Hifiman HE-6SE

Discussion in 'Headphones' started by purr1n, Aug 22, 2018.

  1. cameng318

    cameng318 Friend

    Jun 14, 2020
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    I just shared the file for HE400i here. I think there's some issue with the V1 file but I don't quite remember what happened.

    Got distracted from too many other projects between now and then, including a failure to make a thicc diaphragm driver with flex PCB. Now I think an HE6se driver transplant with Verum like pads will be my end game setup. I'll share the info if I ever got make it that far, after finishing the writeups for 3+ other projects though...

    Recall from memory, I think there was a slight difference regarding the magnet array. I end up prefering the outside magnet setup. Earside magnet probably had a little more peaks and dips in the treble.
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  2. Philimon

    Philimon Friend

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    Thanks @cameng318 . Your thingverse link doesnt seem to be working. Maybe its just me. I tried searching thingverse for your cups instead but didnt see either, maybe I missed or used wrong keyword. Saw some other cool Hifiman stuff like pad mount adapters with other cool features, headband parts and adapters, a variety of neat grills, and even waveguides and Audeze style fazors. Cool stuff but mostly Im interested in the effects of altering the baffle+cup. Ive experimented a bit with this idea but your 3DP cups look to be more ideal and neater than the stuff Ive been playing at.
  3. cameng318

    cameng318 Friend

    Jun 14, 2020
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    @Philimon Ah sorry it looks like I didn't click the publish button. Should be fixed now.
  4. Philimon

    Philimon Friend

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    Do you mind sharing more pics of driver installed please? Now that you mention having some issue... The V2 file is an updated / fixed edit of V1 file? Or is it more like one file is Left-side and and other file is Right-side?
  5. cameng318

    cameng318 Friend

    Jun 14, 2020
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    Just dug up the drivers and took the pictures. Hope it helps. I didn't document the installation when I made it. Be super careful with the diaphragm, it could be easily damaged by screwdrivers. The screws were probably 12mm M2.5 screws. The connectors were some random ones in my bin, so I don't have the exact part number for them.

    I think the V1 file had misaligned holes, but I'm not sure. Try V2 first. The left and right are actually the same.

    IMG_20230108_204616.jpg IMG_20230108_204628.jpg
  6. Philimon

    Philimon Friend

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    Thanks @cameng318
    I think I could make that work with a grill.
    I see you did not install the pad mount rings, did they not fit? Or did you opt for a different solution like double sided sticky tape?
    Ive some spare HFM headbands but not sure which will fit. You used the Adorama HE560 style band?
    Last edited: Jan 9, 2023
  7. cameng318

    cameng318 Friend

    Jun 14, 2020
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    Hmmm contray from my memory, it looks like I actually went with magnet on the earside, probably used the magnets as earside grill. I didn't slap a grill on the back, and used the mesh on the side without magnet as the grill instead.

    I didn't make this mod for long term use, as the exposed red wire comes off easily (just came off last night after I took the pictures). I sticky taped the pads onto the black felt. It didn't stick very well, but good enough for temporary experiment.

    I think it was a replacement headband I got from Hifiman store, not sure if they still have it. It looks like what the newer HE560 used. Most of their early headbands kills my head, so I picked the least suffering headband I got in my bin.
  8. Philimon

    Philimon Friend

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    I understand Cameng. Im going to research how to use design program so I can try making some sorta backplate+grill to protect the wiring and driver while using your file as a base if you dont mind. Will attach a fabric layer to grill for dust.

    I printed v1 and it looks fine, no obvious flaw to prevent driver install. Printing v2 to compare now.
  9. Philimon

    Philimon Friend

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    Tinkercad looks simplest…
    V1 and V2 (marked with blue tape) side by side and stacked. I cant tell a difference. I dont have calipers or spare drivers atm for testing. The screw holes line up together too. Ill just print a set of each to be safe.
    edit: Spotted the difference and V1 is a bit off. Looks like this cup is made of two layers. V1’s layers are a tiny bit misaligned. V2 is good.
    Last edited: Jan 14, 2023
  10. Woland

    Woland Friend

    Jan 13, 2021
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    I've bought a HE6se v2 but haven't received it yet. In preparation, I've read through this thread, taken notes, and thought I might save someone else time by summarising highlights from here (and elsewhere when uncontroversial)

    * HE6se can make beautiful audio, but don't expect that out of the box.
    * Prices have varied from USD1600 to a recent USD400 on Adorama. If looking to buy new, it's also worth checking Hifiman's site where HE6SE v1 and V2 open-box is listed at $629. There were many "amazing buy" comments at $700, but less excitement at the further price drops. There doesn't seem to be a lot of transparency about why the price has plummeted 75%.
    * Hifiman doesn't have a great reputation for build quality, and that is reflected in some negative buyer experiences.
    * The amp needs to be powerful. 5W into 50 ohms is a common benchmark, but HiFIMan specify 2W. Many owners favor speaker amps. Hifiman sells an adapter for speaker amps, but it doesn't seem to be loved. The adapter was included with the HE6se V1. Here's a simpler aliexpress banana connector.
    * The included cable is universally despised. The problem seems to be more aesthetic than functional. Alternatives are easy to find and recommendations are all over the place.
    * Acoustics are improved by replacing the grills with more open models, which is very easy to do. Pre-made hex grills are available on ebay or from Arctic Cables, 3D-printable ones are on Thingiverse. @rhythmdevils (ortho-guru) has concerns about open grills letting dust onto the drivers and causing permanent damage. A nylon or acoustic mesh fabric can be added to deal with this, or the dust cover from the original grill can be moved over.
    * The headband has mixed reviews. The Hifiman replacement ones are also not loved. Headband pads or DIY leather slings help.
    * The included pads have mixed reviews. Perforated lambskin ZMF Ori pads and DCA Ether leather angled are a popular replacement. Beyerdynamic 990 pads were mentioned here recently.

