Why didn't Fuji ever make a full frame camera?

Discussion in 'Photography and Cameras' started by rhythmdevils, Apr 29, 2022.

  1. purr1n

    purr1n Desire for betterer is endless.

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    My guess in probably not. I think we've handled similar cameras. I've owned F100, D2x, D70s, etc. Always liked how Nikon put AF-C/S and S-CH-CL dials in the same place, the exposure comp button up on, exposure modes at a good spot. Basically the layout is a dream, or either something that I got used to since I started from it.

    Canon has always been very different. I could use it, but I never quite got comfortable with the controls. The good thing is that the Canon colors with latest stuff, at least the new R series, look much better. I actually like the Canon colors now. The bad thing is that with what mirrorless can do, the options are even more infinite now. On the R6, by default, there isn't even a way to quickly adjust exposure compensation via a dial (because the computer is always correct on exposure - yeah right). All options must be set via the screen. One-shot or Servo (Canon's AF-S/C), AF (point, area, eye, etc), single or continuous shooting, ISO, etc. EVERYTHING must be done via the screen. The good thing is that Canon provides a graphical UI to adjust these parameters, so there's no need to dig into menus. Of course there has to be bad thing: must use joystick and dial to adjust stuff. The trick is to set up all parameters, and then save them to one of three custom shooting modes that can be set on the top dial. Makes sense for Canon's pro audience.

    That would be nice, but I'm not holding my breath. I was hoping the Z7 would have the old-school Nikon controls, but nope, they went full retard to imitate Sony's simplicity, because that's the formula for success right? (although the exposure comp button at top was carried over). Nikon is a small company and has been losing revenue year by year for almost ten years now. They aren't going bankrupt, but they are becoming more and more niche, even more niche than Fuji.


    I basically want Nikon/Fuji controls + Nikon/Fuji color + Fuji noise + Canon/Sony AF + Sony ability to cram FF in smaller packages + Canon lenses.

    I know there are adapters, but shame on these porkers for changing lens mounts. Despite technobabble about why the new mounts are betterer, it's ultimately a money grab. The Nikon change may be understandable, 44mm is wimpy. The Canon I don't see why.
    Last edited: May 11, 2022
  2. roshambo123

    roshambo123 Friend

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    Not accurate. Canon EF flange is 44.0 mm and Nikon F is 46.5 mm. They both needed to go.

    Additionally, it's not just technobabble. You want a flange distance short as possible so you can do true wide angle prime optical designs that are not reverse telephoto (a necessity with SLR's). As an example, the Canon 5.2mm dual fisheye RF lens is impossible on a mirror box camera.

    Above my reading level, but I think it also opens up other options for lens designers. There's no downside, especially when all previous lenses are backwards compatible (with an adapter, I know, but things must move forward)
  3. purr1n

    purr1n Desire for betterer is endless.

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    Was talking about diameter. Trust me, the Canon flange diameter is a lot bigger than Nikon's. Anyone who has used both systems and mounted big telephotos would know.
  4. roshambo123

    roshambo123 Friend

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    Ah. Ok. Still not sure I follow though because if we're talking the mount inner diameter, Canon did keep it the same, for RF and EF it's 54mm.


    Nikon did change, 44mm inner diameter went to 55mm, which as you point out, was wise.

    So I guess you just mean you wanted RF and EF to be one mount, ie. No RF. Not sure I understand as you'd still need an adapter to make proper EF flange focal distance on the mirrorless body with the shorter FFD. It would also be confusing for the consumer and people would think their lenses are broken if they could attach SLR lenses to the mirrorless camera bodies and they failed to focus. The new mount also has more contacts, which I assume do something hopefully useful.
    Last edited: May 11, 2022
  5. roshambo123

    roshambo123 Friend

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    Talked to some Nikon guys on Monday at a presser for a major sports team. Both had the Z9 and sung praises both for the camera and the Z glass for sports photography.

    The big deal was the recent update for the Z9 which added a pre-release burst that lets you store a rolling 1-second FIFO of images which is then committed when you full press to take a picture. They said you could be a completely terrible photographer and still nail a batter's swing every time. In their opinion, shooting with any camera other than the Z9 for sports was putting yourself at a disadvantage.
  6. elwappo99

    elwappo99 Friend

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    Pretty cool feature to have on a camera! I think Olympus was the first to introduce this quite a few years ago and I wish I'd see it more. I'd expect since Nikon added is Canon and Sony will soon enough.
  7. purr1n

    purr1n Desire for betterer is endless.

