Comments on Profile Post by Deep Funk

  1. sphinxvc
    I always loved learning, but hated school. Are you in some kind of program, or just doing it for yourself?
    Jun 2, 2017
    Deep Funk likes this.
  2. Deep Funk
    Deep Funk
    Drop-out. Family issues. I am rebuilding my life again. No diploma means that I have to beef up my resume with proper skills and references.
    Jun 2, 2017
  3. sphinxvc
    I've been in the same boat. It took me about 3 years to turn things around. Ironically, I flunked out of so many classes in college reading whatever I wanted in the campus library. In NY city colleges, if you miss 3-4 classes for a course you're done.
    Jun 2, 2017
    Deep Funk likes this.
  4. Deep Funk
    Deep Funk
    f**k school, I have to do it my way. I tried to be regular student which was already hard enough for me. No more student life and student debt. Pragmatic solutions mix with my own approach to proving that I am capable in what I want to become. It will take some years of consistent effort...
    Jun 2, 2017
    Case likes this.
  5. Friday
    I've finally recovered that feeling during the second semester of my 3rd year in university. Pushing myself into a corner by choosing 5 of the tougher modules available probably helped.
    Jun 2, 2017
    Deep Funk likes this.
  6. Case
    Go, man, go!
    Jun 2, 2017