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Jan 6, 2016
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A lidless ear, Male, from Portland, OR


Solidarity with the brave students facing institutional oppression for using their Constitutional right to free speech. Apr 24, 2024

Merrick was last seen:
May 15, 2024
    1. Merrick
      Getting sick of my own digital nervosa. Modi Multibit via USB sounds fine (I keep telling myself...).
      1. FlySweep, Wfojas, brencho and 2 others like this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. Pyruvate
        I'm with you brotha!
        Sep 22, 2016
      4. Merrick
        I wouldn't have to do this if my Raspberry Pi would work, but it's given me nothing but trouble since the move. At a certain point, sound quality improvements have to give way to things that actually work.
        Sep 22, 2016
        Wfojas likes this.
      5. Wfojas
        Yeah, stop reading hardware reviews for a while. That should put things into some perspective.
        Sep 23, 2016
    2. Merrick
      I need you all to stop making me want an HD650 in addition to my HD600.
      1. Wfojas, Deep Funk and Case like this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. BrettMatthews
        I've had both (not at the same time though), and while I enjoyed the HD600's I do prefer the modded HD650's. New authentic pads are well worth it, and I found the HD650 headband pad to be much more comfortable than the HD600's (HD600's headband pad caused a pressure point on the top of my head).
        Sep 22, 2016
      4. TRex
        You know, you could 'abuse' Amazon/Best Buy/BH/whatever return policy.... ;-)
        Sep 22, 2016
      5. Merrick
        @TRex I'd sooner borrow someone's pair or bring my amp to them for testing.
        Sep 22, 2016
    3. Merrick
      IEMs sure are finicky bastards, aren't they?
      1. TRex, Griffon, PoochZag and 4 others like this.
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      3. Merrick
        @jowls I just looked the Decas up, the pricing in the IEM sector is nuts.
        Sep 20, 2016
        FlySweep and imackler like this.
      4. jowls
        @Merrick no doubt. It's getting worse. Price:performance recommendation for IEMs definitely goes to UE4.
        Sep 21, 2016
      5. imackler
        @jowls The UE4 has been recommended several times here recently. Tempted to try to get some impressions done in LA at UE next time I'm down there.
        Sep 21, 2016
    4. Merrick
      Move was successful, everyone still alive. Movers arrive on Monday. Slowly putting the space together.
      1. JK47, Pyruvate, Huxleigh and 6 others like this.
      2. zonto
        Congrats! Unpacking is my least favorite part. Until I realize we still have to hang curtains...
        Sep 18, 2016
        Merrick and FlySweep like this.
    5. Merrick
      Shipping out to Portland tomorrow. If I'm gone for a while, it's because pesky life is getting in the way of audio.
      1. SoupRKnowva, FlySweep and JK47 like this.
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      3. SoupRKnowva
        Portland for the win. Been thinking we need to have a meet up here for a while.
        Sep 13, 2016
        gbeast, Merrick and FlySweep like this.
      4. Merrick
        Sep 13, 2016
        SoupRKnowva likes this.
      5. gbeast
        Welcome to PDX....Do I smell a mini meet?
        Sep 13, 2016
        Merrick and SoupRKnowva like this.
    6. Merrick
      The Jotunheim/Modi Multibit combo is scary good.
      1. gbeast, Ash1412, philipmorgan and 4 others like this.
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      3. Merrick
        Between this and USB-free audio from low power linux devices, this is really a fantastic time for digital audio.
        Sep 6, 2016
      4. SoupRKnowva
        I also have and enjoy a RPi 2 for audio, though i havent hooked it back up since I got back from Korea, once that new SPDIF hat comes out I will
        Sep 6, 2016
        Merrick likes this.
      5. purr1n
        Modi Multibit is super good. Very balanced and seamless.
        Sep 6, 2016
    7. Merrick
      Rune was getting really buggy on my RPi so I switched to Volumio. A much more polished experience.
      1. Merrick
        Ugh, well Volumio isn't without its own bugs.
        Sep 6, 2016
    8. Merrick
      Got shipping notices for my Joti/Momby and GO2a on the same day. Coincidence or fate?
      1. View previous comments...
      2. jexby
        as I've heard 2.5 of the 3 DACs, prediction: Gold- Momby. Silver- GO2A. Bronze- dual 4490 module. but don't let that sway you. ;-)
        Aug 29, 2016
      3. Merrick
        Having heard the original GOV2 and the Joti DAC, and a Bifrost Multibit, I suspect you'll be correct. The question is will I need the gold medalist or can I be satisfied with silver?
        Aug 29, 2016
        Pyruvate likes this.
      4. Merrick
        I just spoke with the buyer of my Bifrost Multibit, and that will be staying with me long enough to join the comparison. I'm going to be so sick of switching inputs by the end of this it's not even funny.
        Aug 29, 2016
    9. Merrick
      Finally sat down and gave the HD800 a good listen in a quiet room. Killed any interest I have in that headphone. HD600 all day every day.
