Best Amps for HD800S - 2023 Edition

Discussion in 'Headphone Amplifiers and Combo (DAC/Amp) Units' started by purr1n, Oct 12, 2023.

  1. M3NTAL

    M3NTAL Friend

    Sep 27, 2015
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    I honestly can't remember the topology of my SinglePower Supra XLR, but I found it a great pairing. KG had mine for a short bit and reverse engineered it - he pretty much instantly had ideas for upgrades and different safety measures. Mine wasn't a ticking time bomb like some of the LSD builds that happened later. I swear I posted internal photos of it here or chang/HF.

    It was easily tweaked by different tubes. Mine had a boost type switch to run different tubes. So running 6 7n7's was pretty cool.

    Wouldn't say it was the best amp for everything, but the HD800 slammed and imaging became less everything everywhere and more everything in specific place.

    Sorry for terrible post for a '23 amp, but I really do believe something similar exists in solid state or PCB vs P2P.
  2. Erroneous

    Erroneous Friend

    May 15, 2016
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    Hopefully it goes without saying but with all this talk about the proper amps for an 800, you can't discount total system synergy. You can have the right amp all you want but if the wrong thing is feeding it then it's still going to sound like crap, or at the very least not sound optimized.

    It's I'm sure way too far down the rabbit hole to have some sort of total system synergy thread for the 800, but having the right amp isn't a silver bullet. It's just a good step in the right direction.

    I think this thread is very helpful because it gets you halfway there, and it doesn't spoon feed you. You still have to experiment to get the last pieces in the proper place.
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  3. purr1n

    purr1n Desire for betterer is endless.

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    This cannot be emphasized enough.

    Having done this myself already in a past era, it came to ancient tubes, minor tweaks to an amp, DAC, mods to the HD800 (less needed to some extent with the HD800S), and even cables (that I eschew). Yes, this list is intended to give people a head start. All the other pieces will be critical.
  4. purr1n

    purr1n Desire for betterer is endless.

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    For sure.
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  5. JK47

    JK47 Friend

    Oct 31, 2022
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    @purr1n have you had a listen to a Quicksilver amp yet? I don't really know the people in the dedicated thread linked to earlier in this thread and/or don’t trust them.
    Last edited: Nov 7, 2023
  6. purr1n

    purr1n Desire for betterer is endless.

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    Yeah, some kind members shipped to it me for evaluation. I've had it for a week.
  7. JK47

    JK47 Friend

    Oct 31, 2022
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    Awesome!! Impression soon to come?
  8. purr1n

    purr1n Desire for betterer is endless.

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    TBH, I didn't like it. Not just with the HD800S, but for any headphone. Not my kind of sound. I get why lots of folks would love it. How much do you guys (not just @jk57) want to know? Pull my punches, go full "changstar", just me my regular self, or all three. I mean, I think something could be wrong with this unit too. It could be broken.
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  9. JK47

    JK47 Friend

    Oct 31, 2022
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    Sometimes the truth hurts…
  10. Aklegal

    Aklegal Friend

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    I was considering buying one not too long ago and have never ruled out owning one, so my vote is for ruthless candor.
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  11. purr1n

    purr1n Desire for betterer is endless.

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    Sep 24, 2015
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    OK, first let me (re)explain the context of why things get on or not on "the list". Certain great or high-value amps get left off because of difficult compatibility. The SW51 for example would otherwise have made the list if it didn't require an Abbas or similarly tuned NOS TD1541DAC. The reason is because the SW51 is so neutral. Neutral sound and HD800S do not belong together. Maybe BF2 and SW51, but "too much work" if you know what I mean, especially at that price point for the SW51.

    Secondly, I do not like overly lush or wet sounding amps with the HD800S. I apologize if I did not make this clear enough in my first post. The EAR HP4 was already a stretch to make entry on the list. I would name the HPA4 as my guilty pleasure. The Feliks Elise, which was "downgraded" to the "worth considering" list was on the line for too much wetness and bloom, particularly if the unobtanium Mullard 6AS7s were used. It got knocked off because it's price has since increased by 250% since I reviewed it.

