Good companion for my Wharfedale Linton Heritages

Discussion in 'General Audio Discussion' started by Bieske, Dec 30, 2019.

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  1. Bieske

    Bieske New

    Dec 30, 2019
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    Hi all.

    Long time reader of the forum, but only signed up today. Lots of detailed information on schiit products here, took my quite some hours to get through all. Still having some questions about an upgrade path into the schiit zone.

    2 months ago i bought 2 Wharfedale Linton Heritage speakers. Awesome looks, awesome laidback sound!
    I have them combined with an audiolab 6000a integrated, for source i have an audiolab 6000n playfi streamer and a thorens 145mkii turntable (play same amount of analog as digital music).
    All in all I'm not unhappy with the set, but i miss some shazam, dynamics and tight bass. The total sound is somewhat to lazy, i suspect because of laidback sound of speakers and amp combined. I know, i can't describe it better than this ....

    To spice things up a little i want to go get me some schiit. And that's where it gets confusing for me, to decide which amps go best with my speakers.
    I'm leaning between
    • A Freya+ with a Vidar
    • A Ragnarok 2
    Although i know all answers will be quite subjective to taste, some input would still be highly appreciated.
    • 1 Vidar in stereo will be more then enough?
    • What setup will color best with my speakers? This is the main question ofcos!
    • When i order the Ragnarok 2 with the added dac and phono inputs, what quality schiit dac can i compare this to (modi multibit?)
    Thanks in advance.

    Much love, Bieske
  2. Bieske

    Bieske New

    Dec 30, 2019
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    Sorry i post this in the wrong subforum.
    I reposted it in the advice forum. Can a mod delete this post?

  3. monacelli

    monacelli Friend

    Jul 23, 2017
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    Welcome, @Bieske. There are some written/unwritten rules of SBAF that take a little while to learn. One of the first is that advice posts don't merit their own threads. They're short-lived, and don't provide useful information for very many readers. So we normally route them to [The All Purpose Advice Thread]. In your particular case, we have [The Two-Channel Advice Thead], which may be a better fit. If you haven't already read Marv's intro post, go ahead and do that here: [What is SBAF? 10 Articles for Behavior]. Don't worry if you get a few dislikes along the way. You'll learn the ropes soon enough~
  4. Bieske

    Bieske New

    Dec 30, 2019
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    Thanks for the reply. Lots of rules here, but the forum seems organized so I guess those rules have some merits ;)

    I will wait for someone to move this. Making a third post might not help :D
  5. jexby

    jexby Posole Prince

    Staff Member Pyrate Contributor
    Sep 28, 2015
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    Exit stage left....
    There are NOT lots of rules. there's the requirement for you to READ, lurk, get the lay of the land before assuming we must answer the next question / topic in your brain.
    you copy and paste into a proper thread.. not Mods.
    next up, you get banned as a dotard.
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