Schiit Modi Multibit 2 Discussion

Discussion in 'Digital: DACs, USB converters, decrapifiers' started by purr1n, Dec 25, 2022.

  1. purr1n

    purr1n Desire for betterer is endless.

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    Been keeping my thoughts to myself. I've had a few PMs. Let's discuss with those who got them.

    DSCF0303 (Large).JPG

    P.S. Or just ask me questions. (I've already traded notes with other members).


    For entertainment purposes only. May not reflect your own personal reality.
    Important Note: Modius above is Modius E.
    tl;dr: Think of the MB2 as a better Modi+ rather than a better MB1.
    Last edited: Jan 3, 2023
  2. YMO

    YMO John Bomber

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    So what the hell is it?
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  3. 3X0

    3X0 Friend

    Jan 31, 2016
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    Starting with some (maybe obvious, definitely overly general) ones:

    1. How does it compare against the previous Modi Multibit (stock and with opamp mods)?
    2. How about against the Bifrost 2 (OG and 64)?
  4. Lyander

    Lyander Official SBAF Equitable Empathizer

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    I've been hearing talk of the Bifrost 64's apparently having fairly noticeable treble hashiness-- tangentially off-topic but how bad is it relative to the original Bifrost, and does the new Modi MB 2 not have this? Fingers crossed. Also wondering how good depth layering and lateral image delineation are relative to the other lower-end Schiit MB DACs (mostly the stock configuration OG Bifrost again, but I know that's an unpopular one).
  5. purr1n

    purr1n Desire for betterer is endless.

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    Sep 24, 2015
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    I prefer the OG Modi Multibit with OPA2156 or OPA1612 in IV (the latter for more "neutral" presentation). The reason is that the OG MMB was dark sounding. The opamps above fixed the bloated "300B" bass and lower mid issues most had with it, reducing veil and marginally resolving capability. The OPA2156 (actually used in later runs) maintained that bit of syrup. The OG MMB was never all that resolving, but as the entry level DAC in the Schiit multibit lineup, resolving capability was not necessarily what I was looking for. The "Classic R2R" sensibilities of the OG MMB was what made it special.

    There's the argument between NOS (with aliasing) and OS sound. For me, the OG MMB was a cheap way to tend toward the the NOS direction without going "full-retard" (don't mean this necessarily in a bad way) to NOS via Abbas, $7000 boutique, or DIY TD1541 DACs. It was also x4 oversampling, so I think @Hands was on to something here with preferring x2 or x4 oversampling.

    This doesn't mean the Modi Multibit 2 isn't as good. In fact, is better in every way technically. It's thoroughly what I would consider the modern "Reborn R2R" sound. It's tricky because it's a matter of expectations and brand. The brand of Modi Multibit meant a certain kind of sound to me - part of this is because the Modi Multibit lasted for soooo long. Haha, maybe @CEE TEE can bring the OG version back via Nitsch. o_O

    I do think most people used to delta-sigma DACs will take to accepting the Modi Multibit 2 much more easily.

    It's just the new one throws everything out of the water with certain magical / synergic setups: Modi MB (OPA2156) + Piety (noting many folks found the Piety highs too solid-state). There was a reason why that Piety amps were set up this way at the Texas Audio Show this summer of 2022. (Now watch someone auction off an OG MMB with OPA2156 for $500 on Ebay).

    No low-to-high cohesion or treble issues of Bifrost 2/64 in the MMB 2. It is brighter than OG MMB, but the old one was as I said, a bit dark sounding.
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    Last edited: Dec 25, 2022
  6. Azimuth

    Azimuth FKA rtaylor76, Friend

    Nov 9, 2015
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    Is this all because Modi Multibit 2 is 8x oversampling and now the turn is towards a sharper sound?

    And if it is this sharper sound, what is the culprit? OPA1656, JFET buffer, CS input chip?

