Pi2AES Mercury Streamer

Discussion in 'Digital: DACs, USB converters, decrapifiers' started by purr1n, Mar 10, 2023.

  1. Baten

    Baten Friend

    Mar 18, 2018
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    Well the graphical EQ is pretty crap honestly. But okay yeah it's there. Supposedly one of the coming updates it'll have full PEQ which will make it really competitive to everything else on the market. if they deliver!
  2. KoruMatt

    KoruMatt New

    Jun 28, 2023
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    Hi Edwyun, thanks for getting back but which forum are you refering to (post597). would you mind sending a link?
  3. edwyun

    edwyun Facebook Friend

    Oct 30, 2020
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    This is what I did for my Mercury V2. Can't guarantee it will work in your setup; could even make things worse and create security issues. YMMV. There may be better ways to make it work. YMMV. Currently, this allows me to use my Windows PC and "view" and even "copy" flac files on the NVME SSD installed in the Mercury V2. But it won't allow me to copy flac files from my Windows PC to the NVME SSD. That would be an easy way for adding new music to the Mercury V2. I've been trying to do so using SAMBA share but so far I haven't been successful (seems to be a permissions or volumio issue). Maybe someone with more Linux/Volumio abilities can help. Interestingly, the default "internal storage", "nas", and "usb" folders in volumio SD card do show up in Windows explorer and I can copy flac files from my Windows PC to those folders on the SD card.

    1. Use Balena Etcher to copy the Volumio image to SD card.
    - Use web browser to setup volumio.
    - Follow setup instructions and set DAC = HiFiBerry Digi+ Pro.

    2. Allow SSH mode in Volumio:
    - Use web browser to go to: http://volumio.local/dev
    - Click the button for “Enable” SSH.

    3. Create NVME SSD (I did this in Windows):
    - Create 1 partition.
    - Format in FAT32 so it can be read in Windows and Linux/RPi (may take a while).
    - Save your folders and flac files to the NVME SSD.
    - Install the NVME SSD in Mercury V2.

    4. Log into SSH via puTTY:
    - For host name or IP address, type: volumio.local
    - For login, type: volumio
    - For password, type: volumio

    5. Identify partitions and mounting points:
    - Use the command: lsblk
    - You will see a list of partitions. Note the partition and name of the NVME SSD (e.g., nvme0n1p1).

    6. Create a shared directory for the mount point.
    - Use the command: sudo mkdir /mnt/[YOURNVME]
    - For [YOURNVME], choose any name you want as your mount point.

    7. Mount the NVME SSD drive to the mount point:
    - Use the command: mount /dev/[nvme0n1p1] /mnt/[YOURNVME]
    - For [nvme0n1p1], use the name of your NVME SSD in step #5 above.
    - For [YOURNVME], use the same name your chose in step 6 above.

    8. For volumio, you need to link the NVME SSD to the music folder:
    - Use the command: sudo ln -s /mnt/[YOURNVME] /var/lib/mpd/music/[YOURNVME]

    9. Update the database:
    - Use the command: mpc update

    10. Update the /etc/fstab file to mount the NVME SSD automatically at boot:
    - Use the command: sudo nano /etc/fstab
    - Add the following line, assuming FAT32 format:

    /dev/[nvme0n1p1] /mnt/[YOURNVME] vfat auto,user, rw 0 0

    - Exit and save changes to fstab.

    11. Update the smb.conf file:
    - Use the command: sudo nano /etc/samba/smb.conf
    - Add the following to smb.conf:

    comment = NVME SSD
    path = /mnt/[YOURNVME]
    read only = no
    guest ok = yes

    - Exit and save changes to smb.conf.

    12. Restart to apply the changes:
    - Use the command: sudo systemctl restart nmbd
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    Last edited: Jul 26, 2023
  4. chrisc

    chrisc New

    Jan 2, 2017
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    Received the Mercury V2 from a friend and loaded Volumio on the SD card. It started and I saw the IP address of

    Have Volumio on an iPad. It connected and loaded the contents of a SSD attached

    The folder list appeared and I was able to play. All went well for about an hour

    Then when I tapped the <- arrow at top left, a white circle appeared with a rotating green line. Its been doing this for about 14 hours now

    I can login using a web browser (Brave) on a Windows PC. Might there be a problem with the iPad app?
    Using Safari shows Music Library but tapping this shows USB and it won't open
  5. chrisc

    chrisc New

    Jan 2, 2017
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    Question 2:

    What is the difference between the various DACs listed under Playback Options?

    Thank you. Getting there...
  6. Michael Kelly

    Michael Kelly MOT: Pi 2 Design

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    Does not matter, you can’t use any of them! In the context of that menu, DAC refers to what is attached directly to the compute module I2S bus, not an external DAC outside of the box.
  7. Michael Kelly

    Michael Kelly MOT: Pi 2 Design

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    using the IP address to access is risky because your router might change that IP when the board reboots or does some other activity. I would suggest using volumio.local instead of the IP address.

