Sep 26, 2015
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May 1, 1984 (Age: 40)

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Is it worth reshelling my JH13 (v1) in 2021? Or are universals good enough these days? Dec 20, 2021

    1. Eric_C
      Is it worth reshelling my JH13 (v1) in 2021? Or are universals good enough these days?
      1. zerodeefex
        I would do it even though I don't miss the old school JH very much. I pull out my UERM often and sometimes wonder if I should get my old school JH16 fixed.
        Dec 20, 2021
      2. shotgunshane
        Did you like it a lot? Probably worth it for stage use perhaps but universals are good enough for me for music listening. I rarely use my customs.
        Dec 20, 2021
      3. Eric_C
        Good points, thanks guys. The cost of reshelling looks to be 1/3 what I paid for the earphones, so it's just not worth it for me
        Dec 21, 2021
    2. Eric_C
      If I have to hear another YouTuber claim that being sent gear "doesn't influence my impressions in any way"...
    3. Eric_C
      Guitar Center just filed for bankruptcy. The toll this pandemic takes...
      1. Azimuth
        They have done it more than once in the past. I know Sweetwater is struggling as well.
        Nov 23, 2020
        monacelli likes this.
      2. ufospls2
        Big Box Music (instrument) shops were struggling with lack of custom (due to online shopping I'm guessing) before the Pandemic. The Virus seems to have just been the final nail in the coffin for Guitar Centre. I wonder how Long And Mcquade is doing here in Canada?
        Nov 23, 2020
      3. robot zombie
        robot zombie
        To be totally honest, I was never the biggest fan of guitar center. Get a little tired of hearing novices trying to squeeze out Sweet Child O' Mine on the most expensive amps they can get to, cranked, with nothing dialed in, always out of tune. Miss having boutique shops around here. Much more chill culture.
        Nov 23, 2020
        YMO likes this.
    4. Eric_C
      Can we prevent new members from starting threads until they hit a minimum post count or something?
      1. gixxerwimp, JK47, Melvillian and 8 others like this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. Eric_C
        I mean, I'm not trying to be exclusive. I'm much, much more ignoramus than many long-time members, so I'm grateful for my spot on this forum. And I want newcomers to be able to fit in here.
        I'm just seeing a fair number of newbie posts that indicate people aren't reading any of the new member guides.
        Oct 18, 2020
        gixxerwimp likes this.
      4. JK47
        ASCII mushroom cloud if they don’t introduce themselves, and auto delete of account... POOF!!! Maybe the next time they will get it.
        Oct 18, 2020
        Melvillian likes this.
      5. Thad E Ginathom
        Thad E Ginathom
        ... Unless they just happened to have said something really interesting. I guess that happens sometimes.
        Oct 19, 2020
    5. Eric_C
      Zen Can without a DAC--would that be crazy? I remember Marv advising that at lower budgets, amps matter more than DACs.
      1. dncnexus likes this.
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      3. Eric_C
        Thanks guys, audio nervosa is real and reassurances like yours help. I’m on a Sundara so Zen Can seems good enough, just wondering if there’s a better amp or AIO.
        Oct 13, 2020
      4. BenjaminBore
        Sorry, I misread your post. I thought you were talking about portable gear. I’d say pretty much the same thing except desktop DACs don’t always have HP outs. Taking into account the price of the Zen Can it may be worth considering a Magni or Liquid Spark for less, or you could almost fit something like a Modi DAC into your budget too.
        Oct 14, 2020
      5. Eric_C
        Definitely leaning towards Magni 3+. Just a pity shipping costs to me are high--ends up being 140 USD.
        Oct 14, 2020
    6. Eric_C
      K612 fits loose (sinks too low). Shame, the sound is good to me so far. Anyone know how fix the fit?
      1. Cakecake likes this.
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      3. Eric_C
        Haha thanks guys, that co-pilot looks uber comfy, but I'm not sure this headphone is worth that kind of money. I'll see if I can fix it for cheap.
        Sep 25, 2020
        Lyander likes this.
      4. Lyander
        That's why I said "or similar", cuz I do agree that while extremely luxe-looking the copilot isn't necessarily a cheap spend.