    I do know the input chip is not listed in the specs and we all know Schiit is not using AKM chips and that includes the AK4113 input chip. Although Schiit was smart and you can still find those in Gungnir, Bifrost, and Yggdrasil. It is now a Cirrus Logic input chip on the Modi +, Modius, and Modi 2 Multibit that is not listed.

    I do know the 1656 was more preferred by myself in the Bifrost MB and Modi MB as I thought it did pick up a bit more resolution at the expense of being a bit forward and having a slight bite in the highs. It just felt like a slammy kind of chip.

    My Modi MB2 will arrive in a few days, but I thought I would ask.
    Last edited: Dec 25, 2022
  7. purr1n

    purr1n Desire for betterer is endless.

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    No idea. I haven't looked at the PCB closely on the new MMB 2 yet.
  8. Azimuth

    Azimuth FKA rtaylor76, Friend

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    How is my post Miss Information @Grattle? If I am wrong, please correct me.

    PS - Corrected “CS chip” for “Cirrus Logic input chip.”
    Last edited: Dec 25, 2022
  9. ductrung3993

    ductrung3993 Facebook Friend

    Sep 28, 2017
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    This answered my biggest question, which is Piety synergy.

    How does it compare with Modius and Gishelli too?
  10. FlySweep

    FlySweep Friend

    Sep 27, 2015
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    How's it stack up vs Modius E (balanced)? Specifically.. timbre, resolving ability, cohesion.
  11. Type35

    Type35 New

    Oct 15, 2015
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    I'm sure there will be plenty of questions about where the MMB2 sits in the pantheon of Schiit DACs but to get a little different perspective, I'd like to know how it compares with the iFi audio Zen DAC Signature V2 (or the other Zen DACs) since they go for the same price.
  12. Grattle

    Grattle Friend

    Feb 17, 2017
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    Miss- click I guess. I didn’t rate it at all but if it helps I read and liked it now.
  13. Azimuth

    Azimuth FKA rtaylor76, Friend

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    I was actually wrong on Modius. So you actually made me clarify a few things.
  14. Raimei Templar

    Raimei Templar Friend

    Dec 8, 2019
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    Was thinking of picking up one of these to go with my Piety that I managed to get. Thanks for the impressions and particularly the piety paring information!

    Sounds like the new MB might be a little disappointing, are they any advantages of it versus comparable D/s stuff (like the Modi+/Modius)> I remember the original one having the fat bass and somewhat forward midrange which was the most notable thing to me when I compared it to a D/S dac back in the day, with that unique tonality gone, is there any reason to choose it over other options (other than the MY DAC IS MULTIBIT BITCH bragging rights)?
  15. Northwest

    Northwest Friend

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    DACs (all used with USB)

    Soekris 1541, Modi Multibit 1 (purchased early 2021), Modi Multibit 2


    Magni Piety, DNA Sonett 2



    I bought the MB2 as soon as I saw the release announcement hoping that it would be an improved MB1 sound with a better USB input. It doesn’t make financial sense, but it’s what I wanted. They actually sound completely different. These are my thoughts just comparing between the MB2 to the MB1.

    · I’m noticing that I’m hearing a relay click whenever the sample rate changes. The play lists I made in Qobuz have lots of different sample rates, and I hear the click often. I’m sure there is a good reason for this, but the MB1 never did this.

    · Everything is more detailed, cleaner, brighter than MB1. I’m not sure if this is because of the Unison USB, other changes, or a combination of both.

    · The sound stage feels bigger. I’m not sure if it is actually bigger, or it seems that way because of how clear and uncluttered the stage is compared to the MB1

    · Without changing volume MB2 sounds louder. I’m not sure if it is actually louder or it just feels that way because of the extra detail and punch I experience.

    · It’s easier to pinpoint sounds. The quiet guitar riff, soft vocal, pop music sound effect in the corner is easier to make out and feels more energetic.

    · With the Piety there is a lot of bass. I’m surprised by the sheer amount.

