Tour Interest Check: Nectar Hive Electrostatic Headphones

Discussion in 'Loaner Requests' started by Vtory, Oct 26, 2021.

  1. Vtory

    Vtory Audiophileâ„¢

    Pyrate MZR
    Sep 12, 2016
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    East Coast
    Product page:
    My objective and subjective reviews respectively
    Marv's analysis here: https://www.superbestaudiofriends.o...e-electrostatic-headphone-measurements.10247/


    Want to know if there exists enough interest in sbaf to conduct a petit/limited loaner tour. These headphones were still too unknown in the forum and deserve more awareness IMHO.

    I may enforce the following rules for the participants on top of usual sbaf loaner tour policies. CONUS only btw.
    • Participants MUST have an electrostatic amplifier, energizer, or anything that can create bias (500 to 600V) and satisfy signal voltage level. Since Hive is 5-8db power hungrier than Stax products, anything obviously better than srm-212/252 highly recommended.
    • Participants should take enough care of the product. High standard of safety is a must to protect both listener and headphones. In addition, Hive has its own behavioral character known as "Sticking stator". Please read the official FAQ for more. Participants should be fully aware before they get the loaner product.
    • Participants should post a short review (aka impression, analysis, or whatever you call) NO LATER THAN they ship out to the next person. And for this reason, participants who frequently post gear thoughts/impression preferred.
    If you're interested, please reply to this thread. I'm also happy to answer any relevant questions. PM also welcome. Thinking of 2-5 people but probably ok for more participants as long as they're credible and qualified.

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