        There are loads of inexpensive ones I've lucked into on online markets like AliExpress, Lazada, and Shopee, but really you could get away with a lot using a new pair of socks (or several) you're not particularly attached to :P
        Sep 25, 2020
      5. Skyline
        A sign of the times: when I saw letters and numbers and you talking about fit, I immediately thought you were talking about a type of face mask that I hadn't tried yet.
        Sep 25, 2020
        Eric_C and Lyander like this.
    7. Eric_C
      In 3 years, Z623 never seemed sibilant until now. Did my speakers break or did my hearing suddenly improve?
    8. Eric_C
      Keep having to re-login on my phone. Android/Chrome. Is there a fix?
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Eric_C
        @bixby yeah Chrome. Everytime I load the site, I have to login again.
        Mar 13, 2018
      3. Muse Wanderer
        Muse Wanderer
        Use https connection instead of http. That worked for me.
        Mar 13, 2018
        Thad E Ginathom and Eric_C like this.
      4. Eric_C
        Mar 14, 2018
    9. Eric_C
      Finally admitting to myself that I'm severely underutilising my entire desktop rig.
      1. BrettMatthews likes this.
      2. swamp
        Speakers are one hell of a drug :P
        Sep 20, 2016
    10. Eric_C
      HD800 pads are flaking, like black pepper. Is this common?
      1. zerodeefex
        Yes. My pair is from 2008/2009 and I've replaced the pads due to this. My rough facial hair makes it happen in certain areas on the pads.
        Sep 13, 2016
      2. purr1n
        Sep 14, 2016
      3. Eric_C
        Dang. Now, whether to replace or just sell it off and join the 650 club...
        Sep 14, 2016
    11. Eric_C
      Is the mobile site not working properly for anyone else?
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Enigmatic
        All seems fine now. Wasn't working fine for me (alerts, pages returns to the home screen).
        Jul 21, 2016
      3. Eric_C
        @Enigmatic That was happening to me! But it seems ok now
        Jul 21, 2016
      4. Riotvan
        Had problems as well using Cyanogenmod and chrome.
        Jul 21, 2016
    12. Friday
      1. Eric_C
        Haha but there's only 1 piece left
        Mar 16, 2016
      2. Eric_C
        Good deal though, thanks.
        In the end I went with a Logitech Z623 for $209--it's at that price throughout SLS.
        Mar 16, 2016
    13. Eric_C
      1. Deep Funk, SKiring and SoupRKnowva like this.
      2. OJneg
        wow, so weird to think that our hobby is "getting old". RIP.
        Mar 15, 2016
      3. SoupRKnowva
        I just read that, I haven't been around nearly that long, but an interesting look into the past nonetheless. And it's sad to see the man go..
        Mar 16, 2016
      4. Deep Funk
        Deep Funk
        I had a CMoy. The mint tin op-amp 2227 if I am correct. His invention is a rite of passage in this hobby. He was a pioneer.
        Mar 16, 2016
    14. Eric_C
      Gah why is the desktop site launching weird ads on me.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Eric_C
        Man, I dunno what it is already. I'm getting hit with the stupid malware.
        Feb 21, 2016
      3. jexby
        install the Ghostery extension in your web browser and protect yourself.
        IOS also has adware blockers for Safari too.
        Feb 21, 2016
        SoupRKnowva likes this.
      4. Eric_C
        Thanks jexby, i'll give that a try
        Feb 21, 2016
    15. Eric_C
      How are these bots getting past our defences?
      1. View previous comments...
      2. fraggler
        They must have help from the inside! Rebels amongst us!
        Jan 13, 2016
        Eric_C likes this.
      3. The Alchemist
        The Alchemist
        I am keeping up with them, but they seem to be increasing quite a bit and more frequently. We need to institute a method that before you can post, you have to introduce yourself - put a restriction on New members who just signed up to only be able to post in the introduction thread. Once we realize they are legit, we can remove the restriction.
        Jan 13, 2016
      4. Azteca
        That is very sensible, Alchemist.
        Jan 13, 2016
    16. Eric_C
      Shipping, taxes and exchange rates be damned, I'm aboard the BW train.
      1. jexby and AustinValentine like this.
    17. Eric_C
      Adele's new album. Worth it to buy CD, or will iTunes be fine?
      1. Kunlun
        it can really only be enjoyed on acetate discs
        Dec 10, 2015
      2. Eric_C
        Dec 10, 2015
    18. Eric_C
      Adieu r/headphones. (and good riddance)
      1. Pyruvate likes this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. Psalmanazar
        The HD 558 sounds better than the HD 600 thread made me stop posting there permanently. Edit: I just saw the HD 700 worship...
        Nov 9, 2015
      4. Eric_C
        OJneg: more like a string of small incidents, where my comments get constantly ignored or downvoted (even when I think I was making meaningful contributions), till I realised, wait why am I here? I don't learn anything, and evidently people there don't want to hear what I have to contribute.
        Thanks for asking though.
        Nov 9, 2015
      5. OJneg
        Yes, that's been my experience. Unfortunately the biggest drawback of the subreddit format is the inability to build a community and have meaningful dialogue. Lots of issues arise therin.
        Nov 9, 2015
    19. Eric_C
      Where's the like button for Inner Fidelity's latest post?
    20. Eric_C
      1. anetode likes this.
      2. anetode
        Oct 12, 2015
      3. Eric_C
        And yet you liked the status!
        Oct 12, 2015
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    May 1, 1984 (Age: 40)