    You can also use your tablet phone to browse for the Wi-Fi access point that volumio creates. Then you could go to Volumio.local and set up the Wi-Fi router and password which is not something that will be changed because you are telling the box to connect to your router.
  8. chrisc

    chrisc New

    Jan 2, 2017
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    Unfortunately, after it stopped working (not playing music) it seems to have died completely. I recopied the SD card, inserted this into a USB drive, bought a new Samsung 32Gb EVO SD card and also flashed a new USB drive with the volumio_3.396_mercury_ant.img file, all to no avail

    The monitor I attached shows no signal. It is using a linear PSU with exactly 12.0V out

    Normally, the two lights adjacent to the LAN socket start to flash
  9. Michael Kelly

    Michael Kelly MOT: Pi 2 Design

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    send an email to [email protected]. If you need to send it in for repair that will be no charge. Just cover shipping to us. Will cover shipping back to you after we either repair it or replace it.
  10. chrisc

    chrisc New

    Jan 2, 2017
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    It's been fixed. The voltage regulator was replaced.

    Thank you kindly for your offer
  11. Michael Kelly

    Michael Kelly MOT: Pi 2 Design

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    I love it when I don’t have to do anything!
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  12. That St Kilda Guy

    That St Kilda Guy Acquaintance

    Jul 15, 2021
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    Great writeup Edwyun.
    Would anyone have the setup configuration for SSD within RopieeXL?
    I'm still having a bit of trouble

  13. wric01

    wric01 New

    Nov 18, 2021
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    Volumio config on fstab: For those of us with Windows and NTFS/FAT32 swapping in and out ssd into the Mercury.
    99% of the time if gets stuck/not booting then you just need to attach keyboard and hdmi to your monitor onto mercury.
    login password volumio, get to prompt and fix your fstab so you don't waste 20+ minutes restoring your sdcard.
    once in prompt: sudo nano /etc/fstab ( to correct it)
    mine for example just delete the "vfat auto,user, rw 0 0"

    /dev/[nvme0n1p1] /mnt/[YOURNVME]

    - Exit and save changes to fstab.
    Last edited: Mar 26, 2024
  14. Michael Kelly

    Michael Kelly MOT: Pi 2 Design

    Apr 22, 2016
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    Just a quick post to let everybody know that mercury V3 is shipping. We've got a few issues still to work out on the documentation, as well as getting the various OS images the way we want. One item that cropped up was we originally were going to use a Micro SD card extender to bring the SD card from the raspberry pi socket to the back panel. Unfortunately, they proved to be less than reliable and we had to abandon that. The units shipping now you'll have to take the front panel off to replace the SD card if needed. We're going to make a simple Pcb that will extend it directly to the front panel and that will be very reliable. But that'll probably be another 3 to 4 weeks.

    As always, that's just some of the joys of product development!
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  15. yotacowboy

    yotacowboy McRibs Kind of Guy

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    I just want to say thank you for being such a supportive and transparent MOT, you truly are an exemplar!
  16. chrisc

    chrisc New

    Jan 2, 2017
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    What audio improvements would one expect from version1 and version 3 of the Mercury?
  17. Michael Kelly

    Michael Kelly MOT: Pi 2 Design

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    V3 uses the same core design but does have a noise filter (mini noise nuke) for the power supply input.

    The primary motivation was the supply issues we were having with compute module.
  18. purr1n

    purr1n Desire for betterer is endless.

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    Sep 24, 2015
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    I got the Mercury 3 DAC / Streamer and finally set it up. The built-in noise nuke is a super nice enhancement. I assume that the case is a bit taller because of the noise nuke built into it. The sound is very much like my ET-3 CD transport - fluid, stately, controlled - to the point where I feel that I wouldn't need it purely for sound (I like the sound of certain kinds of transports). However, I like physical media, so there.

    The surprise is that when comparing to Holo Audio Red apples-to-apple (using wired Ethernet, no special protocols, just Roon), I preferred the sound of the Mercury 3. This was with either Gungnir A2 -> EC 45 Custom -> HD800 or Gungnir A2 -> Saga 6SN7 -> Aegir - STAX X9000. The Holo Audio Red's presentation was a smidge warmer with more energetic upper mids and grainier highs. I didn't feel there was an loss in technicalities in the Mercury 3 compared to the Holo Audio Red.

    I would be curious so try the Pi2AES Mercury 3 via WiFi to see if any changes in sound - keeping in mind that the two products are somewhat different, with the Mercury 3 having both WiFi and hard-wired options, and the Holo Red (hardwired only), but with Red OS offering hardcore tweaker offerings such as HQPlayer NAA

    I would also be curious to try other DACs, namely the the more mellow Gungnir 2 (or Rockna Wavedream). I suspect I am liking the pi2AES Mercury 3 more because of component synergies and preference.

    The rest of y'all, feel free to suggest ideas, stuff for me to try, questions, etc. I will likely cover my thoughts in a YT video. I find that it's easier for me to express in spoken words.
  19. dasman66

    dasman66 Self proclaimed lazy ass - friend

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    Mar 13, 2018
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    I wonder is the improvement due to the noise nuke or is something else at play? Good test could be comparing the mercury 3 vs a regular ol' Pi2AES (with noise nuke) vs v1 mercury (with noise nuke)... Maybe I should finally build a noise nuke and see if I can hear a difference...
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  20. Michael Kelly

    Michael Kelly MOT: Pi 2 Design

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    it is my understanding that HQ player will run just fine on mercury. Since underneath it is a raspberry pi 4. The digital audio circuitry is fully compatible with the pi2aes and I have seen several mentions of HQ player with that set up.

    If someone would point me in the right direction, I would be happy to test it out and then offer an image? Not really sure how HQ player manages their business model.

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