Schiit Modi Multibit 2 Discussion

Discussion in 'Digital: DACs, USB converters, decrapifiers' started by purr1n, Dec 25, 2022.

  1. Poimandres

    Poimandres Acquaintance Contributor

    Apr 18, 2020
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    Has anyone tried NOS mode? It doesn’t specifically say in the manual but mine appears to continuously pulse the led when in this mode.

  2. Tone?

    Tone? Acquaintance

    Dec 23, 2022
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    The Bifrost 2/64 pulses in NOS mode as well.

    it’s supposed to , so I’m assuming it’s the same

    Hope that helps
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  3. Ksaurav402

    Ksaurav402 Friend Pyrate Contributor

    May 7, 2019
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    quoting from Schitt
    Hey, I’ve heard tales of legendary ancient multibit chips lovingly foraged and repurposed into amazing NOS D/A converters, how about those?
    Oh, you mean the ones using the old Philips chips pulled from used gear? Yeah, those exist. There is a giant gulf between the bespoke implementation of Modi Multibit 2's True Multibit architecture and those DACs. But if you want NOS, just press and hold the input button on Modi Multibit 2. The input light goes into a slow pulsing mode, and you’re all set for NOS.
  4. M3NTAL

    M3NTAL Friend Pyrate

    Sep 27, 2015
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    Hope this question can fit in this thread without derailing - Are there any other DAC's in this general form factor and price that competes with the Modi in overall system satisfaction. I know they are flavor to your system, but there are tangible differences both good and bad in all DAC's.

    The two I know of that get an overall positive reception are Gesheli JNOG J2 and AMB y2. JDS labs maybe? I don't see much about them though.

    I feel like there is an almost unneeded excitement around multi-bit DAC for the sake of having that filter. I've only heard the Yggdrasil and I didn't really notice a unique flavor that my SFD-1 produces or the Pvanne I heard. I've briefly heard the Soekeris, but it was too short to really give it a fair opinion.
  5. Merrick

    Merrick A lidless ear Pyrate

    Jan 6, 2016
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    In this price bracket, the ifi Zen DACs?
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  6. Northwest

    Northwest Almost "Made" Contributor

    Nov 11, 2016
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    I spent the day talking to family and friends looking for a CD transport boombox,anything with a S/PDIF, however the trend seems to be that something or other stopped working years and ago and whatever they had was thrown out. I don't think I can get anything with S/PDIF quick enough during the return window.

    I'm coming to the realization that I've been hanging on to USB a bit too long, and need to look for a different option. There seems to be more options for Network streamers since I was last active, and I need to look into that more.

    All the led lights on the table are definitely a problem. I had to put a Modi on the Piety because it's such a night light.
  7. wkw

    wkw Facebook Friend Contributor

    Mar 18, 2018
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    Try thrift store shopping for a transport.
  8. Azimuth

    Azimuth FKA rtaylor76, Friend Pyrate

    Nov 9, 2015
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    Modi MB2 landed. Initial impressions is that this IS an improvement on the original Modi Multibit. Better cleaner lows, not muddy, better clarity all around.


    The highs are not super bothersome to me, even on Piety. They are kind of "sweeter" and the overall tone and presentation remind me of the old PCM56 chip found in the old Denon CD players. Those chips were a multibit 16-bit chip and just had a pleasant sound and not the last word on details. I can almost close my eyes and see a CD spinning through the window.

    For you modder types ( myslef), it is actually a little less brighter than the 1656 modded Modi's. I think the modded ones still have a bit better controlled textured bass and hellatious dynamics, and make this MB2 sound smoother, softer, with a kind of sweeter top end.

    And yes, it does have more resolution and clarity than the Modi 2U.
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  9. Poimandres

    Poimandres Acquaintance Contributor

    Apr 18, 2020
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    I spent quite a bit of time listening to the Modi Multibit 2 in NOS mode last night. I have never been one to hear the differences in soundstage or instrument placement. Perhaps it’s because I am typically multitasking while listening and not really focusing on the music or perhaps it is the mimby2.

    I was listening to Jim Croce’s - 24K gold in a bottle (DCC remaster) last light and it sounds like Jim is right in front of me, about eyeball level perhaps a little higher. The instruments a little lower in their own space. It was the best sense of 3d I think I have ever heard from a headphone, albeit the sound stage was a little closed in like they were in the same room with me (this may be the recording). The bass is much harder to place and almost seems like it is coming from behind me, I found it very hard to pinpoint. I don’t think I have ever heard Croce or his guitar picking sound this good.

