Comments on Profile Post by Erikdayo

  1. Lyander
    To be honest I didn't even know it'd be getting an adaptation. Between this and new music, Gerard Way seems to have a lot of new projects up.

    Speaking of: obligatory @Cspirou :))
    Feb 23, 2019
  2. Erikdayo
    I didn’t know either, but I love it.

    The song at the end of the last episode sounds a lot like MCR unlike his first solo album. Doesn’t hurt that it also features the lead guitarist from MCR.

    Edit: didn’t realize that this is a cover of The Bangles.
    Feb 23, 2019
    Lyander likes this.
  3. Lyander
    Haha, I've not seen it yet, it's on the to-watch list. And yeah, the new tracks with Ray Toro were a massive nostalgia hit, haha.
    Feb 23, 2019
  4. Cspirou
    Oh barf. Thanks warning me, i might have accidentally watched it
    Feb 23, 2019
    Erikdayo and Lyander like this.
  5. Lyander
    Booo hater :)))
    Feb 23, 2019
  6. Syzygy
    Feb 23, 2019
    Erikdayo likes this.
  7. Erikdayo
    Good to know. This sounds great. I love all of these versions.

    I think the cover is based on The Bangles version due to the similar intro.
    Feb 23, 2019