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Facebook Friend, Male, from Montreal


seems like i received a "F/F" or "gift" payment. is it risky? i.e. buyer scamming me after receiving the can Oct 30, 2023

ductrung3993 was last seen:
Jun 6, 2024
    1. ductrung3993
      seems like i received a "F/F" or "gift" payment. is it risky? i.e. buyer scamming me after receiving the can
      1. View previous comments...
      2. internethandle
        Usually more risky for the buyer than the seller. PayPal doesn’t have protection for payments made via F&F.
        Oct 30, 2023
        Justin S, Jinxy245, dasman66 and 4 others like this.
      3. ductrung3993
        got it straightened out. but FYI gift payments are very dangerous for sellers too because of "chargeback"
        Oct 31, 2023
        Claritas and internethandle like this.
      4. internethandle
        Always heard mixed things there -- PayPal supposedly usually penalizes the buyer for a F&F chargeback, but your bank won't necessarily, etc. -- regardless, the lesson is to not use F&F in any scenario where you don't have an existing relationship with that person (and sometimes even if you do).
        Oct 31, 2023
        Cryptowolf and ductrung3993 like this.
    2. ductrung3993
      A/B HD580 vs RS1 is very...interesting. Almost opposite + and -. Combine their strengths and it's similar to my Andro
    3. ductrung3993
      just got white Andro. Owned 2 greens before and I think the white ones are safer: more even response, less agressive but still excting. ymmv
      1. Merrick, Lyander and CEE TEE like this.
    4. ductrung3993
      wanna buy a duster to troubleshot my keyboard & just general cleaning, would you recommend it?
      1. ductrung3993
        I tried to find a thread to post this in but all the tech ones were pretty specific. Would a new 'Misc Tech Chat" thread be something that you would appreciate?
        Jan 4, 2023
        joch and yotacowboy like this.
      2. joch
        I use a camera lens blow-bulb. My keyboard is still yucky. It would be great if others can offer advice.
        Jan 4, 2023
        ductrung3993 likes this.
      3. Thad E Ginathom
        Thad E Ginathom
        Use a soft paintbrush and a blower as just mentioned.

        Cloth: must be microfibre. Miracle material that makes everything better. And even the cheap stuff works.

        The bad news: it seems that micro fragments from microfibre are bad for the environment. Hey ho, sometimes seems like we can't win these days
        Jan 6, 2023
        ductrung3993 likes this.
    5. ductrung3993
      People who shittalked (but still come to) SBAF on Discord are the same who flipped Piety for 2x the price. How surprising!
      1. Cryptowolf, Philimon and JK47 like this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. Philimon
        HF encourages flipping by censoring all comments and ignoring all reports. Isnt that right @k4rstar ?
        Dec 28, 2022
        Senorx12562 and JK47 like this.
      4. Thad E Ginathom
        Thad E Ginathom
        But now Elon Musk wants to buy SBAF for billions of dollars, Jude may rethink a few things. Merv's selflessness in holding out is exemplary.
        Dec 28, 2022
      5. ductrung3993
        @JK47 not exactly the types that'd show up to get called out. but we have a chronic shit talker and a Studio Tribute + Utopia owner there. people are people i guess
        Dec 30, 2022
    6. ductrung3993
      i somehow thought the more you 'progress' in life, the less idiots you'll encounter, How wrong is that, and it makes me appreciate SBAF more
      1. BenjaminBore
        On the contrary. Experience and fading patience just mean you can see and feel it more.

        If you're talking professional environments then there's the "Peter principle" which observes that people tend to be promoted just beyond their level of competence, and reside there failing forever more.
        Dec 14, 2022
      2. Claritas
        One of my old bosses used to sit in meetings blandly smiling close-mouthed, with his eyes closed and his arms crossed. I was (still am) close to him. So I asked him what he's thinking about during meetings. He said, "Sometimes, I'm just relaxing and enjoying the discussion. Other times, I'm accepting that I don't control the discussion."
        Dec 15, 2022
        Justin S and Philimon like this.
    7. ductrung3993
      looking to upgrade HD580 cable. Is stock HD650's still the value king, or there are other good budget options too?
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Biodegraded
        Dec 2, 2022
        ductrung3993 likes this.
      3. ductrung3993
        thanks all! I will prob stick with 650 cable and use Blue Jeans for an RCA
        Dec 2, 2022
        MellowVelo likes this.
      4. tsd13
        @purr1n What's the difference between the hd580 and hd650 connectors (on the headphone side)? or are you just re-terminating the amp side?
        Dec 4, 2022
    8. ductrung3993
      any paypal alternative for bank-connected transfer between US and Canada, with seller and buyer protection please?
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Thad E Ginathom
        Thad E Ginathom
        I use Wise (nee Transferwise) to send money from GB to India. They changed their name quite some time back.

