Comments on Profile Post by wbass

  1. Qildail
    Solaris meets Interstellar meets Apocalypse Now, and somehow missed the better parts of all three.
    May 14, 2023
  2. Azimuth
    The parts that were interesting was not the actual plot of the movie. As soon as Tommy Lee Jones showed up on screen, it sucked from there. The other stuff was cool AF. Like the moon scenes, etc.
    May 15, 2023
    wbass likes this.
  3. wbass
    Yeah, a lot of the visualization of space travel and living is excellent. I like, especially, the Mars stuff, where everyone is just depressed. Interesting mix of dreamy imagery and sudden violence. But the plot is so, so dumb. Every other line of dialogue is a wince. Some cool moments, but they're linked together in the most perfunctory way.
    May 15, 2023
  4. Azimuth
    It's hard to identify with the character's struggles when they are so far out there.
    May 15, 2023