      1. ultrabike, Thujone, brencho and 7 others like this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. TMoney
        Poor pairing with Jotun, I agree. Will be interested to see what you think of them on my rig in November.
        Aug 27, 2016
      4. Thujone
        I came to the same conclusions, Merrick. The thing is... bass.
        Aug 28, 2016
      5. Merrick
        @TMoney Unfortunately I won't be making it to the November meet. :(
        Aug 28, 2016
    10. Merrick
      Sell all my DACs and amps to buy a Jotunheim combo and put the rest of the money towards a Gungnir Multibit? Hmm...
      1. FlySweep and Pyruvate like this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. Pyruvate
        Haha saw that! I'm guessing that means Jotunheim was impressive enough? Can't wait for the comparison between its DAC and Modi Multibit.
        Aug 27, 2016
        Merrick likes this.
      4. Merrick
        The Joti ticks so many boxes for me, it would have had to really fall flat on its face for me to pass on it. The most important thing about it to me was how well it played with the HD600 and I'm happy to report it passed that test with flying colors.
        Aug 28, 2016
        ButtUglyJeff and Pyruvate like this.
      5. zonto
    11. Merrick
      Synergy is a funny thing. With the GOV2, my Alo Rx and LFF Paradox (all balanced) are a powerhouse. Running Bifrost Multibit to the Alo isn't engaging.
      1. brencho and JK47 like this.
      2. Merrick
        But Bifrost Multibit with the Valhalla 2 is spectacular.
        Aug 26, 2016
    12. Merrick
      Funny how the same rig can sound so different from day to day. I don't know what's causing it, but my system sounds downright 3D right now.
      1. JoshMorr and Huxleigh like this.
      2. Huxleigh
        This happens to me from time to time. Just a psychological thing, I suspect. But I'll take it!
        Aug 22, 2016
        Merrick likes this.
      3. Merrick
        I agree, I think it is psychological, because the effect goes away when I begin to focus on other things.
        Aug 22, 2016
      4. JoshMorr
        Once and a while I will be in just the right state of mind and the music grabs me like never before. Best tweak in audio can't be regularly reproduced...
        Aug 22, 2016
        Merrick likes this.
    13. Merrick
      My Vali 2 is boxed up to be gifted to a friend of mine who is just beginning his headphone journey.
      1. JK47, aufmerksam, imackler and 5 others like this.
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      3. Colgin
        Nice gift.
        Aug 17, 2016
        Merrick likes this.
      4. Huxleigh
        Must be a good friend. I just hope that he appreciates how good the Vali 2 is! The problem with giving someone good Schiit out of the gate is that they don't have any context with which to differentiate between it and components of inferior quality. Gaining that perspective can be pricey, but it's a worthwhile aspect of the experience in its own right.
        Aug 17, 2016
        Merrick likes this.
      5. Merrick
        He's one of my best friends, is one of three people I know IRL with musical tastes that closely match mine. We're going to see PJ Harvey live tomorrow and since he's just getting into audiophilia right now I wanted to start him off right. He is giving me three of the Beatles mono vinyl reissues in exchange so it's not totally altruistic. ;)
        Aug 17, 2016
        aufmerksam and Huxleigh like this.
    14. Merrick
      For a pair of headphones I bought mainly for portable use with my iPhone, the Sine has gotten a lot of headtime. More than expected.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Merrick
        Interesting, I've only spent significant time with all BA IEMs.
        Aug 12, 2016
      3. Huxleigh
        Find myself needing more meat on them bones, more often than not. Almost pulled the trigger on a Spartan, but past lack of enthusiasm for the Supra stayed my hand. Demoed Jupiter and thought it was okay.
        Aug 12, 2016
      4. Merrick
        For the most part I like the Spartans, gobs and gobs of resolution, but yeah not the most bass in the world and some piercing highs sometimes.
        Aug 12, 2016
    15. Merrick
      It's a PJ Harvey day.
    16. Merrick
      Seriously considering selling off the Valhalla 2 and using the Vali 2 as my main amp again.
      1. Mystic and ultrabike like this.
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      3. Mystic
        Is your hd650 your daily driver? I plan on having a VS between my Modi Multibit/Vali2 and Bifrost4490/Valhalla2. Just waiting on the Modi Multibit to arrive.
        Jul 29, 2016
        SoupRKnowva, Merrick and Pyruvate like this.
      4. Merrick
        Jul 29, 2016
        Huxleigh and Mystic like this.
      5. Merrick
        I decided to hold onto my Valhalla 2 as originally planned. Spending time with both, I just end up enjoying the Valhalla 2 more with the HD600. And I have the ALO Rx Mk.III-B for my orthos and IEMs, which makes the Vali 2 superfluous.
        Aug 2, 2016
    17. Merrick
      XTC vinyl reissues of Skylarking and English Settlement are stunning!
      1. Lightbulb Sun
        Lightbulb Sun
        The 2011 ape of the former? I should get that 2014 CD.

