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Nov 4, 1983 (Age: 40)
Portland, ME

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Friend, Male, 40, from Portland, ME

Pyrate BWC

Watch Tiger King on netflix, best quarantine viewing, thank me later. Mar 22, 2020

JoshMorr was last seen:
Sep 17, 2024
    1. JoshMorr
      Watch Tiger King on netflix, best quarantine viewing, thank me later.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. yotacowboy
        watching tonite!
        Mar 22, 2020
        JoshMorr likes this.
      3. JK47
        So, that's why @spwath was in Florida, to take over for Joe Exotic?
        Mar 22, 2020
        yotacowboy likes this.
      4. JK47
        It’s like a super episode of Jerry Springer. Good gawd!!
        Mar 24, 2020
        JoshMorr likes this.
    2. JoshMorr
      @famish99 thanks for helping people with profile posts. Only improvement would be if we could attach a cable that needs burn in to a post
      1. YMO, JustAnotherRando and gaspasser like this.
      2. famish99
        Copper or silver depending on the type of post?
        Feb 27, 2020
        gaspasser likes this.
    3. JoshMorr
      1. zonto, wbass, Ash1412 and 9 others like this.
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      3. JoshMorr
        Image height was recently brought up by Stereophile. I sit on a lower chaise, perfect height. Laying on a couch might be perfect too. For a chair or sitting up, raising might help. I was trying to discern how raising the speakers would help the bass as they mentioned in stereophile, but no theories on my end.
        Jul 24, 2019
      4. JoshMorr
        There is a showroom in Nashua, Audio Video Therapy, that is a Klipsch Heritage dealer. Bet they might have these setup to try. Met them at last meet, easy to talk to guys who mention they could loan speakers to take home for a night or weekend.
        Jul 24, 2019
        zonto likes this.
      5. zonto
        Love AV Therapy. That's actually where I first heard the speakers on that Parasound integrated. My favorite speakers I've tried there so far are Aerial Acoustics floorstanders, but the larger drivers and much higher sensitivity of the Forte III appeal to me given I own Rag 1. Might need to head back up and try the Forte III on my amp this time, or bring home.
        Jul 24, 2019
    4. JoshMorr
      Its record store day!
      1. Jinxy245 likes this.
      2. JoshMorr
        Celebrating going to stand in line and buy a bunch of records sounds lame, but its actually pretty fun day where im listening to records by 9am all day and ignoring fatherly / husbandy duties.
        Apr 13, 2019
      3. gaspasser
        What are you looking for this year?
        Apr 13, 2019
      4. JoshMorr
        Bill Evans & Wes Montgomery to add to jazz stacks, Greta Van Fleet & Flaming Lips for new music, Gong & The Crow Soundtrack for fun / weird vibes
        Apr 13, 2019
    5. JoshMorr
      1. DigMe, obsiCO and Lyander like this.
      2. DigMe
        Just listened to this for a minute but def has potential and I will listen to more later.. I’m glad because I want to find more Asian bands that I like.
        Dec 4, 2018
        JoshMorr likes this.
      3. obsiCO
        Ahh this is great. There goes my money. Thank you for sharing!
        Dec 5, 2018
        JoshMorr and DigMe like this.
    6. JoshMorr
      Has anyone ever successfully changed hd800 pads without completely crushing them and cursing Dr Von Sennehiser?
      1. Jinxy245 likes this.
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      3. brencho
        Did this recently. Had to f'ing crush them and hurt my delicate fingies.
        Nov 27, 2018
      4. zerodeefex
        Y'all need to just push em on like Big Rhonda.
        Nov 27, 2018
        SoupRKnowva likes this.
      5. Thad E Ginathom
        Thad E Ginathom
        You push them on and they spring off. Apparently, the old ones didn't do that: must be a feature of new-improved-design.

        The internet told me that the answer is to stretch the transparent plastic band to weaken it. That worked.

