Blue Lola

Discussion in 'Headphone Measurements' started by ultrabike, Mar 8, 2016.

  1. ultrabike

    ultrabike Measurbator - Admin

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    Sep 25, 2015
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    Thanks to Gelocks for sending these out! :piratemug:

    The Blue Lola cans bring about an interesting look and fashion statement to the table. The build is pretty impressive and robust. Seems to me that it's mostly aluminum frame but I'm not 100% sure. The styling may not be for everyone, but I like it.




    Subjectively I find these cans a little tizzy. Not much though. Bass is deep and well rounded. However, I did not feel it was excessive. Mids can be a little echoey and recessed, but not annoyingly so.

    Overall, I find the sound signature pleasant.

    That said, they are a little tight and not as comfortable. The headband may benefit from further cushioning.

    These are easy to drive (voltage wise, likely low resistance), and provide decent isolation.


    Frequency Response


    Distortion Right


    Distortion Left


    CSD Right


    CSD Left

  2. Tyll Hertsens

    Tyll Hertsens Grandpappy of the hobby - Special Friend

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    I thought they were much better than the first headphone. Sounded pretty good to me. But the clamping pressure had me taking them off within 15 minutes. Put too much pressure low and behind my jaw. Made me want to push my jaw forward to relieve the pressure.
  3. ultrabike

    ultrabike Measurbator - Admin

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    I haven't had a chance to listen to their first can, but this one was not bad at all.

    Yes, the pressure was quite a bit. I've had worse, but these are not easy in that regard.
  4. GelockS

    GelockS Friend

    Sep 28, 2015
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    I actually find them comfortable! But that's probably because of my longish shaped horse face! Lol

    Decent set though.
    Pretty sure we will see these priced at less than $200 soon!
  5. ultrabike

    ultrabike Measurbator - Admin

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    Actually they are now available for about $250 online. You can get them in black as well. Not bad indeed.
  6. Lyander

    Lyander Official SBAF Equitable Empathizer

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    Hi @ultrabike! Sorry for necroing this thread, but would you be able to compare these to the DT880 from memory? Asking about the Beyers since they seem to share some characteristics, but HD650 or TH-X00 works too since I'm familiar with both :)

    Been looking for a commuter closed-back, and these piqued my interest. The recessed mids look a bit excessive, the TH-X00 is about as much as I can take in that regard, but I'm mostly worried about the 5-6kHz stabbing. Distortion actually looks nicer than expected.
  7. ultrabike

    ultrabike Measurbator - Admin

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    I'll see what I can do tonite.
  8. Lyander

    Lyander Official SBAF Equitable Empathizer

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    Appreciate it, thank you!
  9. ultrabike

    ultrabike Measurbator - Admin

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    Brief comparo:

  10. Lyander

    Lyander Official SBAF Equitable Empathizer

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    The similarities to the TH600 are actually pretty uncanny, though it doesn't seem nearly as scattered-sounding. Much obliged! :)
  11. Jinxy245

    Jinxy245 Vegan Puss

    Nov 17, 2016
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    Hey Lyer, I thought I'd chime in since i recently picked up a pair of these relatively cheaply.

    The bass can be a bit much depending on your preferences, but if you have the TH600, I'm guessing that's not a problem for you.

    The mid suckout never bothered me, but it doesn't really bug me on the Elear either. Again, it looks to be less than the TH600, so I'd again guess it wouldn't bother you.

    The treble isn't too sparkly, but that suits me fine, but if you like a lot of treble energy, these might not fit for you.

    Soundstage is surprisingly decent for a closed back, and I found they scale well. They sound great out of my Shanling M2 or Fiio X3 (V1) but they take a nice step up through my MCTH.

    The biggest drawback I've read about is the comfort. It doesn't bother me, but I think I have a relatively small head (my HD600 are usually on the smallest setting). That would be the only caution I'd give.

    IDK about the availability where you are, but they are often pretty cheap used, and (IMHO) worth checking out.

    Let me know if I can give any more impressions or answer anything else.
  12. Lyander

    Lyander Official SBAF Equitable Empathizer

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    TH-X00 Ebony, actually, which seems a bit less bass-heavy and more balanced-sounding than the TH-600? Only ever tried the TH-610 and TH-900 though, and even then only briefly, so can't comment with authority. Oh, and it apparently has the best treble behaviour of the lot of TH-series biodynas.

    I've got a bit of a larger noggin, I've been told, so definitely trying the Lolas out before I buy em, haha. As for treble, I was spoiled by the HD650s and don't think the Lolas are quite a match for it there, but as long as it's not as bad as the TH-900 or similar I should be fine. Just for the record, there's a bit of sizzle on the THX00EB that bothers me on some tracks; I seem sensitive to ~11kHz stuff, which the Lolas look to have a bit of.

    How's the imaging and soundstage compare to the Fostexes?

    Great to hear it goes well with the MCTH, I nearly ordered one before I decided to save up for a Lyr 3 instead. Will probably just be running it out of my mobile for school and stuff, so hoping it doesn't prove too much of a bottleneck.
  13. Jinxy245

    Jinxy245 Vegan Puss

    Nov 17, 2016
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    TBH, I've never heard a Fostex (proper) only the ZMF/MrSpeakers variants so I can't intelligibly comment on that. The Ebony looks to be the best behaved I've seen yes, but I am a sucker for anything with the 'BBC dip' in the FR. I'm sure I'd dig it.

    The 650 & the mods thereof sure have the biggest bang for the buck...I only wish I paid as much attention here before I bought my 600s. I'd like the 650 better for sure. The 11K has never bothered me, but I think I'm more sensitive to the mids overall, so YMMV of course. But yeah, if you can try before you buy for comfort. It opens surprisingly wide, but the clamp can vary I think. I bought mine used so IDK if that plays into it, but it hasn't bothered me.

    From everything I've read, saving for the Lyr3 seems a wise move...It might very well be in my future as well, but I'm in DAC search mode for now. What a hobby.
  14. Lyander

    Lyander Official SBAF Equitable Empathizer

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    To my knowledge, BBC/Gundry dips in the 2-4kHz region are meant to smoothen out the sound, make for a less harsh presentation, so I can understand digging it (IIRC purr1n is a bit of a fan too?). Of course, the dip in the TH-600/Lolas is a bit sharper and more focused in the lower treble region with a spike following just after in what's usually a bit of a problem area. Agh, I'll probably try to buy used and will just sell if it isn't my cuppa tea. Just don't want to waste the money on shipping :p

    The HD650 is amazing, and I've not even heard it out of better-than-mid-fi-gear. I'd nab a pair if I weren't dead-set on saving up for an HD800 or a Nakaya (err, latter is a non-audio thing).

    Just got a nice DAC off a really cool guy on here, so at least I'm set for that. Lyr 3 before HD800 it is :p

    Thanks, Jinxy!

    Huh, this is as good an explanation as any I've read. The human ear is most sensitive to frequencies in the "presence" region, so if people adjust volume based on this area low bass and high treble might not be audible as designed? Cool.
    Last edited: Apr 3, 2018
  15. donunus

    donunus Friend

    Oct 18, 2015
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    Is the new mix-it model very similar sonically? Anyone here try them?

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