Comments on Profile Post by TwoEars

  1. Ringingears
    Are they trying to say that Sinclair is extremely dangerous to our democracy? Not sure if this is a variation on Groupthink or something from “1984”. Frightening is the word that comes to mind. Millions of people being feed a scripted “opinion” word for word presented as individuals opinions.
    Mar 31, 2018
  2. TwoEars
    Little bit of a 1984 warning yes. Opinions are good, just make sure that they are your opinions and not someone else's.
    Mar 31, 2018
    Ringingears likes this.
  3. Ringingears
    I just looked up the definition of propaganda. This seems to fit. Opinions that are sent to news readers are not opinions. They are propaganda. Seeing too much of this in too many places.
    Mar 31, 2018
    TwoEars likes this.
  4. Ringingears
    I’m older, so I remember well when local news wasn’t used this way. In fact it’s still not legal. These stations are using the public airwaves. They wouldn’t have even tried back then because their license would be revoked. There was an equal time rule. It’s was removed in the 80’s. So here we are.
    Mar 31, 2018
  5. Case
    Mar 31, 2018
    TwoEars likes this.