        Used pliers.
        Nov 28, 2018
    7. Boops
      By random chance, came across your Notorious Thugs Forte 3 vid on youtube. Was clicking absentmindedly when I noticed the amp. Then I realized it was your middle finger in the vid. Too funny.
      1. JoshMorr likes this.
      2. JoshMorr
        Nov 16, 2018
        Boops likes this.
    8. JoshMorr
      Kamasi Washington touring up Northeast - show Wednesday, pumped
      1. elguapo, pedalhead, DigMe and 2 others like this.
      2. brencho
        Beast mode
        Nov 5, 2018
        DigMe likes this.
      3. pedalhead
        Jealous! Saw him at his first London gig a while back. Incredible, you'll love it. Two drum kits. TWO!
        Nov 5, 2018
    9. JoshMorr
      1. bazelio, nithhoggr, BillOhio and 6 others like this.
      2. luckybaer
        Dunno... No one has scolded me, so I'm rolling with my happy headphones and L.A. Rams shirt avatar.
        Apr 7, 2018
        Cspirou likes this.
      3. Cspirou
        This calls for a custom title
        Apr 7, 2018
        nithhoggr and 9suns like this.
    10. Boops
      Any more thoughts on those Fortes? Very interested to hear what you think of them if you've had enough time for the newness to wear off.
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      2. dmckean44
        You can't really have too much speaker when it comes to horns. There's more reflections in smaller rooms so larger horns tend to perform better there because of their better pattern control. Consider the 2-way KI-396 like I have too, Metropolis Lake Outfitters does a special version with in matte black with the flypoints deleted and they're the same price as the Forte III for a whole lot more speaker.
        Mar 23, 2018
        Boops likes this.
      3. JoshMorr
        Im roughly 10 feet away from them in a pretty big room, interesting to hear that they open up further the more you can seperate from them.

        I agree on the lower level listening level, I find it pleasant. Still get bass and detail while listening at around 80db.
        Mar 24, 2018
        bazelio and Boops like this.
      4. dmckean44
        Yeah, it takes some distance for the tweeter to integrate to the mid properly and it's the high frequencies that give you "air".
        Mar 24, 2018
    11. Vansen
      Have you listened to the new (2017) Emancipator album? Worth a listen and somehow I missed it.
      1. JoshMorr and Deep Funk like this.
      2. Deep Funk
        Deep Funk
        Thanks for the reminder.
        Feb 11, 2018
      3. JoshMorr
        This also completely passed me by. In the queue now
        Feb 12, 2018
        bazelio likes this.
    12. JoshMorr
      Oh Shit - New Kamasi Washington album - Harmony of Difference
      1. View previous comments...
      2. pedalhead
        Ooh yes, had it on pre-order for months. 29th Sep release I think?
        Sep 26, 2017
      3. JoshMorr
        Yea comes out Friday, pre ordered as well. Managed to digitally archive it in advance though...
        Sep 26, 2017
        bazelio likes this.
      4. pedalhead
        Have to say, if you ever get the chance to see him, one of the best gigs ever for me. TWO drum kits. TWO.
        Sep 26, 2017
    13. JoshMorr
      MOT learning the hard way everything doesn't get the stamp of approval. If you want good reviews, learn how to make quality competitive gear
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      2. Elnrik
        Yeah, his friend's comments are a bit illogical. Cheap DAC #1 reveals details expensive DAC #2 cannot. A child could make the comparison. FWIW, my TEAC UD503 revealed 5x more detail than the Aries, if you want a non-Schiit point of view. I don't see how being a violin loving Italian vs American has much to do with it (other than showcasing one's own prejudices).
        Sep 19, 2017
      3. Thad E Ginathom
        Thad E Ginathom
        @philipmorgan, thanks. That reads like pure troll to me. It doesn't even seem clever enough to be real shilling. Or... Is that what passes on HF these days?
        Sep 19, 2017
      4. Thad E Ginathom
        Thad E Ginathom
        He did use some technical[?] terms I'm not too sure of...

        violin? planio? orcastrator?

