IKEA Aptitlig: A juicy cheap upgrade.

Discussion in 'General Audio Discussion' started by Vastx, Feb 7, 2016.

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  1. chakku

    chakku Friend

    Oct 13, 2015
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    How is my post any less serious or valid than any other in the thread? It has just about as much scientific basis behind it as any other suggested 'mod' posted in here. I really don't appreciate this extremist mindset where you can make any claim you want as long as it makes 'sense' to you and dismiss any sort of criticism or questioning of it as dismissal and/or being closed-minded.

    I mean at the very least you should seek to possibly do some valid experimentation and see if there's some sort of measurable difference instead of 'oh I can hear a difference therefore it's true, you should go spend money to confirm it yourself'? Maybe send some of those cutting boards to Tyll to slip under his amplifiers next time he measures them.

  2. Vastx

    Vastx Facebook Friend

    Feb 4, 2016
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    While I get the point in your post and I fundamentally agree I can't help thinking there's some kind of disparity of treatment treatment here.
    I know what I'm talking about is not measureable, or at least I have no freaking idea how to measure it. I am a total noob in a lot of areas, including measures.
    I don't feel I'm being an extremist. I'm not denying someone could not hear the difference. I'd like the same favor in return. Could you accept we hear a difference without me proving it scientifically? I don't want to bring any divine verb or announce the second coming here. And most of all... not profiting from it at all.
    I just wanted to provide an input for experimenting.
    While I see a lot of people here assessing tubes sound explaining why e.g. a nos tlk is very detailed or a mullard is very warm and laid back, I don't see many people asking them to send that tube to Tyll to be measured in order to provide scientific basis to that statement.

    You got me asking a question... and even if you could measure it, what would conclude? Should it measure better would you be rush to ikea to buy a pile of board? Should it measure worse would you lead a crusade against bamboo producers? And should it measure equal would you dismiss the wholy story thinking there's no diffrence in sound? And should it measure only different (e.g. improving something and worsening something else) how could you tell if this difference is for the best or the worst?

    Based on measures we should all have the same best measuring amp. But we don't. Same with Dacs. Can you tell by measure which one is the best dac? Can you do that with speakers?
    When you read someone talking about sinergies between dac\amp\hp do you need measurable proof of that statement?
    Or you just accept it as a preference of the writer?

    Lastly I wanna quote something from Papa Nelson (whose threshold gear are one of the things I most appreciate in this world):

    I apologize If it could look like I want to antagonize you. It's not. You got me thinking and I thank you for that. And I apologize again for my terrible english too :)
  3. ultrabike

    ultrabike Measurbator - Admin

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    1) You need to open your mind to the possibility that the reason why adding a wood cutboard underneath your Amp or/and DAC improves the sound of your equipment has more to do with your state of mind that the equipment itself.

    2) Papa Nelson is just expressing an opinion in that post, just as Dough Self many times expresses a somewhat polar opposite one in some of his books and writings. Take them for what they are. Opinions.

    I seems to me you are trying to draw parallels between your cutboard mod and DAC/Amps. My opinion is that I don't think you can.

    It seems also that you are of the opinion that there is little to no correlation between audio characterization and audio performance appreciation. Which in some ways would suggest that folks don't know what they are doing when designing audio equipment. I strongly disagree. My opinion is that there are strong correlations.
  4. Vastx

    Vastx Facebook Friend

    Feb 4, 2016
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    Hi @ultrabike
    I am open to the possibility that what I experienced is bias, I'm aware of that.
    I acknowledge there are several opinions, I quoted Pass just to back up my opinion than measurement often don't tell all the sides of the story.
    I don't wanna draw parallels beetween dac\amp and cutboard, my point was you can't measure every single piece of sound difference.

    I don't know if I gave you the impression of me thinking there's no "correlation between audio characterization and audio performance appreciation", or "that folks don't know what they are doing when designing audio equipment". Probably my lousy english. Of course I think they are related and I really would never suggest someone don't know what is doing engineering audio gear.

    Again my whole point is that measure don't tell a lot of things. It could be me but I don't know how to predict the sound of an amp based on specs, graphs and measure.
    We need to listen cause certain characterization of the sound, though they have been foreseen in projectation by the designer, are not clearly shown in measurement.
    If sound signature of an amp doesn't emerge from measurement, is it possible that something changes a quality of the amp's sound and again it doesn't show up in measurement? That is my question.
    And I accept the possibility that this whole post is generated by my ignorance in the matter. In that case I'd be glad to learn more.
  5. purr1n

    purr1n Desire for betterer is endless.

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    Well, obviously for devices with moving parts (turntables, speakers, CD spinners), things that affect vibration like wood blocks, metal cones, etc. would make sense. I used to put a cinder block below and above my old Rega Planet CD player. Yes, it made a difference. Crystals and capacitors are also very much affected by microphonics. In the overall scheme of things, tweaks like this don't make much of a difference compared to the more immediate items that should be first addressed (getting good gear, basic synergies, proper setup, etc.).

    The problem is finding out what works. The wrong tweaks can actually result in worse sound (something no one talks about; and no, the IKEA blocks probably shouldn't be applied to every component in your system across the board). Also, there is a lot of crap out there that simply doesn't work, e.g., re-branded cables being sold at x10000 cost, etc.
  6. ultrabike

    ultrabike Measurbator - Admin

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    "my point was you can't measure every single piece of sound difference."

