Lyr 3 Discussion Thread

Discussion in 'Headphone Amplifiers and Combo (DAC/Amp) Units' started by neogeosnk, Mar 20, 2018.

  1. Ice-man

    Ice-man Friend

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    Oct 12, 2015
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    I need to make an amendment to my earlier comments on tubes. I had previously passed judgement on the stock Russian and dismissed missed it, preferring the new TS tube. Well, I actually got a few tubes mixed up and I've not tried the Russian until today. Much to my delight, this tube is pretty good actually. It's doing nice things particularly with AFO and ETHER. I need to burn it in for a few days and see if it can get any better. Pretty damn good for a stock $8 tube. :D
  2. allegro

    allegro Friend

    Nov 4, 2017
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    @Mithrandir41 have you had time to compare Lyr 3 to your Agartha yet?
  3. Mithrandir41

    Mithrandir41 Friend

    Feb 4, 2016
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    Not yet. Probably not until Monday
  4. Vtory

    Vtory Audiophile™

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    Sep 12, 2016
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    Very weirdly speaking, to my ears, MCTH was closer to Lyr 3 in sonic charateristics than Vali 2 was during 10-hour intensive comparisons (I did it to determine which one to sell..) with ADI-2 DAC and LCD2C/HD6XX. Both MCTH and Lyr 3 shared similar sets of strengths. For most criteria, Lyr 3 just did better by a small margin. The biggest difference (and determining point for my final verdict) was that small volume changes at either loud parts and quiet parts were way more accurately and consistently rendered with Lyr 3. I didn't mean MCTH did this poorly. Lyr 3 was just unbeatable there.

    Think of good CRT/LCD monitors (say, Benq) - this is MCTH. And, if you experienced, imagine Eizo's well-calibrated ones - and this is Lyr 3. Lyr 3 really reminded me of the experience with the beloved Eizo monitor.

    Anyway, really hoping to compare upcoming LP (powered by some good LPS) and Lyr 3. Based on my MCTH experience, I am betting that those two will interestingly compete against each other.
    Last edited: Apr 13, 2018
  5. Aeron

    Aeron Facebook Friend

    Oct 24, 2015
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    Unfortunately, when it’s slipped a Sylvania “Bad Boy,” which had just arrived, I was greeted with a puff of white smoke. I unplugged it, removed the tube, oddly enough, when I added a tube I know, the damn thing was still pumping out beautiful music. Schiit wants it back, so I’ll be without the Lyr 3 for a bit, she’ll be missed.
  6. Eric

    Eric New

    Nov 2, 2017
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    I cannot believe the price hike of 6SN7's since the Lyr 3 has come out. They at least doubled!!!!
  7. Ice-man

    Ice-man Friend

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    Oct 12, 2015
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    @Eric I suggest that you do a little more reading (maybe a lot more) and less posting as you get started here. There are way too many one liners from various threads this morning.

    We tend to value good signal to noise ratio here. And, as you'll learn, this is not HF. If you haven't taken the time to introduce yourself and establish your preferences please do so. It's difficult to make sense from your post if we don't know what your preferences are.

    Do you best to make good quality posts that contribute something useful to the thread. Most of the time one liners won't add much to the conversation or win you any fans.

    Anyway, welcome and don't take too much from the "dislike"'s meant mostly in good fun.
  8. lm4der

    lm4der A very good sport - Friend

    Sep 26, 2015
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    that escalated quickly
  9. JoeKickass

    JoeKickass New

    Oct 9, 2017
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    I've had the Lyr 3 for about a week now, listening with hd600's fed by a Modi Multibit and Eitr. Wow, I thought the Jot was IT, I thought the Jot was my endgame, boy was I wrong.

    The smoothness of the Lyr 3 is on another level! I've had tube amps before but this is my first proper tube-sounding amp. I love the "holographic" sound, but somehow it has even more raw detail and than the solid-state Jot. The Lyr 3 really shows what a multibit DAC can do, with the Modi Multibit it's just sublime.

    I have had a few days on the stock Tung-Sol and Russian tubes, both are really very good. I prefer the Tung-Sol on low gain and the Russian on high, but you can't go wrong with either. However I think my favorite tube is a black plate Raytheon 6SN7GTB, it just feels a tiny bit more like real live music to me.

    In fact, the Lyr 3 impressed me so much I ordered a pair of hd800S to see what it can really do! :headbang:

    So just a tip to anyone buying a Lyr 3, lock your wallet away or get ready for the upgrade bug!
    Last edited: Apr 15, 2018
  10. nachocheese70

    nachocheese70 Facebook Friend

    May 10, 2017
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    If the Lyr 3 is anything like the Mjolnir 2 mute relay click, then I’m confident the severity is tied to microphonic tubes. I’ve experimented with many tubes, from very low microphic E188CC to a very severe batch of WE396A (they acts like microphones), and the loudness of the physical relay click directly correlates to how microphonic the tubes are.