    If you'd like this corrected or updated, please message and I'll edit.

    Edit log:
    16 Jan - added Arctic Cables grills and DCA angled pads
    17 Jan - added Aliexpress XLR to banana connectors and tidied language
    3 Feb - changed to 'HE6se' as per what's written on the headphone
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    Last edited: Feb 7, 2023
  11. Philimon

    Philimon Friend

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    @cameng318 Thank you very much for sharing your 3DP cups but Im not going to use them at this time because Im going to be lazy instead. Ill go back to simple closed cell foam to reshape inner cups walls. Playing with Tinkercad was fun though. I remixed and printed some earpad adapters from thingverse and I started working on a companion piece for your cups.
    ^ A quick edit of your stl file. I reshaped the inner cup walls to be angled, shaved down the wall height, and added a cover for the female connector. Stuff to be added: grill, wire channeling, and flat surfaces for the screws.
  12. ShaneD

    ShaneD Facebook Friend

    Apr 13, 2019
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    Wow! I guess that is why I always say, "We all hear differently". I find them a magical combination. And I like to jack the bass boost and 3D sound effects. IMO, the Liquid Platinum had tons of power for them (I think 4.2W @4W), but I found it boring.

    With my Windows volume at 100%, I can't get the Pro iCAN out of low gain. I really do love the combo and would not own the HE6se V2's without this amp.

    To be clear, I do not find this amp to be the most musical, but the power and options equal aural bliss with these headphones, in my case.
  13. Woland

    Woland Friend

    Jan 13, 2021
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    Early surprise from HE6se: It doesn't sound like arse on a lower powered amplifier. It's magnificent on the Vali 2+! That's rated at 1W into 50 ohm, much lower than what's typically suggested for the HE6se.

    Extreme synthesized sub-bass (Pan-sonic's Laptev Sea, for example) causes amplifier over-current protection to kick in (a second of amplifier silence) at moderate listening volumes though. Nothing acoustic has been a problem except that kick-drums sound undefined (Cande y Paulo's Limite En Tu Amor, for example).
    Last edited: Feb 2, 2023
  14. Woland

    Woland Friend

    Jan 13, 2021
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    Johnny is insightful. On Vali 2+, I am "chasing the volume" and finding my ears feel like I've been to a concert because the best tonality is at louder than comfortable volume. Next step was going to be EQ.. I might rest these headphones until I get access to better amps.
    Last edited: Feb 1, 2023
  15. Johnny the Nose

    Johnny the Nose Facebook Friend

    Dec 13, 2022
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    The HE6se V2 was a game I played to live up to its potential. It does scale but I didn't find the game worth it. I understand others may enjoy its bright signature when underpowered. I'm not sure when that magical place is that it is properly powered and it may be less than I experienced. In any case, the amps that can easily power it also are not always the best amps in terms of the fineness I'd be looking for in a headphone amp and so don't pair so well with the rest of a collection.

    In the end, I find planars complicating of my setup. One would do better by sticking to the great dynamics which are more predictably scale-able. My LCD-X also troubles me but I will not give it up. The HE6se - I did.
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  16. Woland

    Woland Friend

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  17. rhythmdevils

    rhythmdevils MOT: rhythmdevils audio

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  18. Woland

    Woland Friend

    Jan 13, 2021
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    Thanks @rhythmdevils . Think of this as an early prototype! I wanted to test the fit, comfort and color and didn't have a flexible filament. To fit the HE6se, the length of the headband was stretched to 1.17x the original file, and was otherwise unchanged.

    Because the band is flat, it is probably better done with a lasercutter than a 3D printer. I don't have one but expect making a headband would be very similar to making a watch band.

    I'm surprised nobody offers well made headband upgrades for headphones! For the HE6se, an aftermarket kit of matched headband, grills+dust screen, cable and carrybag would be fantastic.
  19. rhythmdevils

    rhythmdevils MOT: rhythmdevils audio

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    so the file you linked to was stretched, or you stretched it manually after you printed it?
  20. Woland

    Woland Friend

    Jan 13, 2021
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    The file was stretched in the x-dimension (length) to 117%, keeping the y (width) and z (height) at 100%.

    Since I'm using PLA+ at the moment and it is quite rigid when thick, next prototype will be thinner with z reduced to around 50%.
    Last edited: Feb 2, 2023

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