    The QS amp is one of those overly lush deals. The lush by itself wouldn't necessarily have been the showstopper. It this combination of lush, wet, and WEAKSAUCE that sends me into a murderous rage. How do I define weaksauce? It's not necessarily dynamics and slam (we will get to that later). It's hard to explain. Just this feeling of "kind of shitty". A feel like "sounds like shit" from distortion, not the kind of distortion that is clipping or wretched sounding, but weak sounding. For example, like this phonostage I once heard that used x4 12AX7s. (FYI, I'm using 12AT7 as the drivers and new production JJ EL34s.

    To end this post, while I am not a measurement extremist, I suspect the measurements will be telling.

    To be continued.,,
  12. zerodeefex

    zerodeefex SBAF's Imelda Marcos

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    I need the measurements. The real question is, if it’s that bad, why bother when amps like the SW51 exist? Will reserve judgement until I hear more but…
  13. zerodeefex

    zerodeefex SBAF's Imelda Marcos

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    Wait I just read your latest post. Didn’t amp designers learn charging $1000+ for warmpoo, gutless tube designs was not going to cut it like 10 years ago?
  14. purr1n

    purr1n Desire for betterer is endless.

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    I'm just wondering if something happened in shipping. Will try a different set of tubes, reseat things, connectors, shake chassis around, etc.

    It's more lush than warm. The immediate issue was dynamics. I know the HD800 can hit hard (even tiny Piety does a good at job this). I will always use stuff like the PIxies Brick is Red (Mo-Fi). The snare is tuned on the low in that song. There should be plenty of explosive snap with each snare hit. From QS, it is sounded very soft.
    Last edited: Nov 7, 2023
  15. Azimuth

    Azimuth FKA rtaylor76, Friend

    Nov 9, 2015
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    You should have heard the Line Magnetic Mini LM-MINI84IA. I honestly thought something was wrong with the amp. It also was driven by 12AX7's and EL84's, and it had speaker taps that sounded even worse than a speaker amp. Harsh and distorted and void of any low end or macrodynamics at all. It might as well have been a poor SS amp.

    And trust me, I wanted to send you this modded one with better parts inside and more premium tubes, like Tungsgram EL84's. Although I know your stance on an amp should not need excellent tubes to sound good. I do find that even 6DJ8 tubes are better on the front end as well. I also have HD800 and HD650 and not HD800S. But yes, it is a lush wet amp with way more gain that it needs.

    I think it is still held back by the Hammond non-hifi OPT, and maybe it does not have enough NFB. For a test, I removed the NFB and it sounded worse and more hash. Overall though, with the right tubes, it still had more detail and enjoyment than the SW51. It just sort of lacks a bit of refinement. No reason to go in a rage.
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  16. ColtMrFire

    ColtMrFire Writes better fan fics than you

    Jun 16, 2016
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    FWIW the Mullard tubes I'm using with mine gives it some definite warmth and thickness. And combined with the BF2 it's not anywhere near what I'd call neutral now (but not warmpoo or bloated either)
  17. purr1n

    purr1n Desire for betterer is endless.

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    I'm using CBS mesh, they looked cool but ended up with similar desirable effect.
  18. purr1n

    purr1n Desire for betterer is endless.

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    Also choice of tubes. Headphone amps don't need the gain of 12A*7. That tube trades high gain for increased distortion. The octals still rule. EL34 and EL84 are great for guitar amps, but suck balls.

    For comparison SWT51 vs QS (again, thanks for @atomicbob for the inspiration!). With HD800s, most listening will be between -12dBu and -24dBu.


  19. Azimuth

    Azimuth FKA rtaylor76, Friend

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    I am aware and this is basically what I said in the QS amp thread and why I even went to lower gain 6DJ8 types that had some improvement. I would not even want 12AX7’s in a phono preamp or mic preamp. It is acceptable for guitar, but many are noisy and terribly microphonic.

    I’d also rather have EL84 than 6V6. There are some other legendary hi-fi EL84’s out there that I never tried. Even Psvayne makes some.

    It is what it is, love it or hate it.
  20. caute

    caute Lana Del Gayer than you

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    Jul 12, 2022
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    v true--i will choose to hate this tube type, thank you. meme tube extraordinaire. sorry, Marv, know you hate that word, but it rly do be a meme ass toob, super expensif for the good shit and even the good shit isn't that great.

    i don't trust any amp (for the 800 especially, it doesn't need anymore über unobtainium esoterica as said earlier) or DAC that has these anymore, the sfd-1 gets a pass tho...

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