Whiskey is better!

Discussion in 'Food and Drink' started by JoshMorr, Oct 4, 2015.

  1. zottel

    zottel Friend

    Pyrate Contributor
    Jan 22, 2022
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    Franconia, Germany
    Oh, nice, didn’t notice this thread before.

    I don’t drink much whisky anymore, but there was a time when I did, and I tried a large number of peated whiskies available at more or less reasonable prices, i.e. up to fifty or sixty Euros a bottle. (I never tried supermarket blends and few blends in general, and I don’t like peat + sherry cask, so I left those out. I think I remember that no bottles were left in the online store I bought at that were interesting to me and that I hadn’t tried, but I might misremember that.)

    Yes, I know, there are many left out that cost more, but I refuse to pay more for a drink. :p And at the time (some 10-15 years ago) there were at least some more whiskies available for that price than there are now.

    As you probably gathered, I’m a fan of peated whiskies.

    Ardbeg 10 always was a favourite of mine, but interestingly, the one I still fancy most from a price/performance standpoint comes from a Speyside distillery (but is a peated whisky): Tomintoul Peaty Tang. Not expensive at all, and to my taste buds, it’s just great. Yes, I’ve tasted better whiskies, but this one is a sweet spot to me. A Schiit device of whiskies, so to speak.

    Taste it if you have the chance to!
    Last edited: Jul 4, 2023
  2. Bowmoreman

    Bowmoreman Almost "Made"

    Jun 28, 2023
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    Temple, NH
    Just back last week from a 5 day business trip to Munich. (I get these because I’m the only USA employee in our company who can - reasonably well - speak German). Anyways, transited both ways through Dublin.

    Duty Free for the win,

    Brought back a very nice Midleton at a (relative) steal of a price. It’s the smoothest tipple of any/all I’ve experienced (and no, it’s not better - or worse - than Pappy, or E.H Taylor, or the thousands of amazing drinks available out there). But it is just RIGHT…

    Anyways, had the first tipple just last night (whilst bemoaning the delay in the arrival of the Schiit Skoll phono amp by two days - sniff) and it was wonderful, as remembered.

    Today, in the local NH liquor store: they had one available, sign said “Ask staff”. Price was $50 USD over what I paid.

    Now, to make it, like its predecessors, last another 4 years.

    (Like vinyl, sometimes the whisk(e)y can be joyous in the HUNT)
    Last edited: Nov 20, 2023

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