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Jun 1, 2024 at 1:04 AM
Sep 26, 2015
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Northern Colorado

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Friend, Male, from Northern Colorado


BT speaker for my car? My car stereo basically sucks, how 'bout a single BT powered speaker for the back seat. <$100 ideas? Apr 29, 2024

bixby was last seen:
Jun 1, 2024 at 1:04 AM
    1. bixby
      PBS soundbreaking episode 4 going electric ......epic
      1. Josh83, Jinxy245 and philipmorgan like this.
    2. bixby
      ..or actual force, as opposed to peaceful relations, in efforts to safeguard what it perceives as its national interests
      1. GoodEnoughGear and E_Schaaf like this.
    3. bixby
      Word of the day-Jingoism is nationalism in the form of aggressive foreign policy, such as a country's advocacy for the use of threats
    4. bixby
      Sad, another Kennedy, granddaughter of Robert, died today at 22 years of drug overdose. Too many young folks dying.
      1. hikergrl, Case, elguapo and 3 others like this.
      2. Lyander
        Substance abuse is a social problem that there's really no one answer to. It's always... horrifying to hear of someone else dying of an OD.
        Aug 1, 2019
        Deep Funk likes this.
      3. ChaChaRealSmooth
        I read that as "died after 22 years of drug overdose." Whiskey goggles man...horrible news anyhow
        Aug 2, 2019
      4. elguapo
        Very sad. She apparently suffered from depression. It's common for people with mental illness to self medicate.
        Aug 2, 2019
        Case likes this.
    5. bixby
      I am not a big sports follower but US Track & Field on NBC with 1 world record falling already is FUN! These folks are amazin!
      1. Skyline likes this.
    6. bixby
      Restroom hand dryers average 100db with dyson airblade at 121 db at childrens height. Yes it can eff up their hearing.
      1. Deep Funk, Syzygy, Ash1412 and 4 others like this.
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      3. JustAnotherRando
        Jul 9, 2019
        SoupRKnowva and Lyander like this.
      4. yotacowboy
        Little known fact: God invented pants to wipe your hands on them.
        Jul 9, 2019
      5. DigMe
        Jul 9, 2019
    7. bixby
      Way to go USWNT, you did it again, we are so proud of you all!
      1. rott, Jinxy245, Kunlun and 3 others like this.
      2. jexby
        and USMNT tonight vs. Mexico in Gold Cup Final.
        Jul 7, 2019
        DigMe and bixby like this.
    8. bixby
      Jony Ive leaving Apple, yawn, who cares!
      1. gaspasser likes this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. Lyander
        Hah! My bad, I got roped into the tech hype conversation all over again and some things just stuck.

        As for the shitting in their own cereal, that's just my way of saying they shot themselves in the foot. Er, figuratively of course, not literally.
        Jun 29, 2019
      4. Syzygy
        Their stock dropped 1% on the news. Jony Ive is perceived to be a big deal.

        But he's starting his own firm and it will do contract design work for Apple.
        Jun 29, 2019
      5. Thad E Ginathom
        Thad E Ginathom
        Well, people care very much about how their phone looks, and if said phone is also the membership card for a cult --- Apple!

        But, grudgingly, I guess I have to admit that they have a place in industrial design history.
        Jun 30, 2019
    9. bixby
      First time in over 10 years with no drought areas at all in Colorado. So today mother nature tosses up a 98 degree day.
      1. philipmorgan and Jinxy245 like this.
    10. bixby
      Anyone in the US using Tutanota email? Likey?
      1. View previous comments...
      2. bixby
        need to look into protonmail, obviously, thanks folks
        Jun 19, 2019
      3. SoupRKnowva
        I’ve been using fastmail for the last several years and have no complaints
        Jun 20, 2019
        StageOne and bengo like this.
      4. Syzygy
        The only downside to Proton currently (for me), is that the Android app only supports a single email account, so for alts on mobile you have to login using a mobile browser.

        IIRC, the most recent community survey put a pretty high priority on correcting that.
        Jun 20, 2019
    11. bixby
      What's your take on wheel alignments, getting new tires today, but really don't see evidence of alignment issues?
      1. View previous comments...
      2. bixby
        Thanks guys, My grandpa driving style must be helping. They did an alignment check and it is within spec, no issues. 6 years and all is well. If it was off just a bit they would have wanted to take my money.
        Jun 12, 2019
      3. Ringingears
        Glad to here it. I have the alignment checked if the wear is weird. Or if we have a lot of potholes due to construction and rain.
        Jun 12, 2019
      4. zonto
        Like @Hands, every year or two in Boston. I’ve found my dealership typically underinflates my tires too.
        Jun 12, 2019
    12. bixby
      RIP - Dr. John
      1. Syzygy, hikergrl, OldDude04 and 7 others like this.
      2. Thad E Ginathom
        Thad E Ginathom
        Oh, that's sad to hear. No more Night Tripping.
        Jun 7, 2019
    13. bixby
      Trump friends in CO selling conceal carry purses are pissed about tariffs on their Chinese imports of purses. Only on FOX
      1. Jinxy245 likes this.
      2. Cspirou
        May 21, 2019
      3. Deep Funk
        Deep Funk
        So making their own products is too hard for them? Well if you want a trade war that is what you get. Oh right, reading a good history book is too much effort. Blame others for your own stupidity and sell it for advertising Dollars. Sorry, just had coffee. Black humour, black beans, good for the mind...
        May 22, 2019
      4. YMO
        I thought they were pro business. Not in my book.
        May 22, 2019
    14. bixby
      ruh roh, Grumpy Cat has died
      1. netforce
        Rip $100m

        Rest well my grumpy meme cat
        May 18, 2019
      2. DigMe
        RIP, Asshole.
        May 18, 2019
        Thad E Ginathom likes this.
      3. Deep Funk
        Deep Funk
        Oscar the Grouch is alone now. We need a new saint for the Mondays. Garfield is not grumpy enough...
        May 18, 2019
    15. bixby
      1. Azimuth likes this.
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      3. Elnrik
        Yep, clicking to open in new tab does make the icon show, but only for sites that don't configure their own icon
        May 10, 2019
        bixby likes this.
      4. Elnrik
        Riva's site has a red R, for example.
        May 10, 2019
      5. bixby
        thanks, here I thought that scary globe was an sbaf logo, haha, sorry.
        May 10, 2019
    16. bixby
      Anyone have a link to a code to do longer than 14 day Roon Trial?
    17. bixby
      thumbing my nose at the thought of another bomb cyclone, haha
    18. bixby
      I rarely watch basketball but Texas Tech is entertainment, WOW!
      1. jexby likes this.
      2. jexby
        any team that puts fichigan back in their hole is good by me. eat it @brencho
        Mar 28, 2019
        bixby likes this.
      3. brencho
        Yeah Michigan ate it. Cspirou and i were joking that I'd be more upset at your joy than by Michigan defeat hahaha
        Mar 28, 2019
        bixby, Cspirou and jexby like this.
    19. bixby
      twitter on event like Viking Sky incident, repeating 2k effing posts even if incorrect, potus much
    20. bixby
      1. Kunlun, Elnrik and jexby like this.
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      3. jexby
        um, yes. to the blood sausage. seconds please.
        Mar 16, 2019
        Cspirou and bixby like this.
      4. Cspirou
        Corned beef & cabbage = keto

        Beef = not keto

        Mar 17, 2019
      5. bixby
        Fennel dusted pork loin roast w/ cabbage and balsamic gravy
        Mar 17, 2019
        jexby likes this.
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    Northern Colorado