    Maybe. Can you provide an specific example?

    "Again my whole point is that measure don't tell a lot of things. It could be me but I don't know how to predict the sound of an amp based on specs, graphs and measure."

    One needs to establish a relationship between the perceived performance and the measurement/spec. Once that is done, it should tell one a lot of things. This is IMO doable.

    "We need to listen cause certain characterization of the sound, though they have been foreseen in projectation by the designer, are not clearly shown in measurement."

    Usually what I think happens is that issues that were not previously foreseen, happen. IMO, it is not always a question of whether something can be clearly shown in measurements, or not. It's sometimes more a question of, are we using the right measurements and are we interpreting them correctly.

    "If sound signature of an amp doesn't emerge from measurement, is it possible that something changes a quality of the amp's sound and again it doesn't show up in measurement? That is my question."

    Probably we are looking at the wrong measurement, or the measurement is not being interpreted correctly. Possible that the measurement is not shown in a format easy to follow.
  7. chakku

    chakku Friend

    Oct 13, 2015
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    Identifying a sound signature based on measurements is a different story to quantifying sonic changes from tweaks or mods. Amplifiers measure differently and you can definitely attribute that to them sounding different. Whereas if a modification doesn't change any measurement of the piece of equipment then maybe it can be attributed to confirmation biases. I mean, since you know you've applied the tweak, you're going to be assuming there IS a change.

    Plus that doesn't even get into the audibility of differences in measurements, but that's another can of worms we can keep closed.
    Yup, this is a huge one. These tweaks are always positive ones that always have sonic benefits, nobody ever says 'wow this made it sound worse'. Or maybe my view on this is biased because praiseeverything-fi is the only place I occasionally look at that is full of discussion on this 'side' of audio.
  8. lm4der

    lm4der A very good sport - Friend

    Sep 26, 2015
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    I think that the skeptic thesis, to summarize so far, is that it is unlikely that there is a measurable difference when using cutting blocks w/SS gear. ie this is a different point than saying we can't predict the best amp based on measurements, because at least amps _do_ measure differently.

    So this is indeed a slightly different argument than the typical subjectivist/objectivist. In those arguments, the objectivist acknowledges that things measure differently but doesn't believe the minute differences measured are audibly significant. Whereas In this case the argument is that the cutting blocks probably won't measure differently, and that this puts us firmly in wu-wu land.
  9. Vastx

    Vastx Facebook Friend

    Feb 4, 2016
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    The crystal matter would be a good start for a technical discussion on dacs and vibrations. Of course the other things you mentioned have preminant importance.

    My doubt is for example how come different dacs with flat FR up to millions Khz (I'm exaggerating) could be perceived as bass shy or bass heavy?
    I'm incline to think that we could tell something from measurements if we perform the right measurement. If we perceive a difference there must be a way to point it out scientifically. I just don't know how to get that "relationship between the perceived performance and the measurement/spec" and If I understand what you wrote, neither do you. So until someone writes he is able to predict the sound of an amp by measurement that sound like a postulate to me.
    Again we miss the relationship IMHO. Amplifiers sound different. Amplifier measure different. We have these two data but do we have the key to solve the equation? If someone claims to be able to relate sound and measurements should I believe he also has no need to hear a given amp to assess the sound?
    And yes... maybe I want too much expecting specs to reveal the sound signature... but there's gotta be a correlation. And if there's any correlation predictable, why are we looking at those specs?
    I'm in a serious danger to bite more than I can chewso I'll stop here.

    As I said I'm open to the confirmation bias hypothesis, I just don't feel myself pushed to dismiss the the whole story as bias just because I can't show you a measurement. Please note that I also don't want to go down the ultrasubjectivist way to justify what I (believe to) hear. I'm looking for an answer too, but I haven't found a logical argument to drop this beyond those telling me "It's all in your head".
  10. Madaboutaudio

    Madaboutaudio Friend

    Sep 28, 2015
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  11. Vastx

    Vastx Facebook Friend

    Feb 4, 2016
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  12. Madaboutaudio

    Madaboutaudio Friend

    Sep 28, 2015
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    This is for skeptics who think their dacs are virtually immune from effects of physical vibration, this is straight from the horse's mouth(they make crystal clock oscillators for a living, so I reckon they know their stuff):
  13. ultrabike

    ultrabike Measurbator - Admin

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    Sep 25, 2015
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    I don't appreciate how the OP's setting is a source of significant random and periodic mechanical vibrations, unless the turntable is behaving like one of those Vitamix or Blendtec blenders:


    Is there a train track nearby? Maybe the neighbors having random wild nights?

    BTW this is awesome:

    The Nature Luver:


    The High Rider:


    The Abstract:

    Last edited: Feb 27, 2016
  14. chakku

    chakku Friend

    Oct 13, 2015
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    Sorry but those turntables are all useless without the following:
  15. purr1n

    purr1n Desire for betterer is endless.

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    Sep 24, 2015
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    This thread is getting stupid and lowering S/N. Looking back at last few posts and this thread is reminding me of another web forum. Locking thread. I think we are done here.

    FWIW, I did get a chance to hear the Tranquility Base with some Luxman gear and HD800. (Two identical systems at THE SHOW). The one with the base sounded worse to my ears. More relaxed, but smeared.
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