    On my Mjolnir 2, it is loud so I don’t put on my headphones until after the click, but I can’t imagine it doing any harm whatsoever. It’s a relatively mid to high frequency signal so it’s not displacing the driver diaphragm that much.
  11. EagleWings

    EagleWings Friend

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    Jul 20, 2017
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    Thanks. I'll try and get in touch with Schiit to see if they can send me a replacement tube as the pop on mine is still very loud.

    However, your second paragraph may not be entirely correct. The mid to high frequency only means that the diaphragm is vibrating at that frequency. Regardless of the frequency, the loudness of the headphone, has a direct relationship with the displacement of the diaphragm. So a loud click of high frequency, still means the displacement of the diaphragm is high. Just letting you know, so that you don't consider a loud click of high frequency as totally harmless for the headphone.
  12. Aeron

    Aeron Facebook Friend

    Oct 24, 2015
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    @EagleWings , the Bad Boy Sylvania that exploded in a cloud of white smoke, made two loud clicks, then blew.

    Schiit wants me to send the amp back to them, but I literally don’t want to be without it, with both the Clear and Abyss it is sublime (with the surviving “Bad Boy”).
  13. Elnrik

    Elnrik Super Friendly

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    Send it. It helps you, as you get it checked out for safety. It helps them diagnose if anything needs improved or changed. It helps us all get the best Schiit we can get.
  14. nachocheese70

    nachocheese70 Facebook Friend

    May 10, 2017
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    Please note a microphonic does not necessarily equal bad tube, especially for headphone amps where it can’t pickup the headphone sound. The two pairs of WE396A tubes I have both are the most microphonic, but still some of the best sounding tubes (and the best value). If the tubes sound great after being warmed up, then keep them.

    I know loud is very subjective, but it’s not that loud to damage anything. Yes I can hear the click even when the headphone is on the stand, but think about how much sound a dinky little computer speaker with 1” cone can make without damage. If the click bothers you, just keep it unplugged.

    Anyways back to Lyr 3 impressions
  15. Aeron

    Aeron Facebook Friend

    Oct 24, 2015
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    You are correct, I’ll send it in and break the Mojo out of purgatory, the “Audio Drawer!” ;)
  16. purr1n

    purr1n Desire for betterer is endless.

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    Sep 24, 2015
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    OK, got a Lyr 3 with multi-bit card in. Compared to external Modi multi-bit (Modi Multibit), the MB card isn't as resolving, lacks some of warmth of the Modi Multibit (tonality seems somewhere in between 4490 G2 and Modi Multibit), and has a flatter headstage.

    In a nutshell:

    Slightly Dark to Neutral
    Modi Multibit > MB Card > 4490 G2 Card
    Notes: 4490 has a slightly recessed mids. Modi Multibit has a bit more upper mid bite and crunch compared to 4490, but it's done very naturally.

    Less to More
    Modi Multibit > MB card > 4490 G2 Card
    Notes: 4490 is by no means bad, much better than most other DACs. MB just lacks that final bit of naturalness in the highs compared to Modi Multibit.

    Resolution / Plankton
    Higher to Lower
    4490 G2 > Modi Multibit > MB card

    Depth and Layering of Stage
    Deep to Flat
    Modi Multibit > MB Card = 4490 G2 card
    Notes: 4490 does have a more diffuse and wider headstage, but less precision in placement

    Headstage Position
    Back to Upfront
    4490 G2 card > Modi Multibit > MB card


    External Modi Multibit is better than the built-in MB card. I know, defeats the purpose of an AIO, but if you are after sound quality, the extra $50 for an external Modi Multibit does yield better quality sound. The 4490 G2 card is no slouch. It's very resolving, digital artifacts are kept to a minimum considering that benefits of the Schiit filter don't translate as well to headphones compared to speakers. People who like open diffuse wider stages may actually prefer the 4490. Modi Multibit and MB card have a more natural tonal presentation.
  17. winders

    winders boomer

    Feb 13, 2017
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    Add the ability to feed Modi Multibit via Eitr and the fact that you can leave Modi Multibit on all the time without affecting the Lyr 3 tube life makes forgoing the AIO option an easy choice for me. I am using the Lyr 3 with my office nearfield/headphone setup which has an iMac as the Roon endpoint. Eitr really helps in this setup.

    So far I am quite impressed with the Lyr 3. The clarity and detail are amazing. I am trying it with a variety of tubes before I comment in detail. The stock Soviet tube sounds much better with the Lyr 3 than it did with the Freya. It's actually quite serviceable with the Lyr 3. More to come.....
  18. Grahad2

    Grahad2 Red eyes from too much anime

    Jan 26, 2017
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    Does the 4490 G2 have the Schiit filter? There's no SHARC I can see on board.
  19. lm4der

    lm4der A very good sport - Friend

    Sep 26, 2015
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    No, they don't apply their filter to the D/S DACs. Not sure why, but it's only used on their R2R DACs.
  20. bengo

    bengo Friend

    Apr 17, 2017
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    Most likely cost, plus maybe reduced sonic benefit with a delta-sigma chip. Schiit doesn't really seem to be focused on delta-sigma, except where cost or space constraints are an issue.

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