A serious problem about connecting Yggdrasil (help!)

Discussion in 'Digital: DACs, USB converters, decrapifiers' started by mtoc, Nov 3, 2015.

  1. mtoc

    mtoc SBAF's Resident Shit-Stirrer

    Oct 22, 2015
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    Hello, guys

    I am about to buy a Yggdrasil. I currently use a Prism Lyra 2 (usb), the motherboard of my computer has a speical talent, it can cut off the electricity of the usb port, that means no electricity go through the usb cable but pure data, Lyra 2 works fine with the cut-off-electricity mode.

    The problem is, will Yggdrasil works too?
  2. purr1n

    purr1n Desire for betterer is endless.

    Staff Member Pyrate BWC
    Sep 24, 2015
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    Yggdrasil needs the +5V USB.
  3. Starchild

    Starchild New

    Nov 5, 2015
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    Are you sure about that? According to Your Final System, who is a Schiit Audio Dealer, none of the Schiit dacs require the 5 volts from the computer to power the usb. Also, please see the link below to YFS regarding data only cables.


    Maybe Jason or Baldr will clarify for us.

  4. purr1n

    purr1n Desire for betterer is endless.

    Staff Member Pyrate BWC
    Sep 24, 2015
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    Read more carefully. YFS is talking about their split cable which has USB data on one and power on another to sell their +5V PS: We have compiled a list of known DAC's that will benefit from the 'Split' USB cable design. This list is not complete and we'd appreciate it if our readers could help us complete it as time moves forward.

    They pretty much put all DACs in existence on their list as one that will benefit from their design. You see, if the DAC you own is specifically mentioned by name, then of course your DAC will benefit!

    I would buy an Yggdrasil first before worrying about tweaks that may or not may make a difference. If special USB cables or interfaces that don't carry the +5V really matter that much to you, I would avoid Schiit products and buy XYZ with the QRT USB receivers instead. I am sure Jason or Baldr would approve of my message since this would probably save Schiit a collective $16732.34 per year on technical support for YFS or other aftermarket special USB cable tweaks.
    Last edited: Nov 5, 2015
  5. Starchild

    Starchild New

    Nov 5, 2015
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    There are many dacs that do require the 5v, I just don't think Schiit dacs are one of them. YFS sells a data only cable and I happen to own one. I also own a Gungnir Multibit and use the YFS data cable with my Bryston BUC-1 usb to spdif converter. My Gungnir Multibit is connected to the BUC-1 via spdif so I don't usde the usb anyway. Anyhow, I think it's fair to say that the presence of dirty power eminating from a pc is well documented. So taking steps to eliminate that noise, are in my opinion, worthwhile. As Jason has said that the Yggdrasil does not benefit from being used with the Wtyrd, the usb generation 3 implementation in the Yggdrasil may effectively render that point moot. I think my original comment still stands. I'm not trying to be confrontational but I am questioning whether your comment about the Yggdrasil needing the 5v is accurate. As previously stated, maybe Jason or Baldr will clarify for us. I also may tomorrow (I really need to go to sleep now) plug my data only cable directly into my Gungnir Multibit usb prot to confirm whether it requires the 5v and report my findings back here. Until then, happy listening.
  6. purr1n

    purr1n Desire for betterer is endless.

    Staff Member Pyrate BWC
    Sep 24, 2015
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    Schiit uses CMEDIA receivers. They need the +5V via the USB bus. I've also tested with a USB cable with the +5V cut on Schiit DACs. No worky. Gungnir Multibit (Gen 2) does benefit from Wyrd.

    This from the YFS page: Every other DAC (that we know of) that employs the XMOS, Tenor, and C-Media chips gets its power from the computer's USB bus.

    As I've said, it is important to read the YFS page that you linked to more carefully. All the answers are there and it is pointless to keep asking me if I am sure, especially since I am sure and the YFS page also supports my assertions. I usually don't answer questions unless I am sure.

    Sorry. Mention of YFS gets me cranky for some reason. I've gotten a lot of dumb questions from people wanting to use YFS stuff, and everytime I answer "it won't work", I almost always get a reply "you are sure?" The last time this happened was when someone wanted to use a YFS PS on the Black Widow amp. Long story.
    Last edited: Nov 5, 2015
  7. mtoc

    mtoc SBAF's Resident Shit-Stirrer

    Oct 22, 2015
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    I email them, they said all their dacs need the 5v power. Purrin is right.
  8. Koloth

    Koloth Klingon SBAF Ambassador - Friend

    Sep 28, 2015
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    I've got a BMC Audio PureDac here that uses an XMOS interface. The power lines on my USB connection are disabled and it still works. So certainly not all XMOS implementations require the +5v.
  9. Starchild

    Starchild New

    Nov 5, 2015
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    Ok. I stand corrected. I'll have to bear that in mind if I become fortunate enough to buy an Yggdrasil (you never know) and get rid of my Buc-1. I am extremely happy with the Gungnir Multibit and don't anticipate seeking a Yggdrasil anytime soon. Thanks for the clairification.
  10. purr1n

    purr1n Desire for betterer is endless.

    Staff Member Pyrate BWC
    Sep 24, 2015
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    ROFL! Why do you guys ask questions, and when people who know give you an answer you don't like, you go to the authority (Schiit in this case) and ask again to get the same answer?

    This is like when people ask me for relationship advice on long distance relationships, and I immediately cut them off and say it won't work.

    You guys do realize I probably could text Jason at any time, but I was definitely not going to waste his time on this. :p
    Last edited: Nov 7, 2015
  11. Chris F

    Chris F Boyz 4 Now Fanatic - Friend

    Sep 27, 2015
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    Regarding Yggdrasil I'm using a 10 year old USB cable I found lying around. As a comparison I bought a high quality AES cable (Mogami 3173/Neutrik Gold) and fed it AES from my TASCAM-DA3000. The DA-3000 is a purpose built studio 2 channel ADC with onboard CF/SF support. It is almost certainly a better source then my macbook pro. When I did my brief comparo I thought I heard a slight difference in sound stage but it was so subtle I seriously doubt I could pass an ABX just to tell if there was a difference.

    tl;dr After comparing against AES input from a high quality source, the USB cable is not going to make a difference unless it's seriously busted. Put your money into a better transducer/amp/source.

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