        Yes, it is a good service. But it is aimed at financial transfer only, and I don't think there are any buyer/seller mechanisms or protections built in.
        Jan 26, 2022
        Jinxy245 likes this.
      3. philipmorgan
        Wise has worked well for me with international xfers both coming and going; I don't think they offer paypal-style buyer protection.
        Jan 26, 2022
      4. ductrung3993
        thank guys. I'm trying to sell something to the US buyer hence that's why i'm looking for mutual protection. I did have good experience with Wise though (unless Paypal who charge me $30 on a $300 transaction lately and is just douchey in general)
        Jan 26, 2022
    9. ductrung3993
      How good is dxomark’s speaker ratings?
      1. bixby
        They look like someone pulled a number out of an ass.
        Oct 24, 2021
        ductrung3993 likes this.
    10. ductrung3993
      nothing wrong with saying no to a guy who tried to reverse an already agreed upon swap deal right?
      1. View previous comments...
      2. ductrung3993
        dude's trying to black mail me using my full name and address (local deal) and the s/n of the item he traded me. seemingly just empty threats but i will get in touch with phone company and legal just in case.
        Sep 24, 2021
        Lyander and loadexfa like this.
      3. Qildail
        Ye gods some people are disconnected from basic courtesy.
        Sep 24, 2021
      4. ductrung3993
        yeah too many are like that, it's unfortunate. talked to the police and they advise me not to be by myself if to be done at my house, might want to look if I can give them my stuff and tell the guy to just pick it up from there though.
        Sep 25, 2021
    11. ductrung3993
      Just got effed over with “UPS brokerage fees”. Is there a way for me to contest it?
      1. mroneto likes this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. Biodegraded
        I think that'd mean UPS sending it to their local CBSA office and you going in there for paperwork, duty payment & pickup (how close to you?). Been 20 years since I did that myself, so maybe wait for other replies in the thread before deciding - but personally, I wouldn't take the time over the $80...
        Feb 8, 2021
        Imraan likes this.
      4. gixxerwimp
        This reminds me I should stop complaining about shipping across the Pacific, as customs is generally simple and not that expensive here. When/If I move back to Canada, it could be more PITA getting stuff in from the US, now that I've found a reliable and economical forwarder specializing in Taiwan.
        Feb 8, 2021
        Biodegraded and Imraan like this.
      5. ductrung3993
        @Biodegraded thanks for sharing your experience. I think me contempting their businesses is big enough of a motivators already though
        Feb 9, 2021
        Biodegraded likes this.
    12. ductrung3993
      finally got Amperex in for Liq Plat, Plugged in my HD580 and it was too,..dynamic in an unpleasant way (aggressive). OG ZD spoiled me
    13. ductrung3993
      I'm a Wilder hater and there are more reasons now: making all the excuses (said he won't) and now firing the cornerman that saved him. Class
      1. Soups, dasman66 and Jinxy245 like this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. ductrung3993
        now he's saying the reason he lost is because his costume was too heavy so it tired his legs out - Deontay "No Excuse" Wilder
        Feb 25, 2020
      4. Soups
        Really hope this doesn't turn into a trilogy, even though there's a clause that nearly guarantees it. I want to see Wilder eat more humble pie, and take his next L to build up a more honorable, lesser known fighter.
        Feb 25, 2020
      5. DigMe
        Wow.. the weight of his blinged out nazgul costume was too much. That’s something.
        Feb 25, 2020
    14. ductrung3993
      Wow HD580 is good even in stock! What (simple) mods should I do with it? First thing I thought of is to remove the foam covering the driver
      1. View previous comments...
      2. ductrung3993
        @purr1n was about to tag you actually, since I saw you posted that HD580 will sound differently depends on how worn the pad is. Mine is 90% gone and I actually like it that way. Super close to the ear = a much more exciting and "dynamic" sound for me. Put on new pads and the energy's gone but I had to do it, old worn pads were pretty gross.
        Feb 11, 2020
        purr1n likes this.
      3. E_Schaaf
        I was going to try messing around with my 2002 HD580 but every time I put them on I find myself thinking it's not worth messing with -no mod will magically bring more bass extension and reduce distortion - that's just how the driver is. The rest doesn't need 'fixing'. Synergy is more important.
        Feb 11, 2020
        purr1n likes this.
      4. ductrung3993
        @E_Schaaf I do feel that Bill's mod makes it sounds less grainy (foam removal maybe?) but the HD600/HD650 grill also makes 580 become more gentle than I'd like.
        But I do agree is synergy is more important, though I have a hard time imagining 580 would sound outright bad on any system.
        Feb 11, 2020
    15. ductrung3993
      lost my Facebook account and can't get it back yet since I don't have my old phone number anymore. How can I contact them to get it solved?
    16. ductrung3993
      I saw an offer for 10% ebay bucks but then it disappeared. Happened to anyone else?
      1. Cakecake likes this.
    17. ductrung3993
      put mine HD800 back on after a looong while. so many things to like and so many things to not...
      1. Imraan, drgumbybrain and Jinxy245 like this.
      2. SoupRKnowva
        gotta get on that SDR train and maybe try throwing some EQ in as well
        Feb 17, 2019
        Jerry and geniekid like this.
      3. drgumbybrain
        Sell it to me!
        Feb 18, 2019
      4. ductrung3993
        well this was just a farewell, I sold it. now, what's next...?
        Feb 19, 2019
    18. ductrung3993
      just tried Meze RAI. Its a smoother, easier to listen Solaris (was also there). More "natural" too imo, Solaris over exaggerates quite often
      1. Jinxy245 likes this.
    19. ductrung3993
      how safe is Popmoney? got me at the "asking for you bank info" part
      1. Elnrik
        If you have to ask "is it safe", then it's not safe. (imo)
        Feb 2, 2019
        Syzygy, 9suns, YMO and 2 others like this.
      2. ductrung3993
        @Elnrik good rule of thumb. I never heard about it before that's why though. Could do some Googling but I'd rather get some "customer reviews" here first
        Feb 2, 2019
    20. ductrung3993
      What are some better alternatives for paypal for a big sales? Venmo, Google wallet, Squarecash or sth else?
      1. View previous comments...
      2. ductrung3993
        @m17xr2b yeah pretty much those 2. very high fees for the crappy protection and service they provide.
        Dec 29, 2018
      3. OJneg
        Dec 29, 2018
      4. ductrung3993
        how about bank wiring?
        Dec 30, 2018
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    September 3
    came for the audio, stay for the knowledge