    I am looking forward to pairing this with a different amp as I believe the THX887 isn’t doing me any favors in this setup, especially with the 3d soundstage and the limited power to the HE6SE V2.

    The Modi Multibit 2 may very well be my gateway into other R2R dacs. Not to derail but I was thinking of picking up a 2/64 but have read a lot of mixed reviews about it. Has anyone heard the Denafrips Ares 12th?
  10. Armaegis

    Armaegis Friend Pyrate BWC

    Sep 27, 2015
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    I swear, I tried reaching into the screen to nudge the stack because it's leaning to the left...
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  11. Poimandres

    Poimandres Acquaintance Contributor

    Apr 18, 2020
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    Lol, that is quite the stack for sure. Switching over to black? My Jot OG and Modius OG are but I recently went back to silver.
    Last edited: Dec 28, 2022
  12. Poimandres

    Poimandres Acquaintance Contributor

    Apr 18, 2020
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    Was just over on the Schiit happens thread and this Modi Multibit definitely appears to be a limited run as it seems a Modi Multibit based on the TI chips is in the works, after this run it seems it may be awhile before they are back.
    Last edited: Dec 28, 2022
  13. ecline56

    ecline56 Almost "Made" Contributor

    Dec 21, 2021
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    Hey Azimuth I have been waiting for your input as I respect your knowledge and the easy to understand way you present that information.

    I fell better about the MM2 now. Interestingly, I have a modded Bifrost OG with 1656's in the IV and 2156's for the DC offset coming Friday and that will help my understanding of this brightness/ increased clarity change. I followed all your posts in the Hacking Schitt thread and with member caute's input I decided to buy the modded Bifrost OG instead of the new MM2.

    Depending on what I think after I get the modded BF OG I may go ahead and get a MM2 because they may not be available much longer.

    That said what does .... The highs are not super bothersome to me mean?
    Last edited: Dec 28, 2022
  14. Azimuth

    Azimuth FKA rtaylor76, Friend Pyrate

    Nov 9, 2015
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    MB2 has slightly sharper highs than stock Modi Multibit. But I felt it helped increase speed and clarity on top. Marv was not too much of a fan I guess and hinted some may not like it or have as much synergy with Piety. MB2 is still rather soft overall, especially in the bass. The bass feels a bit loose.

    The modded stuff it a different bag and fewer are familiar with their sound. For those that are, the 1656’s are more dynamic and exciting in the old Modi MB or Bifrost MB. I think the Modi MB2 is kind of an in-between where there is an increase in clarity without trying to sound to aggressive. I’d rather have a bit more of those dynamics and clear up some of slightly hazy mids as the MB2 is pretty laid back overall.
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  15. joch

    joch Friend Pyrate Contributor

    Oct 8, 2015
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    the other side of the big ocean
    The 2/64 seems to own this space at this price bracket and the “cons” are maybe part and parcel of an otherwise well received DAC.

    If you can stretch your budget, maybe consider the Gungnir (which also has its own detractors, and fans). Or a Soekris.
  16. Azimuth

    Azimuth FKA rtaylor76, Friend Pyrate

    Nov 9, 2015
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    Just to clarify, the TI chip change is for the DSP chip and not the DAC chip. Only because of DSP part shortages. This should not make any change in sound as this is like changing processors from Intel to AMD.
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  17. ssmith3046

    ssmith3046 New

    Dec 26, 2019
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    I love my NOS Pro-ject Dac Box FL. When those four TD1543 chips get cooking it hits the sweet spot. My original Modi multibit isn't going anywhere.
  18. Tone?

    Tone? Acquaintance

    Dec 23, 2022
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    Clue me in to what mods are done to Schiit DACs please ?
  19. Azimuth

    Azimuth FKA rtaylor76, Friend Pyrate

    Nov 9, 2015
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  20. purr1n

    purr1n Desire for betterer is endless. Staff Member Pyrate BWC

    Sep 24, 2015
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    Not bright. I'd say the Modi MB 2 is voiced neutral. In this sense, it is brighter than Modi MB 1. I wanted to make clear the different voicing - to set correct expectations for those who may have wanted the same tonal signature as a Modi MB 1, but better technicalities.

    ^ This.

    MB2 is crisper, more articulate. It's voiced similarly to Modi+. Modi+ may even be a tad warmer, or perhaps MB2 is less rich. (It does sound richer and more relaxed) after being left on a few hours) MB2 is more resolving, particularly spatially, and is less one-note bass than Modi+ (the Sabre stuff tends to smear the lows).

    I would think of the MB2 as a better Modi+ as opposed as a better MB1.

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