Comments on Profile Post by Ti_Leo

  1. Ti_Leo
    + Points for Deva Pro:
    + Bluetooth thingy compatibility (but why? Opened-back Bluetooth Headphones are weird to me...)
    + Warmer is better.
    + More expensive so it makes me feel more secured.
    Oct 13, 2023
  2. Ti_Leo
    = Equal points:
    = Same painful headbands.
    = Same build.
    = Same cable.
    = Same overall feeling of sound. (Sorry I really don't want to dive deep on these two headphones.)
    Oct 13, 2023
  3. Ti_Leo
    - points for Deva Pro:
    -- I can't use my freaking 3.5mm balanced cable due to the freaking Bluetooth thingy compatibility.
    -- Bad earpads compatibility, not the normal Hifiman ring type pads mounts... Sigh.
    - More expensive for ~ same sound.
    - I don't think I can do easy grill mod on this one.
    Oct 13, 2023
  4. Ti_Leo
    Oh, one more thing (or two), both HE400SE and Deva Pro are the "Stealth Magnets" version. The magnets... are not that D-shape in their promoting materials. It's just like the designer made the bevel width 3x, and that's it.

    I don't know how hard it is to work on magnets, but that doesn't feel "stealthy" enough to me.
    Oct 13, 2023