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May 31, 2024 at 4:38 PM
Oct 23, 2015
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Nation's Capital of failure

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Secretly hates other millenials - Friend, Male, from Nation's Capital of failure


Got years of ear wax flushed out at doc's office. Oh my lord, all I can hear now is sibilance! Hopefully will abate in a few days... Apr 13, 2024

rott was last seen:
May 31, 2024 at 4:38 PM
    1. rott
      Violence over territory I get, violence over religion has puzzled me, but violence over face mask regulations just boggles the mind.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. crazychile
        Some people think that they will die if near someone without a mask. When put in a perceived life or death situation, they may resort to violence. But there’s the irony of physical contact......
        Oct 30, 2020
      3. crazychile
        Maybe they need a big wet kiss.
        Oct 30, 2020
        Deep Funk likes this.
      4. Thad E Ginathom
        Thad E Ginathom
        Perhaps the only good thing about HIV/AIDS was that people could, ever after, walk into a shop and buy condoms. Embarrassment gone. Although, come to think of it, I never tried walking down the street wearing one.
        Oct 30, 2020
        Deep Funk likes this.
    2. rott
      "Can you hear me", "Can you see my screen" - there's a Clem Fandango in every meeting
      1. Merrick and dubharmonic like this.
      2. BenjaminBore
      3. dubharmonic
        Who just joined the call?
        Sep 17, 2020
      4. Ksaurav402
        Sorry, I was on mute
        Sep 17, 2020
        dubharmonic likes this.
    3. rott
      Revisiting high school thrash days, listened to Sepultura - Arise last night. I remember discovering them on Headbangers Ball.
      1. rott
        Quite the contrast to the Clive Davis documentary on Netflix that I watched right before. Talk about industry colossus.
        Sep 2, 2020
      2. Poleepkwa
        Memory lane: I saw the Sepultura "Under Siege Live in Barcelona" DVD when it came out in 1992....
        Sep 2, 2020
      3. ufospls2
        Their current drummer, Eloy Cassagrande is an absolute monster.
        Sep 2, 2020
    4. rott
      Discovered Letterkenny this weekend...pitter-patter.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. LetMeBeFrank
        To be fair...
        Aug 23, 2020
        rott likes this.
      3. crazychile
        Hmmms, yous justs discoverds it’s theres dids yas?
        Aug 24, 2020
        rott likes this.
      4. rott
        Yeah late to the party ferda boys. Creepy how Steward channels Tom Cruise. One of my favorite shows now, seems to combine what I loved about Trailer Park Boys and The League.
        Aug 24, 2020
        crazychile likes this.
    5. rott
      1. FlySweep, Jinxy245 and Lyander like this.
      2. rott
        Between him and probably Quincy Jones, probably nobody more influential on the music I'm generally a fan of
        Aug 19, 2020
        Merrick likes this.
    6. rott
      1. Gazny, Deep Funk, Case and 1 other person like this.
    7. rott
      The available Rush 40th Anniversary CD releases arriving today, I know not much input from the band but had to add them to my Peart shrine
      1. LetMeBeFrank and Jinxy245 like this.
      2. rott
        Wanted them even if the 2015 remasters may not be better than the originals that I still enjoy (thank you Auteur).
        Jun 2, 2020
        LetMeBeFrank and Lyander like this.
      3. LetMeBeFrank
        I'm hoping for a moving pictures 40th in 2021. I'll be getting that for sure.
        Jun 2, 2020
    8. rott
      Haven't read his books, but now a huge fan of Malcolm Gladwell's podcasts, including those done with Rick Rubin.
      1. Jinxy245, Lyander and gaspasser like this.
    9. rott
      For metal music I'm looking for headphones that have speed and accurate timbre a la Verite - what are good cheaper alternatives?
      1. rott
        I already have HD6x0, Auteur, and LCD-X. LCD-X I enjoy but I'm looking for more accurate timbre/high-frequency.
        Apr 27, 2020
      2. Superexchanger
        Redacted after reading the headphones you own.
        Apr 27, 2020
    10. DigMe
      Oops.. Didn't mean to post this to Rott
    11. rott
      Heard radio ad for kids' nightime gummies with melatonin to put those little porkers to sleep. We used to use Benadryl for long flights..
      1. FlySweep and gaspasser like this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. DigMe
        @Riotvan dude... Speaking from experience there are many reasons kids can have sleep issues.
        Jan 17, 2020
      4. GoodEnoughGear
      5. Riotvan
        @DigMe i agree 100% but many skip starting with the basics and go straight for the easy way out. And this is not with just kids but in general, a more holistic approach is probably more beneficial in the long run than trying to find bandaids for everything. Speaking as a former special needs kid who did not receive what was needed and had to clean up the mess left as an adult.
        Jan 17, 2020
        Thad E Ginathom likes this.
    12. rott
      Seems I picked the wrong time to jump into the scale model car collecting hobby...$200+ for AutoART composites
      1. yotacowboy, Lyander and hikergrl like this.
      2. rott
        Did score some nice Minichamps Porsche 911 (991) variant diecasts
        Jan 10, 2020
    13. rott
      One would think Audirvana would be able to handle .cue sheets properly in album directories with individual FLAC files...
    14. rott
      The Irishman was great, fantastic acting. Not sure how MCU fans & directors can criticize Scorsese's stance on what is real cinema.
      1. Jinxy245 and Lyander like this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. Lyander
        MCU is easily junk food. Fun, very fun, but not for those seeking refined taste. Refined sugars maybe, but making that joke is a massive stretch on its own haha.

