New Members - Introduce Yourself

Discussion in 'Tales from the Bully Pulpit' started by willc, Nov 15, 2021.

  1. futuresound

    futuresound New

    Jan 22, 2024
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    Sonoma County
    My goodness. I think I need a moment *fans self*
  2. 5bs5vuiz4

    5bs5vuiz4 New

    Feb 18, 2024
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    Hello folks, long time lurker and member of most of the other audiophile forums as well. I listen to mostly digital, but have a record collection as well. Current set up is:

    Logitech Media Server with local FLAC files & Qobuz streaming
    Holo RED streamer, Holo Spring 3 KTE DAC, Schiit Freya-S passive preamp, Bryston 3B-ST amp, and a pair of Nautilus 803 speakers. Turntable is a Denon DP-790 with a Ortofon 2M Bronze and Project TubeBox photo stage.
  3. jag42

    jag42 New

    Feb 23, 2024
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    Hi, I've been lurking around here for a while and decided to register an account.

    My audio journey isn't long; it started with headphones around 2010. Over the years, due to health reasons, I gradually shifted to stereo and discovered this forum, appreciating its methodology. I listen to classical music but spend more time on video game soundtracks. My current goal is to find a system that allows for prolonged listening without worrying about the lifespan of vacuum tubes.
  4. jasonRF

    jasonRF New

    Feb 23, 2024
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    Hi there.

    I found your site because of your Grado thread. Good stuff!

    I'm a middle-aged guy living in Massachusetts, and for 30+ years almost all of my listening has been with headphones. I like gear but have been pretty content with low-end Grados starting with a pair of SR60s I got 20+ years ago. Currently I just own SR60e, SR80e, and AKG K553 Pro. I used to own a Zune, so you know I must be cool.

    We have been empy-nesters for a year or so, and with the extra time on my hands I have been getting into hobby electronics. Building some amps (especially portable amps) with crossfeed has been a game-changer for me, because I now can enjoy recordings with hard-panned instruments. Without crossfeed my brain just could not tolerate them for more than a minute or two. This has opened up a whole world of great music to explore, from Miles Davis to the Beatles. Now I'm listening to music more than ever.

    I suspect I won't post a ton, but I am happy to be here.


  5. colloquiallyjust

    colloquiallyjust New

    Feb 25, 2024
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    Victoria, BC
    Hello from Victoria, BC.

    I stumbled across SBAF a little while ago. I'm not sure what thread popped up but it was buried among tons of ASR posts. It's nice to read others talking about what they hear!

    I have a modest entry level hifi and will post about that later, as I'd like advice on an upgrade direction.

    Anyway, hello! Nice to meet everyone.
  6. Holdt

    Holdt New

    Jul 1, 2023
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    Home and away
    Oh oh, the SINAD. The value that Chinese manufacturers strive to score top points with so many ASR users will buy their disposable toys.
    Last edited: Feb 27, 2024
  7. WattaSound

    WattaSound New

    Mar 1, 2024
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    Graton CA
    HI, everyone. Alan Watt; been a audio/recording engineer for decades, or like I have fun saying, "Since the 20th century." Have done pro work, built/owned small studios, and have always had a recording set up, either formal or primitive, at home.
    I'm not as technically savvy or oriented as some of the people on this site; their knowledge of different DA chips, for example, is very helpful but not normally what I delve into. I am impressed how science gets used, and it's just not someone's simple opinion.
    Btw, I've enjoyed the general sense of humor both inherent in the site, and in the posts. "It's a glamorous business" is one of my mottos in the studio. The rule is, it can't be said anytime between 11 and 2am.

    Have revived "The Sandbox", as I call the home studio. It's for music production, as opposed to voiceover or podcasting. I've been doing some upgrades, like a nice new Allen & Heath mixing board. Have hung the old classic JBL 4311 studio monitors, I really need to get the old classic Macintosh 2100 serviced, now.
    The next upgrade is a new interface/DAC. I usually use an external pre amp for the signal, so though good pre amps on some of the units are touted, that's not what's critical for me; it's the quality of the DA conversion, and the chips used in the unit.
    Within the budget I'm working in, I've narrowed my choices down to UA and RME. I'm tempted by MOTU, but I'm worried that the DA conversion/chips aren't as good as what's found in the other brands. I'm going with one of the units that features at least 4 analog inputs; I want to have more flexibility than a simple two input interface.
    I would be interested in hearing feedback/opinion on UA vs RME...I'm read some negative comments in various posts about RME, but I know they are quality gear.
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  8. Case

    Case Anxious Head (Formerly Wilson)

    Pyrate Contributor
    Jul 31, 2016
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    Ohio, USA. Home of the eclipse
    Hi Alan, I'm Mike. Mornin'
  9. EstrangedBaron

    EstrangedBaron New

    Jan 16, 2024
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    Hello, been lurking on this forum since I jumped deep into the hobby in 2019. I've always been interested in all things audio my whole life though, I just didn't have the disposable income or time to invest into the hobby until just before covid happened lol.