        Heck, what would I know though: I come from Europe.
        Sep 19, 2017
        JoshMorr likes this.
    14. JoshMorr
      Hey NY crew, any recommendations for good record stores?
      1. bazelio likes this.
      2. thegunner100
        Paging @Dr. Higgs. Could try posting in the NY thread for more results as well.
        Aug 20, 2017
      3. Vansen
        If you're driving in via I-84, Gerosa Records in Brookfield,CT is nice.
        Aug 20, 2017
        JoshMorr likes this.
      4. sphinxvc
        Check out Rough Trade Records.
        Aug 20, 2017
        JoshMorr likes this.
    15. JoshMorr
      Eat a peach. RIP
    16. JoshMorr
      1. bazelio likes this.
      2. Mikoss
        Interesting... looks to be mostly lower end mid-fi models. Also interesting that all the HD5 models have slightly different specs. And they're all open backed... I would imagine HD-600/650 > HD-5X9, but maybe these will replace the HD-558/598's.

        edit: Ahh, they aren't all open backed. So three models of open, and a new closed back. The 569 seems to be the most interesting to me. I'd love for a nice closed back 650.
        Sep 2, 2016
      3. Ryu
        Looks like a wireless closed back headphone? Seems pretty nice. Not something I would get excited over.
        Sep 2, 2016
      4. Mikoss
        The PCX 550 is wireless, the HD-569 is wired.
        Sep 2, 2016
    17. JoshMorr
      Going to see M83 live tonight!
      1. bazelio, aufmerksam and jowls like this.
      2. jowls
        Jul 21, 2016
        JoshMorr likes this.
      3. JoshMorr
        It was awesome. Had no idea how much energy they played with. Thought it was a guy and mostly electronic whatever and a girl, but it's 5 PC band where they all multi task play multiple instruments and really rock. Too fun, would def recommended seeking out a show
        Jul 21, 2016
        bazelio likes this.
    18. JoshMorr
      GoT season finale!
      1. bazelio and ultrabike like this.
      2. ultrabike
        I'm so watching this! I think there is some unrest about what's gonna happen between Sansa and Middle Finger.
        Jun 26, 2016
        JoshMorr likes this.
      3. JoshMorr
        Really like this episode, didn't see the arya thing coming. I usually feel like they need to wrap some stuff up, but not disappointed this time around
        Jun 26, 2016
        bazelio and ultrabike like this.
      4. OJneg
        Great episode to wrap up a great season.
        Jun 27, 2016
        bazelio and ultrabike like this.
    19. JoshMorr
      ZMF Tube amp coming?!? Looks like $900 - interesting.... right in the T3 territory
      1. bazelio and MLegend like this.
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      3. JoshMorr
        My guess is someone found a unlinked placeholder page and Zach probably wasn't ready to release / explain all the finer details of the release. Just seems like the $1k tube amp market is going to be competitive.
        Apr 23, 2016
        bazelio likes this.
      4. bazelio
        Well I gotta say that thing looked like it was "hand crafted" with off the shelf parts in someone's garage. But it'll be interesting to see what it materializes in to.
        Apr 23, 2016
      5. JoshMorr
        Thought the same thing. Parts Express case with a wooden face plate. I will rock a fugly amp all day if it sounds good though.
        Apr 23, 2016
        bazelio likes this.
    20. JoshMorr
      1. bazelio likes this.
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      3. PoochZag
        That's a tough sell when Mjolnir 2 is balanced, a heck of a lot more powerful and $100 cheaper. Also output impedance isn't listed
        Apr 14, 2016
        Mikoss and Smitty like this.
      4. dubiousmike
        Ewe. Almost all of the part cost must have been sunk into the chassis on this. The same output transformers are used in things like the $229 miniwatt S-1.
        Apr 14, 2016
      5. Smitty
        @dubiousmike - Seriously? Wow, then this is some serious price-gauging.
        Apr 14, 2016
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    Nov 4, 1983 (Age: 40)
    Portland, ME