Old Guys Rage About a Kids Show - And why SBAF is bad for you

Discussion in 'How to Win Friends and Influence People' started by Rockwell, Jun 17, 2022.

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  1. Beefy

    Beefy Friend

    Apr 10, 2021
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    Yes and no. At least from my perspective in academia.

    Demographics at my institution paint a pretty good picture of representation - but only at lower academic ranks. As you go higher through academic ranks up to full professor, Dean, VPs, you get much whiter and much more male. Well, maybe these people are 'better' ? No. All external assessments of these people's careers do not put them as being better in any way versus the more diverse people they beat to the position.

    The white males have been winning those coin tosses for so long. It's deeply ingrained. And there are so few of these positions to go around.
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  2. purr1n

    purr1n Desire for betterer is endless.

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    What about white people with the right pedigree who get to be hacks? Seen plenty of them. Parents donated. Parents went to the same school. Special programs to get them to graduate with straight Ds. Connections to place them, groom them to be future leaders. I worked at a place where my manager was the kid of the prior CEO. This person had zero understanding of subject matter and I was micromanaged to death. Secretary who I befriended told me privately this person was "untouchable" - we had a long talk about the company in the stairwell on my last day.

    Get out of academia then, or go to a better place. (I was going to say go to a think tank, but same problem there). Why stay at a place where one has no chance? The best advice I got once: there's no place for you to move up here, go somewhere else. I guess it's harder in academia. Heck, invent something or write mind blowing book. Then move to someplace else and give them the middle finger.
    Last edited: Jun 18, 2022
  3. crenca

    crenca Friend

    May 26, 2017
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    Yep, it's a problem and an order of magnitude (at least) larger then the number of hacks enabled by affirmative action. The thing is that it's and acknowledged corruption of a system that's supposed to work another way. Affirmative action on the other hand is an "affirmative" corruption - one that is justified by an idealism, and that's before you get to actually implementing it in a real world system. But yes I concede the point...there are larger fish to attend to.
  4. purr1n

    purr1n Desire for betterer is endless.

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    I was in an impacted program (EECS) in college. I got an A (top 5%) of the math class first quarter. By the third quarter, I was down to a C grade (middle 30-70%), probably more toward the bottom. By differential equations, I had no f'ing clue what I was doing and still to this day don't know how I got through that. There were kids who were obvious affirmative action cases, one of them was a friend. If they didn't hack it, they didn't hack it, and transferred to economics or something. By the time I was a senior, there were typically less than a dozen people in my computer science classes. We all very much knew each other. Sadly, I don't think a single affirmative action case made it this far. The weed out classes and difficulty of subject matter was brutal. Hey, at least my friend graduated in Econ. First in his family to get a degree.

    I'm shocked that the standards are lower or exceptions are made in medicine - when they are not in engineering or computer science.
    Last edited: Jun 18, 2022
  5. Beefy

    Beefy Friend

    Apr 10, 2021
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    See, I'm a white male. I've been winning coin tosses all my life. It might very well be the only reason I've made it as far as I have. But from this position I'm going to try my absolute best to make it more fair for the next generation.
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  6. purr1n

    purr1n Desire for betterer is endless.

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    Sep 24, 2015
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    Diversity programs can also be means of introducing new stock into an old gene pool. I'm confident if one of the places I worked at implemented a diversity initiative (instead of only auto-promoting less qualified white people with a certain pedigree), I would have taken the department I was working in to new heights. Their loss. Affirmative action / diversity initiatives doesn't mean promoting incompetents.

    Not a big deal. My best moments were hearing my two prior bosses congratulating me (with a deep swallow) on my new position at my new place. We're now all peers - it's stupid, but this rank shit actually does matter when it comes to inter-organization communications. Neener, neener, neener.
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    Last edited: Jun 18, 2022
  7. roshambo123

    roshambo123 Friend

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    Oh my. I spent the day with family at the beach and I feel like I came home to find the dogs got into the trash.

    This feels like that bad moment at the bar where regulars are bored and take exception to an inane remark to have drama.
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  8. rhythmdevils

    rhythmdevils MOT: rhythmdevils audio

    Apr 15, 2020
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    I'm just going to lock this thread to help things calm down here. Too much non audio political type stuff being discussed and ruffling feathers.

    Let's talk about audio guys.

    ps I love you all.
  9. purr1n

    purr1n Desire for betterer is endless.

    Staff Member Pyrate BWC
    Sep 24, 2015
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    Darn. I wanted to ban more people.

    I keep saying, if you post politics, post content or be awesome enough to weave it into audio in an oddball smart interesting way, or make it into a good personal story. Pretty sure I said this at least once in the PI thread. Otherwise you post politics at your own risk. If people won't listen to gentle reminders, then perhaps they will listen to the ban hammer.

    I know that talk of entertainment will intersect with politics. If you think Star Wars or Star Trek is woke, then write a fricking essay or at least a paragraph on specifically why it is woke. Posting a video from a self-absorbed hack is not an acceptable means of essay or story writing. I wrote a blurb why I thought Picard Season 2 was woke, referring to a specific scene, and how unrealistic it was with it being inconsistent with Star Trek Sci-Fi principles, and how it didn't use allegory per classic Trek. No one cared about it - woke or non-woke people here. Heck, even the non-woke people didn't pick up on it - because it's more fun to talk about straight politics rather than delve deeply into what's making the shows work or not work.

    I want to know about what people think personally. I don't want to see a link to YT video of self-appointed drug-addicted expert as an appeal to authority. I want quality writing. This means if you got lower than a B+ grade in your English composition class in college, then please don't bother. If I wanted YT video links, memes, screams of injustice against white people, I can go to my son's gaming Discord channels. They are way cooler anyway because every kid is talking about Drake's new album that suddenly dropped.

    Again as a reminder: every two sentences of politics must be accompanied by one sentence about gear. All sentences must be well written to qualify. Violate this rule at your own risk. Because we are slacking in enforcing (because we have high expectations from you that you will know when to back off), doesn't mean it will not catch up to you. Today is such a day.

    And no, the amount of leeway until punishment is delivered or the level of punishment will not be predictable or consistent. It will be random and haphazard without warning, like a thunderstorm or hurricane.

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    Last edited: Jun 18, 2022
  10. zerodeefex

    zerodeefex SBAF's Imelda Marcos

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    Sep 25, 2015
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