New Members - Introduce Yourself

Discussion in 'Tales from the Bully Pulpit' started by willc, Nov 15, 2021.

  1. tatsugiri

    tatsugiri Acquaintance

    Jul 19, 2023
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    Hello, I went by "ader" here and "driver 8" on head-fi before that, but I forgot my password and it never actually sends the recovery emails.

    My reference setup for a long time now has been an Auralic Vega and an Eddie Current Balancing Act with KR Px4's and a 1944 tung sol round plate 6sn7, and also a burson conductor acting as a DAC for a shortest way 51+ with Siemens nos tubes as a secondary bedside setup -- most used headphones being the zmf verite w/verite pads, Grado rs1x, and fostex th900 -- but lately I've been most into upgrading digital source gear. I really wasn't getting the most out of the Vega before.
    Last edited: Jul 20, 2023
  2. Sigberg Audio

    Sigberg Audio MOT: Sigberg Audio

    Aug 15, 2023
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    New vendor / manufacturer. I learned about this forum through a thread on ASR. This forum seems .. different, which intrigued me. I'm on any forum as a combination of hifi enthusiast and manufacturer representative. So while I have a not-so-hidden agenda towards world domination, I also genuinely appreciate to both share knowledge and learn from others. I find vendor friendly forums like for instance ASR (and possibly this?) to be refreshing, and positive both for the manufacturers and the members.

    I haven't lurked here very long, so time will tell what my activity level will be, but initially it looks to be a number of interesting discussions (and the most interesting forum rules I've read in a while).

    Personally I've been into hifi all my life, and live in Norway with wife, two kids, two cats and a dog..

    I look forward to contributing! :)
  3. Darkstab

    Darkstab New

    Aug 22, 2023
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    New member here. These days I'm mostly into 2 channel stereo and streaming music due to convenience..but I've done it all from 8 Tracks to CD's, Tubes thru A, AB, D, & G amps. I've never had a truly dedicated Headphone setup or put too much emphasis on Dacs but I've been interested in these things lately and after reading some threads from the outside I figured I would see how y'all kick it and hopefully find some stimulating conversation with helpful knowledge.

    Thanks for letting me in the door
  4. earwax

    earwax New

    Aug 27, 2023
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    vinyl liking, valve breaking, fancy pants speaker listening weirdo with a lifetime history of poor dentistry
  5. gxleetw

    gxleetw New

    Aug 22, 2023
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    Southern swamp
    Hi, long time lurker here. Started the audio journey about 15 years ago soon after getting a job with real pay, but had been a music lover and amateur musician long before that.

    Main system is 2-channel with digital and analog sources being Yggdrasil LIM/OG and heavily customized Linn LP12 with Akiva. Other electronics are in flux these days, but lately had settled with Philharmonic BMR Towers as main speakers (big fan of Dannis).
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  6. joeLr

    joeLr New

    Aug 31, 2023
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    New member here. I stumbled across this forum while researching a couple Schiit products. I've had a little exposure to portable audio though it's been a while since I've used desktop gear. I look forward to learning.
  7. Pabloaguas

    Pabloaguas New

    Sep 1, 2023
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    North Carolina
    Hello! It’s very nice to find this forum. I like the guidelines and culture that is being created here.

    I was recommended to check this forum for Schiit modifications. I’ll post my question in a couple of days.

    My setup is your basic heavily modified SE TT22 amp that was one an Audio Note amp, Speakers are Audio Note K. Source is Schiit Gungnir Multibit. Cables are Cardas. Have an ACI Titan Sub running off a second audio interface. Doing a lot of digital processing to correct the subs lag, the room, etc… all this and crossovers on my MacBook. Then to my DACs.

    Thank you for having me here. Let me know if I’m ever bing that 1% I could use the feedback.
  8. Prince Zirconium

    Prince Zirconium New

    Sep 2, 2023
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    Barely the Bay Area

    I’ve been lurking SBAF regularly for the better part of two years now and I feel like I’ve gotten a basic enough understanding for the lay of the land that I feel like it’s a good enough time to introduce myself.

    I’ve been into audio, particularly headphones/IEMs for over a decade but I flung myself all the way down the audiophile rabbit hole right around the start of the pandemic and I haven’t looked back.

