passive pre-amp but I'd imagine it's something of that nature. I know they can be a bit tricky with longer cable runs but either way for the money I just got an A90 for versatility (2 headphones and/or 2 sources)
    my PC's in my closet so my J2 is their with XLR's going to a switch at my desk with the 3 amps / monitors

    do you think I'd benefit much from the addition of BF2 with the idea being warmer/ punchy a90? otherwise i just have 3 clinical amps lol
  9. Justin S

    Justin S Friend

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    Mar 14, 2018
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    Monitor controller is usually a bit more utilitarian than a preamp and will often have functions designed for a working environment - mono, dim etc . There are passive and active ones. The SPL is active. I've had passive ones, too, though none of them very good...I am preferring the active controller for certain. There are some good threads here about the difference.

    The bf2 is a good DAC and certainly punchy. I don't know your amps, but you can find a ton of info on the bf2 thread. This thread is really about the J2.
  10. jmaz87

    jmaz87 New

    Feb 3, 2021
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    had a channel stuck at full gain on J2 (only one channel would change levels) and they took care of it immediately. truly fantastic people to deal with and worth anyone's consideration.
  11. Justin S

    Justin S Friend

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    Mar 14, 2018
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    I've had the JNOG2 for about 6 months now. Out of curiosity, I hooked it up to an old Allo DigiOne (not Signature) that was in storage.

    W10 Roon (with a bit of crossfeed)>LAN>Allo DigiOne (RoPieee + iFi SPSU)>S/PDIF with BJC 75ohm Coax Cable>Jnog 2>BAL>Erish 2/Jot 2>BAL>HD6xxM(kiss mod)

    I did some A/B between the Allo and the USB from my Motherboard and it makes a pretty noticeable difference. In the A/B you can definitely pick out all the usual suspects - more clarity, better imaging/staging, crisper transients. The usb from my motherboard is a bit fuzzy/soft and more dull in direct A/B comparison.

    During the long listen, I noticed a big difference. S/PDIF from the Allo changes the way the JNOG2 engages me. Its a super late work night here and I keep getting sucked into the more track.

    I know I should not be surprised...but I am. A good dedicated USB source would likely be good too. The JNOG2 seems to scale nicely with source.

    I will drag my PI2AES in at some point, as I am quite certain it will be a level up from the DigiOne.
    Last edited: Jan 8, 2022
  12. jmaz87

    jmaz87 New

    Feb 3, 2021
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    Thank you @Justin S for putting this into words! Really appreciate seeing some of the things I've felt "on paper" where it becomes cohesive. I don't usually spend much time A/B testing I'm too lazy to level match but that "one more track" rings true for me as well.
    Having owned a J2 since last June I'm getting familiar with it but I'm not gonna pretend I can speak to its nuance... Not there yet.
    I will say I did notice a small preference to spdif over usb from my PC which was prone to ground loops on cheaper chifi dacs.
    more relaxed, less pushed forward maybe? less edge but it could have just been volume differences since it was audibly quieter too compared to usb
    this preference switched back again when i switched to RPI4 running volumio, again my language is still quite lacking but cymbals and strings were particularly nice here and the bass felt tighter.
    I also like that my current chain landed so closely to what u tried above! thank god i found this place before getting too far down the wrong path...

    Current desk chain Tidal connect / Foobar upnp > RP3b (allo digi one + voumio) > bjc coax > JNOG2 > xlr > OneLittleBear xlr switch > xlr > Erish / Archel2.Pro / A90

    I got the Archel for using IEM's and other SE stuff (and because I was so impressed with Erish) and without turning J2 down to lowest output it would have been unusable for this. At first I questioned the lower output and honestly still kinda wish buttons were switches but I use low output pretty much every night nowadays with some IE300's and I think its a fun mix.

    I typically go between sundaras and HD6xx usually switching every few weeks with occasional 560s when I can steal away from GF and I think the sundaras pair the best for me so far. maybe its too much of a good thing but when i go back to hd6xx its almost too intimate for some tracks until i get used to it.

    I also took your advice and moved monitors and BF2 out to livingroom so I don't find myself trying to compare them so much like I was before which wasn't fair. I really like both dacs but I think I prefer the J2 at desk with its more forward presentation gaming and BF2 is better in 2 channel form as u mentioned its more natural sounding here than Headphones and I really like it in 2 channel more. I don't think I enjoyed my monitors nearly as much off J2 directly but that could have been many factors including digital attenuation...

    Keep up the great insights! if i ever sell my Erish it will only be to stack an E2 on my J2!
  13. denny_dow

    denny_dow Acquaintance

    Aug 13, 2021
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    I would second this opinion. interestingly, I did the A/B between the J2 and Audio-GD R2R 11 (2019 version) via SW51+ and did not hear any difference in terms of percussions rendering and general musicality, while via my hi-fi setup the difference was noticeable. the SW51+ seems to be taking the edge off the J2 presentation somehow, and it's not due to tubes only it seems, as I am running a tube speaker amp now and am a bit unhappy about how hats and snares sound.
  14. penguins

    penguins Friend, formerly known as fp627

    Sep 26, 2018
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    Is there a general consensus on which chip is the "bestest" chip for the JNOG v2 if someone will use both USB and SPDIF? There are 2 ESS and an AKM option available now.

    This is for a friend getting into audio so if it just comes down to preferences, I can't comment on their exact preferences as they themselves don't know for sure yet.
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