Comments on Profile Post by Jinxy245

  1. Jinxy245
  2. JustAnotherRando
    Worthwhile initial commentary too.
    May 7, 2018
  3. zonto
  4. Jinxy245
    Jason said:
    "both subjectivists and objectivists are wrong on lots of things, at least in my opinion. Both camps have members that get way, way, way too into their dogma, both camps have advocates that really need to chill out and have a beer"

    Brent said just about the same thing in so many words...I'm fairly certain there's right & wrong on both sides.
    May 7, 2018
  5. JustAnotherRando
    That home theatre link got me searching for DIY A/B switches, which got me to DIYAudio, which got me into a long thread there about how someone doesn't believe in relativity and the speed of light being a constant. Disturbingly, couldn't tell if it was joking or serious.
    May 8, 2018
    Jinxy245 likes this.
  6. Jinxy245
    The infamous internet rabbit hole. Start at point 'A', end up at point
    May 8, 2018