    I’m here because I’ve become increasingly bothered by the lack of actually substantive audio discussion on the internet. This seems like the only community that (for the most part) discusses audio how I think it should be discussed. The best reviewers currently in the hobby either are here, came from here or learned from somebody here.

    I’ve started to become exhausted with the audio discussion that’s either more than surface level discussion or leans way too far in objective or subjective camp. Additionally the amount of detailed reviews and impressions of gear, especially source equipment, that goes beyond just describing the tonal balance in vague descriptors is embarrassingly small.

    In the short amount of time I’ve quietly observed here, there have already been several threads that have changed my trajectory on how I navigate this hobby like: the terminology thread, the budget planning guide, etc. There is no shortage of wisdom here that is thoroughly enriching to my audio journey.

    One of my favorite quotes in the audiophile hobby is from our dearest @Marvey and it’s “Be a “source first” audiophile (the highest level attainable…)” and that’s something I really resonate with. Source gear and amplifiers specifically has always been a point of interest, even back when I was a budding guitarist. So much so that I have considered pursuing it as a profession. The first time I heard a difference in my signal chain was a revelation and shortly later when I heard the HD6XX through an even halfway decent amp cemented the chase in me.

    Additionally I also really jive with a lot of the ethos that resonates here like gear synergy (shout-out to @ChaChaRealSmooth) and having a frame of reference for one’s personal taste when giving impressions. I also absolutely adore the hd650 and hd6XX and there is possibly no other place that shares that sentiment more than SBAF.

    I will continue to introduce myself slowly to avoid looking like some of the complete asshats who jump into threads without feeling out any of the landscape here, or better yet end up banned. And because I’m very much in a period of learning. Because I also realize I haven’t been in the hobby very long and there’s still a world of knowledge out there. So I apologize in advance for being a perpetual question asker or being obnoxiously inquisitive. Audio is just something I'm genuinely fascinated by and this just happens to be the place that has most of the answers I'm looking for.

    The other communities can say what they want about sbaf but it doesn’t change that fact that many of the members here really know what the f**k they’re talking about. As far as I’m concerned this is holy land.

    And lastly, this: is the kind of fuckery I alluded to in regards to *other* audiophile communities. Unfortunately he wasn’t joking. Now listen, I’m a big proponent of mental health and exploring your spirituality, but no amount of meditation is gonna make an HD800 on a THX AAA 789 sound like an HD650 on a Stellaris. Anyways thanks for listening to the ramblings of a borderline madman. Looking forward to talking with you all.
    Last edited: Sep 2, 2023
  9. Bowmoreman

    Bowmoreman Almost "Made"

    Jun 28, 2023
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    Temple, NH
    Excellent intro, @Prince Zirconium

    IIRC, the first time the “source first” mantra/guidance came about was when Linn pushed it for their then-new LP12… so way back in the late 70’s, early 80’s. That philosophy helped guide my journey well; though not once resulting in a Linn product.

    Garbage IN, Garbage OUT. If your source has flaws, and everything downstream is PERFECT (which it never is), you end up with perfectly amplified and presented flaws. (That’s your best case).

    QED (now, but revolutionary back then when it was ALL about Speakers, and then working backwards - believe it or not).
  10. Zardoz

    Zardoz New

    Aug 26, 2023
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    Hello. I'm an unvaccinated refugee from ASR.

    I was told amps and dacs don't matter because science shows only a minority of people can hear a difference. But what confused me is that then I was supposed to join a cheering mob getting excited about picking different amps and dacs with huge price differentials, based on whether the product's noise floor measures 20dB below audible instead of 15dB below audible. From my scientific confusion I sought to understand the Consensus, and innocently asked why some inaudible things would be more important than things that might actually be audible. As I saw the natives picking up stones and rocks, I, coward that I am, decided to run.

    About my musical genres: I only listen to Sine Wave Symphony in B major. It's a 1000 Hz sine wave. The best and only track in my collection. I listen to nothing else, ever, because anything other than a pure sine wave has something called timbral color, which I find unmusical.

    I have some upper mid-fi stuff and have cycled through a bit of it in upgrading. Likely not as experienced as most people here but interested to see a different perspective from the place from whence I fled.
    Last edited: Sep 5, 2023
  11. Bowmoreman

    Bowmoreman Almost "Made"

    Jun 28, 2023
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    Temple, NH
    The pill, once swallowed, can never to “un-taken”… Welcome to sanity
  12. Biodegraded

    Biodegraded Friend

    Pyrate Contributor
    May 28, 2017
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    Vancouver BC
    If you believe that sonic characteristics of electronics can be related to anything other than 1 kHz measurements of SINAD and distortion vs power, you probably also believe that the taste of beer might be related to something in addition to measured ABV & IBU.