    5 Years later and I'm not completely jaded out of the hobby yet (yippie haha). Lately I've been more focused on 2ch instead of headphones and I've almost completely moved away from tubes, since I don't like the nervosa that it brings. I'm currently planning to put some money towards basic room treatment for my small listening room before I upgrade to my next set of speakers (currently using RP600Ms). I still love my headphones though, as that's what got me into the hobby in the first place. My current go to headphones have been my Susvaras, ZMF Auteurs, Aurorus Borealis, and the Aurorus Australis when I need a closed back.

    I look forward to continuing to enjoy this forum and sharing my own experiences/discoveries here as well.

  10. Robinson8

    Robinson8 New

    Mar 18, 2024
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    Hi all, I'm a newcomer here. I have been trying more Audio (iems) Equipment and am really getting more and more into it. My interest in it is growing steadily, and I'm eager to expand my knowledge, exchange ideas, and hear everyone's thoughts. Nice to meet you all.
  11. Slackaveli

    Slackaveli New

    Mar 19, 2024
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    Fayettenam Arkansas
    Hey Guys, long time lurker.
    I love this forum.
    I'm Slack or Ken, answer to both.
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  12. Billiam

    Billiam New

    Mar 19, 2024
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    Littleton, colorado
    Hola, Bill here. Dang I just stumbled across you guys - where have you been all my life? I've had Stax gear off and on for close to 50 years. Lately I've been off and looking to get back on. I have a two-speaker system I'm quite proud of but now the area around my listening room is becoming infested with family. Need to be able to go stealth as to allow them to have a quiet space. I've been a member of Head-Fi and Head-case for awhile but what do they say - variety is the spice of life!
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  13. dethaw

    dethaw New

    Mar 21, 2024
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    Hello all,
    i am from Germany, 64 years old and retired. My hobby is HiFi and i have now more time to explore a lot of new things.
    My main equipment consists of an Atoll IN100 amplifier and DALI Opticon 2 loudspeakers as well as streamers from Blusound and WIIM. In addition to these relatively expensive devices, I am also interested in the many inexpensive solutions on the market (Class-D amplifiers, DACs, streamers and loudspeakers). After all, not everyone wants to spend vast sums of money to listen to good music. That's why I want to try out a lot of things and share my experiences with others, and of course I want to learn a lot myself, because now I finally have the time.
  14. chris giammona

    chris giammona New

    Mar 27, 2024
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    Southern California
    Hello Everyone, I live in Southern California and an audio hobbyist. I am a member of Head-fi, Head-case, and Audiophile Style (I must admit that I am Not a fan of Audio Science Review web site, but enjoy the discussion of measurements).

    I love my ZMF headphones (among other brands that I listen to) and a big fan of Tube Amps (and use various SS Amps as well).

    I love most types of music but my go to is Classical Music.

    Looking forward to spending time on the forums.
    Last edited: Mar 27, 2024
  15. Svadhyaya

    Svadhyaya New

    Mar 26, 2024
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    San Diego
    Hi, I'm Justin. Discovered this forum from references on the forum. Love the vibe here :)

    I prefer speakers, but I don't live on a private estate where I can listen freely at all hours, so most of my time is spent with headphones. I dove in about 6 months ago and tried out Diana MR, Meze Elite, Caldera, HE1000, and others. But I was only listening on entry level Fiio, SMSL, and Topping amps. When I finally upgraded to the Class A Flux Labs Mentor, suddenly all the headphone hype made sense! So now that I have a better chain, I'm rediscovering and enjoying all that HPs can offer. I wasted way too much money getting to this point :( so have been trying to downsize to just a couple of cans, currently the Empyrean 2 and HE1k. But I do have a Tungsten coming at some point, just like everyone else XD
  16. Topping Service

    Topping Service New

    Apr 1, 2024
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    Hi every one, in the future, I will provide technical support and after-sales assistance for TOPPING products at AS- Ahem, SBAF. At TOPPING, we take all feedback seriously, and we're working hard to address the issues you've raised. We're committed to making significant improvements to our products and ensuring they meet your audiophile and residential safety standards. We envision that in the future, we will have many products that you enjoy. To help this process, we'd like to offer a difficult challenge not unlike Purr1n's $1000 Challenge. The first individual on this forum to write a positive review of one of our products that meets our requirements will receive a free L30 mki headphone amplifier. Looking forward to what you all come up with :)

    - The Topping Audio Team. Probably.
    PS- Happy (belated) April Fools.. I just had to. This account is a throwaway.
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  17. ChaChaRealSmooth

    ChaChaRealSmooth SBAF's Mr. Bean

    Staff Member Pyrate Gearmaster
    Dec 6, 2018
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    The Complex
    I believe I already did
  18. Svadhyaya

    Svadhyaya New

    Mar 26, 2024
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    San Diego
    So that's why your amps are all feedback, no function :D
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  19. Sensoumaru

    Sensoumaru New

    Apr 4, 2024
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    New Zealand
    Hi everyone, I've been a long time lurker and decided to finally create an account!

    I use headphones mainly and IEMs for casual on the go listening.

    My current setup is: Esoteric N-05XD >> Stax SRM-T8000 > Stax SR-X9000, Audeze LCD-5.

    Hope to get along and chat about audio!
  20. Dee66

    Dee66 New

    Apr 3, 2024
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    Hi everyone, new to headphones having switched from speakers.
    Much to learn and this seems a good place to learn from.
    Currently use a Chord Mojo 2 with HD800S.

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