Comments on Profile Post by spwath

  1. spwath
    Measured at like 3 feet away ish.
    And yes I did take out my measurement microphone at a party (in my own apartment) because I was curious about the level.
    Dec 17, 2020
  2. ChaChaRealSmooth
    Makes me wonder how much my hearing got damaged going to nightclubs. I definitely fucked mine up. When I tested at home I can't hear anything past 16k and I'm far younger than middle-aged.
    Dec 17, 2020
  3. LetMeBeFrank
    I can't hear anything over 15.5k thanks to years of concerts and loud car stereos. In 2013 I had a bit of a revelation and realized how precious my hearing is. I started wearing ear plugs to concerts and being more conscious of how loud I was playing my stereos.
    Dec 18, 2020
    crazychile and Thad E Ginathom like this.
  4. DigMe
    Same story for me. So many concerts in small clubs rocking PA’s and dB levels that could work in a large concert hall. Then the years of playing in bands long before I ever used in-ear monitoring just blasting everything.
    Dec 18, 2020
  5. Roman
    Same concern for me listening to music in headphones. I *tend* to listen with a relatively high volume because it sounds... better? Not sure. Tried to roughly check my hearing using and found out I can only hear up to ~15k. I'm 38.
    Dec 18, 2020