Comments on Profile Post by penguins

  1. purr1n
    Assuming same size screen, the moar $ mostly means double SSD storage (512GB to 1TB) and moar cores in CPU for rendering or editing tasks. 16GB memory should be enough for most people unless you run virtual machines.
    Nov 10, 2022
    Cryptowolf likes this.
  2. penguins
    Am looking at the 256GB / 8GB / 8 graphics cores vs 512 / 8GB / 10 graphics cores. Both "on sale".

    Normally 256 runs out in a minute and 8GB isn't quite enough... but mostly used for light computing and when I need a laptop outside. Any serious or more technical work is done on a much beefier PC. If I got the cheaper macbook, the difference would be enough to cover 90%+ of a new CPU for the PC.
    Nov 10, 2022
  3. purr1n
    Go cheapest if you do light computing. 8GB is actually plenty for that. I'm opting for the 16GB+ because of numerous Chrome windows, Microsoft Outlook, Teams, Zoom, VPN, Onedrive, network vulnerability scanners, etc.
    Nov 10, 2022
    Cryptowolf and penguins like this.
  4. Gazny
    256GB is no storage, data will be gone in a few years.
    Nov 10, 2022
    penguins likes this.
  5. penguins
    ^yes, really wish Apple would up it to 1TB minimum. At the same time, when I walked by Apple last week and this week (repairs), every person inside was 60+ other than staff + myself. I can't see most of these users using over 100GB any time soon.
    Nov 10, 2022
  6. Riotvan
    If you want the machine to last several years I'd go with 16gb tbh. Better to have it and not need it. Pricey sure but so is a new laptop half way through it's service life.
    Nov 10, 2022
    ilikebananafudge_ and Gazny like this.
  7. Thad E Ginathom
    Thad E Ginathom
    @penguins ... I'm 70. I have about 1.76 Tb of photos alone. 3 hdd, one 512Gb ssd for the OS and fast access stuff.

    The old have had longer to collect stuff. All of us have histories in digital form now.

    Mind you, I wouldn't use a laptop of any kind as a main machine anyway (and if I did it wouldn't be Apple, but hey, storage is storage.
    Nov 11, 2022
    penguins likes this.
  8. penguins
    ^ You're also more technically adept than the other customers in the store that day based on conversations I overheard and would likely fall outside of the "most" in the store that day.
    Nov 17, 2022
    Thad E Ginathom likes this.
  9. penguins
    Conversations ranged from
    1. I don't know how to turn this on - ma'am this battery icon means you need to charge it first - she then became noticibly agitated
    2. Not believing staff about why the storage needs to be backed up before replacing the phone
    3. Not understanding that the iphone is not the same as their current android phone

    And yes, macbook not used for serious storage.
    Nov 17, 2022
    Thad E Ginathom likes this.
  10. Thad E Ginathom
    Thad E Ginathom
    "You're also more technically adept than the other customers in the store that day"

    True, it was the day job for the last part of my career. I'm modestly clever with computers, including the small one in my pocket.

    Oddly, I'm pretty dumb with /phones./ Just watch me trying to call a new contact or to get the bluetooth in the car working...
    Nov 18, 2022
  11. Thad E Ginathom
    Thad E Ginathom
    ...Still embarrassed at the woman who had to tell me, "This is a video call!" She must have been fed up with looking at my ear wax, which is not my best point, lol.

    But the people who made all this possible belong to generations even older than mine.
    Nov 18, 2022