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    X-H2 came out or was announced. PASM. Lame. Guess they wanted to go the route of Sony.
    Last edited: Jun 8, 2022
  8. rhythmdevils

    rhythmdevils MOT: rhythmdevils audio

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  9. scblock

    scblock Friend

    Nov 11, 2019
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    I've owned the X-H1 for a few years. It replaced my X-E1 and I chose it over the X-Pro or X-T cameras at the time for the IBIS, which works well.

    It's a good camera, but if I had to do it again I would probably have gone for the X-Pro series, and probably wouldn't have bought the (excellent) 15-55 f/2.8 zoom either. The quality is great but as a combination it's just as big as any other giant camera and I prefer something smaller. I would prefer something the size of my old OM-1 and Zuiko lenses.

    I missed that the X-H2 has been announced and yeah the drop of another direct control dial is disappointing. I already miss the exposure compensation wheel even if editing it is still very easy in the X-H1. I think it's just aimed at a different kind of user.
  10. purr1n

    purr1n Desire for betterer is endless.

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    X-H2 supposedly will do 40fps. Fuji released a 100-400mm to go with this, but it's slow f/4.5-5.6. Obviously doing the Sony thing since Sony has a slow 200-600mm.

    I still have two Fuji primes. May pick up an X-Pro 3. I like how they made the LCD rather inaccessible to discourage chimping. Yes, it makes things hard, but I think it also forces one to improve their skills.

    In the meantime, allow me to share my Ken Rockwell school of photography impression :p
    Warning: avert eyes to prevent blindness.
    Last edited: Jun 8, 2022
  11. Thad E Ginathom

    Thad E Ginathom Friend

    Sep 27, 2015
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    Avert eyes to avoid mouth-watering!

    OhMyGod, Sushi! And my favourites are there: eel and mackerel. Damn, it's been so long that I've forgotten the Japanese names!

  12. purr1n

    purr1n Desire for betterer is endless.

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    Unagi and Saba.

    This Japanese place in Corpus has the best sushi I've had in the USA, with the exception of a few places in San Jose Japan town in the early 80s. This place is run by a sushi Jedi who's probably 85 years old. We can see that the cuts are correct instead of the block cut often served today. The temperature is also correct. Cold sushi sucks because there is no taste.

    Unfortunately, 95% of people have no idea how good this place is. Most people get the lame rolls or steak bento boxes. The sushi is also dirt cheap. Family walks out the door with near 50 pcs of Nigiri for $100. I love how old-school Japanese insist upon being Jedis in their craft. This extends to audio as well.
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  13. penguins

    penguins Friend, formerly known as fp627

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    We need names pls
  14. roshambo123

    roshambo123 Friend

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    Speaking of saturation, familiar with Dr. Elliot McGucken? I think you were around Malibu so I suspect you might.
  15. purr1n

    purr1n Desire for betterer is endless.

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    Origami on Airline. Don't try anything else but the sushi. The tempura is horrible, the teriyaki is terrible. Makes sense since the good steakhouses have crappy sides.
  16. Cspirou

    Cspirou They call me Sparky

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    oh gawd wtf am I looking at?! If it’s KR style it’s jpg mode and zero editing
  17. Thad E Ginathom

    Thad E Ginathom Friend

    Sep 27, 2015
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    <mouth watering again>

    Oh god, I love sushi and sashimi.

    I've had friends in UK try to persuade me to pick up a packet off a supermarket shelf. No. "Why? you don't know unless you try it!" I know, and, read my lips: just NO!

    On the other hand I've had half-decent from a Singapore supermarket. Different deal: guy behind the counter making it. Might not be restaurant standard, but certainly edible.

    I worked for a Japanese company, and was introduced to sushi (and saki!) by Japanese people spending the company's money. So I started out with high standards :p :)
    Oh, yes! Thanks.

    Now I remember Unadon: the eel, in its delicious sauce, on a bow of rice.


    I'm feeling the itch to buy a full-frame camera. It's a long-term itch: there's a 135/1.8 lens on my shopping list before any new body. It will be Sony... because, hey, the lenses already in my bag.

    (The 135 will be Samyang, because... money. Also the FF, when it happens, will probably be a used A7iii when prices drop further, again because money.)
    Last edited: Jun 9, 2022
  18. Deep Funk

    Deep Funk Deep thoughts - Friend

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    + Add full support for the old manual lenses (before the AF and AFS non-sense). Some of the old Nikon/Nikkor lenses are amazing value. In the recent past choosing the right camera meant this: legacy yes or legacy no. It was a clusterfuck and made me give up. The D700 was released at the time I was done with Nikon.

    The value of loyal costumers has been wasted by Nikon in this regard. They used to be good at this.

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