        What do you think of the more recent Big Big Train releases?
        Jul 25, 2016
      2. Merrick
        2016 reissues of both albums, but Skylarking does use the 2010/2011 polarity corrected mastering.

        I have not heard the Big Big Train releases.
        Jul 25, 2016
    18. Merrick
      1. Merrick
        And discovered I already had a few more mono records than I realized!
        Jul 21, 2016
      2. Azteca
        Sadly despite having an account I don't have access. Is that locked to people with a certain number of posts?
        Jul 22, 2016
      3. Merrick
        Oh, hmm. I'm not sure.
        Jul 22, 2016
    19. Merrick
      Up the irons!
      1. Deep Funk likes this.
      2. Deep Funk
        Deep Funk
        Iron Maiden time is a good time \m/!
        Jul 11, 2016
        Merrick likes this.
    20. Merrick
      On the way to Portland to look at the house I'm buying!
      1. Smitty
        Good luck!
        Jul 6, 2016
        Merrick likes this.
      2. Merrick
        Jul 6, 2016
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  • About

    Portland, OR
    Gear List:
    Source: Pi2AES
    DAC: Yggdrasil GS2
    Headphone Amp: Schiit Ragnarok
    Headphones: ZMF Auteur, ETA O2, Sennheiser IE 600, Koss Porta-Pro
    Speakers: NHT SB-3
    Power amp: Schiit Ragnarok
    Portable: iBasso DC06 Pro, Schiit Fulla E
    Turntable: Yamaha PX-3 linear
    Cart: Technics ECP-205C-IIL
    Phono: Schiit Mani 2


    HP/IEM: ZMF Auteur Blackwood | Senn IE 600 | PortaPro
    AMP: Schiit Ragnarok (1)
    DAC: Yggdrasil+ GS2
    Turntable: Yamaha PX-3 w/Technics ECP-205C-IIL cart
    Speakers: NHT SB-3