Advice needed for all-in-one hifi/recording setup (active monitors)

Discussion in 'General Audio Discussion' started by brokesnob, Mar 7, 2020.

  1. brokesnob

    brokesnob New

    Mar 7, 2020
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    Hello everyone,
    First post on here.
    About my situation:
    I'm limited to one room in my house for all-things music.
    Being a musician (guitar, bass, synth) and avid music fan, I need for my speaker situation to cover both recording (and crude mixing) and pleasure listening needs. At first I started with Audio Engine A5+ speakers and an Audiolab M-DAC, but about five years ago got into Neumann KH120's and just used my Apogee Duet's (interface) built-in DAC, and have been perfectly happy with that setup since. But lately I've been getting the itch to upgrade and will be purchasing some Geithain RL906 (active) monitors on Monday, which I'm really looking forward to. I figured now is as good a time as any to upgrade the rest of my setup, in hopes that my listening experience can be elevated even further than what it has been.
    So I'm looking at some DAC's, wondering what might be best for my setup/my purposes, but also wondering if I'll require an amp (and preamp?), or if an amp isn't required due to the speakers being powered? I also wonder how I'll actually control volume since of the DAC's I'm looking at- Chord Qutest- doesn't have any volume control, and the idea of using the volume controls on the back of the monitors each time I want to adjust is just painful. Currently, the Apogee Duet has a big volume knob on the front which has been great, plus I can further control volume in iTunes or Spotify or whatever I'll be using as the sound source. On that note, the source will always remain the computer- until I can get into vinyl and cd's, which I intend to eventually. I will also be playing my synths through the monitors. Oh, and I do plan to go down the headphone route this year as well, so will be looking at headphone amp options at some point.
    Mostly right now I'd just like to know what will be required other than my speakers to get me as best sound as possible with this desk setup? I know this isn't a real 'hifi' setup, and that powered monitors are generally frowned upon in hifi circles, but it's what I've got to work with at the moment until I can expand. I'm just not entirely clear re: whether I need an amp or not, what a preamp would add, and what DAC's you folks might recommend.
    Thanks much in advance!
  2. Deep Funk

    Deep Funk Deep thoughts - Friend

    Sep 27, 2015
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    Please introduce yourself in the introduction thread.

    Powered monitors are great by the way. Good ones can be impressive.

    For sound and/or system advice the general advice thread is good. Some members here are into music/music production so they can help you out.
  3. Thad E Ginathom

    Thad E Ginathom Friend

    Sep 27, 2015
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    Yes, the site protocol here is to first say hello, then take a look around, find out, for instance, what general questions go into the general advice thread. But anyway, Hi!
    Out of date. Many hifi folk now appreciate active speakers. But those who obsess colours and amp/speaker combinations will not.

    You have discovered the nearfields thread. That probably makes this thread redundant.

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