Comments on Profile Post by dmckean44

  1. dmckean44
    Need to build some 3" risers to get the horns ear level.
    Feb 9, 2018
  2. monacelli
    Wow that was fast! You posted about hearing those pretty recently right? Must have made quite an impression
    Feb 9, 2018
    dmckean44 likes this.
  3. dmckean44
    They certainly did, they're just voiced so naturally. The K-510 horn is amazing. It made my 3-way Cornscalas sound like the DIY project that they are.
    Feb 9, 2018
    monacelli likes this.
  4. monacelli
    Sweet dude. Components that fit your preferences that well are hard to come by. Glad you found them-
    Feb 9, 2018
    dmckean44 likes this.
  5. dmckean44
    I thought I had gone as far as I could go for now with my Cornscalas because I couldn't fit a bigger horn into my listening space. The K-510 has the dispersion pattern of a much larger horn even though it's small.
    Feb 9, 2018
    monacelli likes this.