        This is on my list to check out, glad it seems to be great!
        Nov 29, 2019
        Jinxy245 likes this.
      4. Mithrandir41
        All this BS is so blown out of proportion. Cinema is a moving picture on a movie screen, full stop. Whether Scorsese likes a certain genre or type of storytelling is irrelevant. There was escapist entertainment before him, and there will be after him.
        Nov 29, 2019
      5. BillOhio
        I think it's fair of Marvel to reject the idea of Scorsese getting to define what constitutes 'Real Cinema'. And The Irishman is an accomplishment, no doubt, but there are Marvel movies I personally enjoyed more.
        Nov 29, 2019
    15. rott
      Daughter adding Beethoven's 7th Symphony, Movement no. 2 to Violin audition repertoire has me revisiting the real classics.
    16. rott
      Can't stop, won't stop - binging X-Files and listening to Rush discography for the past couple weeks. Must be some kind of "comfort-crisis".
      1. Syzygy, Lyander, Richgard and 4 others like this.
      2. dubharmonic
        I want to believe.
        Oct 16, 2019
      3. Case
        "And on Sundays I elude the 'Eyes'..."
        Oct 16, 2019
        Jinxy245 likes this.
      4. drgumbybrain
        Really love x files.
        Oct 16, 2019
    17. rott
      ECP DSHA3 is way out of budget, so wait for new Schiit balanced amp, Headamp GSX mini, or used Auralic Taurus MKII? The schiity wildcard...
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Luckbad
        Agree on the Phonitor. I have the XE and have tried to convince myself to downgrade several times to no avail.
        Sep 16, 2019
        E_Schaaf likes this.
      3. purr1n
        Phonitor is better than all of the above except DSHA 3 or 3F.
        Sep 16, 2019
        sheldaze likes this.
      4. rott
        If that's the best i can do for a balanced SS amp in that price tier, then will strongly consider the Phonitor E. Does "not a truly balanced design" have meaningful consequences? Feeding from Gungnir Multibit. Scouring the threads...
        Sep 17, 2019
    18. rott
      Rock on, Dave Chappelle (Sticks & Stones on Netflix). Comedians shouldn't have to fear pissing people off.
      1. Deep Funk, JK47, dubharmonic and 3 others like this.
      2. JK47
        Yup, way too many "sensitive" people in this day and age.
        Aug 27, 2019
    19. rott
      What are some modern bands that have multiple singers a la Fleetwood Mac and The Eagles? Vocal variety is why I don't mind The Eagles...
      1. Deep Funk likes this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. gaspasser
        Or does “More Than Words” by Extreme count? I know this is on MrTeaRex’s gear audition playlist ;)
        Aug 19, 2019
      4. Deep Funk
        Deep Funk
        Zeal & Ardor
        De Staat
        The XX
        System of a Down

        I am weird so mind the "genre" hopping.
        Aug 19, 2019
        PTS likes this.
      5. PTS
        Good call on The XX.
        Aug 20, 2019
    20. rott
      HBO's Barry S2E5 was one of the best from any series I've watched thus far. Epic.
      1. Scott Kramer and Ash1412 like this.
      2. Scott Kramer
        Scott Kramer
        Aug 8, 2019
      3. M3NTAL
        I told my coworker about this episode - I described it as being from an alternate Barry universe. Everything about it was different from the rest of the show.
        Aug 8, 2019
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    Nation's Capital of failure
    Gear List:
    Auteur, HD650, HD600, LCD-X, Schiit Gungnir Multibit A1 & Bifrost 2, Schiit Lyr3, HeadAmp Gilmore Lite mk2