Comments on Profile Post by JayC

  1. JayC
    And soon after I discover it, thunderstorm rolls in.

    Glad someone had fun here, but it wasnt me
    Aug 7, 2021
  2. Thad E Ginathom
    Thad E Ginathom
    Bugger. I've had cars broken into for theft of radio etc, but the most depressing is when some idiot just wants to smash something.

    Getting the glass repaired isn't the biggest thing, but you'll be finding bits of glass for ages.
    Aug 7, 2021
    JayC likes this.
  3. Claritas
    A guy is driving to pick his children up at the schoolhouse. But some young hooligan in a Mustang suddenly weaves into his lane, and the poor fella crashes and ends up in the E.R. I was pretty aghast when he told me what'd happened. But then he said, "And I know that it was *God* who made me crash that car. Because, if it had happened just ten minutes later, my kids would both be dead right now."
    Aug 7, 2021
  4. Cryptowolf
    That sucks and the storm was adding insult to injury.
    Aug 7, 2021
    JayC likes this.