Schiit Yggdrasil Less is More (and MIL and OG) Impressions + Measurements

Discussion in 'Digital: DACs, USB converters, decrapifiers' started by purr1n, Sep 9, 2021.


Should SBAF get a loaner Yggdrasil Less Is More?

  1. Yes, please!

  2. Only if there isn't anything else more interesting

  3. No, I would prefer for a loaner an overpriced planar that looks like it's from House Harkonnen

  4. Save up for something better

  1. roderickvd

    roderickvd Almost "Made"

    Mar 7, 2022
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    The Netherlands
    Precisely what I'm trying to triangulate myself. For sure I can tell you that I found the LIM lacking in dynamics there. The A2 wins that game, but was more wall 'o sound than I wanted in complex passages for a TOTL DAC - at least on SE outputs. No need to worry about that on most mainstream stuff, but beyond that, you know when you know.

    So in the MIB I'm hoping to find the middle ground between A2 dynamics and LIM clarity.

    Give me some more time before I pass final judgement which pair of boards I'm going to keep.

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