Question on Bifrost 2 OG

Discussion in 'Advice Threads' started by Ares5150, Jan 29, 2024.

  1. Ares5150

    Ares5150 New

    Dec 30, 2023
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    I'm considering the purchase of a used BF2 OG, and I'm intrigued by the potential differences in sound compared to the 2/64. I originally planned to buy a new DAC within the $700-$1000 range but wondered if exploring the used market might be a smarter move to satisfy my curiosity without straining my wallet. The BF2 OG, being an R2R DAC, is said to deliver a sound that's described as fun, engaging, and enjoyable. While my primary goal is to enhance this part of my audio chain, I'm aware of the inherent trade-offs and the concept of "endgame" is fleeting in this hobby lol. Although it doesn't have to be this specific model, I appreciate American-made products and have a positive opinion of Schiit as a company. I'd love to hear your thoughts or suggestions if any.

    Current Gear
    Modius E

    Amps on hand
    midgard-Hooked to modius balanced
    pietus maximus-hooked modius rca
    thx 789 AAA
    Dark Voice 336se

    Arya Stealth
    Focal Clear OG
    Sundara (likely on reitrement after arya purchase)
  2. Erroneous

    Erroneous Friend

    May 15, 2016
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    No comment on the equipment but buying used is the smart way to purchase any audio gear. If you're smart when you buy it then you likely won't lose much when you sell. And if you keep it then you got a good deal and can feel good about the purchase.

    Buy used when you can, buy new when you have to.
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  3. Ares5150

    Ares5150 New

    Dec 30, 2023
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    thats been my strategy since hopping back into the hobby. Found the focals and aryas for a great deal.
  4. internethandle

    internethandle Almost "Made"

    Sep 23, 2017
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    See no reason why the BF2 OG would not be a good match with anything in your list, especially the Pietus -- already other members using that as a pairing with various cans and enjoying it. Agree used is a good idea most of the time -- I can count on one hand the negative experiences I've had buying or selling audio gear over a 14+ year period on various sites. I've been lucky though, those experiences have never included outright fraud, just stuff like a broken headphone cable or part of an pre-amp not working properly, and the sellers always ended up doing something for me in the end. That doesn't mean that fraud doesn't happen, though, especially nowadays. Just make sure you're buying with PayPal protection (so, no Friends & Family) and from a seller with a good amount of recent feedback, and generally you should be ok. eBay is also good for security as a buyer.
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  5. Ares5150

    Ares5150 New

    Dec 30, 2023
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    I appreciate this. I’ve been lucky too and strictly used g&s through PayPal. The gentleman with the Bifrost 2 wanted friends and family but I declined. Despite him having a ton of sales and trades. (Not here). I’m not taking any chances.
  6. ][nIn][

    ][nIn][ New

    May 19, 2024
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    Used Market

    There are some really great reasons to go used: cheaper, warranty is sometimes transferable, don't like then sell, being able to try a number of items to decide, etc. Using online systems like US/CAN Audiomart that have a rating system gives you some assurance. It is not 100% but much better than an eBay random. Trust your gut and if something is not right then move on to another sale.

    As for Schiit used, great company to deal with out-of-warranty items and used. I have ran into problems with used Schiit items and they were clear, fast, and crazy reasonable to fix the issue. For some upgradable items (eg Unison USB card upgrade), Schiit will re-enable warranty on used gear for 2 years! Remember, Schiit warranty is not transferable on new gear.

    Sometimes, it might be worth going new as Bifrost+ have 5 years of warranty.

    I will reiterate @Erroneous - Buy used when you can, buy new when you have to.


    I have been lucky to hear a number of Schiit DACs. As you more than likely have read here and other websites, each DAC will have it's strengths and weaknesses. System synergy is a combination math problem, try everything ... including gain levels. For me, moving up to Schiit Multibit brought significantly better timbre, not to minimize of all of the other characteristics that change for the better: Bifrost 2 OG has amazing slam; Modi Multibit 1 (version 2) is worth it's weight in gold for how much it is; and the Gungnir Multibit (A1) has an amazing organic, fluid, relaxed sound.

    Good luck with your "discoveritus" ;)
  7. roderickvd

    roderickvd Facebook Friend

    Mar 7, 2022
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