    · With NOS mode there is just less extension on everything. It doesn’t sound like any other NOS DAC based system I’ve heard at a meet.

    Despite all these improvements, I’m having a hard time listening to music with the Modi Multibit 2 with any combination of amps I have. The MB2 is quickly uncomfortable as soon I put it in. I’m not sure what splashy treble is, but I haven’t any issue with treble with the MB1 + Piety combination in the past month. The Soekris 1541 DAC + Piety or Sonett 2 is also an easy listen. Lowering the volume doesn’t help with the MB2. I’ve noticed that any hint of overloading the mic in the music is much worse, and I’ve also noticed that while speaking on voip that the distortion from a bad microphone is really emphasized.

    It's only been two days. I hope it improves over time.

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  16. gixxerwimp

    gixxerwimp Professional tricycle rider

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    Maybe compare MMB 1/2 using S/PDIF, since that's the consensus better sounding input for the OG?

    PS: Nice tape :cool:
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  17. Renekton

    Renekton Acquaintance

    Jan 12, 2016
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    Cant wait for even more reviews and specifically comparisons to my old modi multibit 1. Atually close to pull the trigger on 2.

    I've read alot about unison usb and the sound of unison itself seems like exactly the sound im looking for, even though some dont like it (now Im using eitr)

    But my specific question is. How is the engagement factor? Mister Northwest's review is concerning on that front. What's your opinion, Marv? How do you hear this thing, despite the different technicalities, is it still emotional? In a way that cannot be heard, but felt, does it let the music and nuances speak to your emotions and is it fun? Or is it more cold and clinical now? I dont think i will mind the extra clarity or brightness at all, rig is valhalla 2 + stock irish HD600. And in the near future Im also getting Dali Spektor 2 speakers (theyre 1st order crossover I believe) probably with pioneer A-40AE, in the same room as headphone rig, so gona use either my old or the new modi with that too.

    I demand delicate microdetails (love my valhalla) and effortless spacious holography (adore my HD600) and dont care that much for other things. To my ears decrapifying USB plays a huge role in that delicate effortless full spectrum cohesive, quiet perfection, subconscious SILK. With those things in mind, is modi multibit 2 an upgrade for me? Its already available on, it's tempting (I prefer to pay extra cash than to deal with USA to EU customs/import buerocracy).

    Any other thoughts or comments? Much thanks, and an extra thank you for the existence of changstar, that thing made me realize why early why even cheap sennheisers are more fun than hifiman OG HE400 bass cannons - turns out I value overall cohesiveness plus sweet mids over anything else and that realization finally made me do the great decision of getting HD600 and Ive loved those ever since.

  18. Poimandres

    Poimandres Acquaintance

    Apr 18, 2020
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    I have had the Modi Multibit 2 since last Thursday and it has been burning in since then, unfortunately I cannot compare to the original Modi Multibit as I have never heard one.

    I do fall into the DS dac category that Marv mentioned above and although this my first r2r dac I find myself more connected to and immersed within the music than I have with any previous setup. Roon>Modi Multibit 2>THX887>HE6SeV2 (balanced)

    I also have an original Jot (latest rev right before the Jot2 was released) and may see how these two pair.

    My Modi Multibit 2 also clicks when bit rates are changed, I am not able to hear any noise through the phones though.

    I would be curious how the Modi Multibit 2 pairs with the Lyr+.
  19. Azimuth

    Azimuth FKA rtaylor76, Friend

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    The relay clicking was explained in Jason’s chapter over at HF.

    Basically they were having an intermittent issue with glitching or garbled on one channel when switching bit rates on music only. Like playing through a playlist of mixed bit rates.

    Dave basically addressed it with a bit of code by using a muting relay when there is a bit rate change.
  20. Tone?

    Tone? Acquaintance

    Dec 23, 2022
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    So is ‘ bright ‘ the new Schiit sound sig?

    I hope not.
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