    In either case there's no hope for you, so you should immediately give up both listening to music and drinking beer and confine your reading and writing here to the humour, cars, and politics threads. Welcome aboard ;)
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  13. AxeFigo

    AxeFigo Acquaintance

    Sep 7, 2023
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    I'm sorry that I‘m too late to introduce myself. I'm a big music-phile, collecting thousands of CDs with almost all genres, and good composed. Now my headphones is MM500/Grado GH4 and my dac/amp is Yulong Da9. Pleased to meet all you guys, and you're so nice that I decide to sign up an account here.
  14. soundeq

    soundeq New

    Sep 9, 2023
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    Long time audiophile

    I own/ owned quite some great headphones and iems

    My favorites are Susvara, Caldera and Utopia

    Amp: Holo Audio Bliss
    Dac: Gustard R26
  15. MyApocalypse

    MyApocalypse New

    Sep 12, 2023
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    Lakeland FL
    My hobbies span around basic IT niche computers and working on my RX7, enjoying niche anime and vidya, i love the sound of engines and music. Not much to offer but i love the wisdom that exists here! I am awaiting my 2nd high end cans and from there I would love to pitch my thoughts in this forum :D
  16. Joseph Blas

    Joseph Blas New

    Sep 14, 2023
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    Silicon Valley
    Oops, I neglected to introduce myself before I made my first post. Been into audio since I was a teenager, mostly car audio back then. Slowly transitioned more and more over to home audio with an emphasis on headphone listening. Mainly came here since there was a Mjolnir 3 impressions thread and ended up buying one. Loving it so far.

  17. M3NTAL

    M3NTAL Friend

    Sep 27, 2015
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    How do the AKG K612 compare to your car stereo days? I've gone from battery powered walkmans - to multi-kilowatt refrigerator sized enclosures. Place and time for everything - just curious more about your journey. Many of us here have been through DIYMA and previous / alternative car audio forums - before manufacturer direct any-thang.

    Best car audio I've heard was in a box chevrolet s10 - false footwell with JBL 2218's paired up to image dynamics compression drivers mated to custom hidden horns.

    Single cab with blow-through - it's impressive when the air moves so dynamically, and so linear, flat, extended it all is. It isn't about the SPL (unless you compete) but more about reigning in ALL that energy in a single cab.

    Anyways - welcome - system looks like this isn't your first rodeo.
  18. Chris Strakalaitis

    Chris Strakalaitis New

    Sep 14, 2023
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    HI I am Chris from Glendale, WI (suburb of Milwaukee). I am mostly into DAPs - xDuoo, Hiby, but never really found them to be that musical. I still find minidiscs to be musical even though they are quite compressed. I do hate the term 'MP3 player' and avoid any compression. I have senn and audio-technica headphones(my grados got damaged. I seek the best in sound quality - even in my car.
  19. Vanquish

    Vanquish New

    Sep 29, 2023
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    Tempe, Arizona
    Hi, from Arizona here.

    Been a long time lurker(4-6 years) to this forum, am 21 (on the younger side, pls no ban :C). I mainly listen through CD/WEB flacs. My collection isn't large, just etymotic er4xrs and a qudelix 5k plus sundaras as of today, with most my testing done at demo rooms. Hoping to grow it as I get myself an income, next addition is hopefully a black silk HD 600, maybe even JAR mod it.

    I listen to a lot of pop punk, Paramore and Avril Lavigne for the vocals, ed sheeran and also like my instrumentals.

    Hope to make new friends and continue to learn more!
  20. zexk13

    zexk13 New

    Sep 4, 2022
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    United States

    Another long time lurker here who is from SoCal. I'm pretty much a Schiit-head. I initially started out with a JDS Atom as my first headphone amp (per recommendation by ASR). Before that, I mainly listen to my headphones through PC soundcards. I later gravitated toward Schiit's products after trying out their Modi 3 DAC and have been a fan since then. I am also a Multibit DAC addict who currently owns almost all of them except for the venerable Yggdrasil.

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