FRANADA - Friends in Canada

Discussion in 'The Meeting Place' started by barelyincollege, Nov 23, 2016.


Which gear would you like to try first?

Poll closed Jan 24, 2017.
  1. Wolf Ear Audio - Makoyi amp

    4 vote(s)
  2. Campfire Audio - Orion IEM

    1 vote(s)
  3. Feliks Audio - Espressivo amp

    1 vote(s)
  4. Oppo - PM-3 headphones

    0 vote(s)
  5. ZMF headphones (Eikon, Atticus, etc.)

    4 vote(s)
  6. Other (please list in reply - will add to poll)

    1 vote(s)
  7. Schiit Jotunheim

    2 vote(s)
Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. wormcycle

    wormcycle Friend

    Aug 13, 2016
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    Toronto, ON, Canada
    UPS Express has no brokerage fees, it says it on the UPS web site, I got Adam A7Xs from the UK and paid tax only.
    USPS essentially uses Canada Post to deliver and CP charges only tax plus $10, which is reasonable. For any other purpose I would use self clearing request.
  2. Kernel Kurtz

    Kernel Kurtz Friend

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    May 19, 2018
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    Even if they send me a bill a few weeks later, that's fine, and that has happened before as well. I can understand with a next business day parcel the final accounting may have to wait till after it has been delivered, and you pay for that even if it is hidden. But my Jot was delivered over 6 months ago. I can't imagine they would let the recent one go through if I still had some outstanding balance with them. As I said I'm not complaining though.

    For most stuff I'm totally fine with USPS and/or Canada Post. It is not the fastest but it clears customs without brokerage and is as reliable as any. For higher dollar items I tend to use higher dollar shipping though, just because it is worth the less time I want to be thinking about it in transit. If you want something international the next day or two Fedex and UPS are the only choice. DHL might disagree.

    I'm not at that point yet, stuff still gets here and usually the tax man gets his cut. Sometimes I luck out and he doesn't. That is actually more common with Canada Post. I paid GST on my Drop HD6xxs. No GST on my HE5xxs. Same vendor, same shipper, same price, presumably random chance.
  3. jnak00

    jnak00 Friend

    Feb 9, 2017
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    I don't really have a problem paying the GST - if I bought from a store in Canada, I would still have to pay the GST. It's the fees that irritate me, especially when they end up being like 30% of the value of the item. $10 is reasonable (Canada Post and Fedex, but not Fedex Ground I guess)
  4. Kernel Kurtz

    Kernel Kurtz Friend

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    May 19, 2018
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    I agree. I was just curious that the billing structure for shipping I was used to has changed without my knowledge, and seemingly to my advantage.

    I don't rail against taxes, for the most part they are the price we pay to live in a reasonably functional society. YMMV
  5. Biodegraded

    Biodegraded Friend

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    May 28, 2017
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    My experiences lately have been pretty random. With Canada Post, I suspect it might depend on how slammed the particular import warehouse is on the particular day, on the (probably consequent) mood of the staffer(s) doing the processing, and maybe on how delayed a particular package is. Had an interesting one recently, $CAD 250 value from the UK. Royal Mail's tracking had it leaving the UK in early December, then dead air until early January when it left the UK 'again' :-/. Next sign was late January when my local postie arrived with it - it never appeared in CP's tracking system and there was nothing to pay, even though it should have attracted sales tax.

    Luck of the draw, it seems.
  6. Biodegraded

    Biodegraded Friend

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    May 28, 2017
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    Useful pages for calculating clearance fees if you don't self-clear:

    UPS: (UPS Standard has costs, the other - way expensive - services don't)

    Fedex: (for Ground from the US, select 'Canada | Fedex Ground' and scroll down to 'Clearance Entry Fee')

    USPS: (flat $US 6.65, if I'm on the right page).

    Edit: for UPS, add Bond Fee (2.7% or min $6/$10) and ICOD fee ($5) to Entry Preparation Fee (scroll down on that page); for Fedex, add Disbursement Fee (2.5% or min $10) to Clearance Entry Fee.
    Last edited: Feb 20, 2021
  7. Biodegraded

    Biodegraded Friend

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    May 28, 2017
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    Tangential to the discussion above, a question for those more experienced: what's the best way to avoid customs dramas and minimize brokerage costs for temporary imports (loaners)? I ask because although SBAF loaners to Canada are still 'officially' suspended, some personally-arranged loans are still being offered.

    Generally, temporary imports to Canada are subject to duties & taxes, with exceptions for categories including imports from the US of "goods intended for display or demonstration" and "commercial samples":

    And documentation is required:

    Fedex charges $120 to complete this documentation (select 'Canada | Fedex Express' at the Fedex link in the previous post and scroll down to Temporary Import), and that'd be in addition to their other charges. Early last year a plan was being hatched to ship loaners to a mailing house on the US side of the border and hand-carry the items & required documentation across, but this died when the border was closed last March.

    At least how some loaners have been done in the past is that customs value has been declared as $0. But, would the freight co. accept this if the item was also insured for a large amount?

    Returning things seems like much less hassle - marking them 'for review/evaluation or repair', declaring a value and insuring, resulted in no fees to the US receiver the one time I had to do it. Does this also work going north?
  8. Kernel Kurtz

    Kernel Kurtz Friend

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    May 19, 2018
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    Yeah when I was in on the Soekris 1421 loaner tour I ended up paying tax on the parcel coming from the US. I know I can apply to get that refunded, but it did not end up being worth the effort. For more expensive loaners that might not be the case.

    I occasionally use a parcel service just across the border (Pembina, ND) to accept packages that only ship to, or are more conveniently delivered to a US address, I bought my Freya from here on SBAF that way. I just go pick them up and bring them back through customs myself. It is an hour drive each way and I still have to pay whatever is owing to the government, but it's easy to do. Can't see it being a problem presenting the appropriate paperwork assuming it is in order and just passing through.

    I'd have no problem doing this for some future loaner tour if there is interest.
  9. Biodegraded

    Biodegraded Friend

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    May 28, 2017
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    I was doing the same (Point Roberts WA), but now the border's closed it's not possible to get there. They have arrangements with USPS and UPS for cross-border onward shipping, which I've used it a couple of times in the last year; but that means paying the fees...
  10. Kernel Kurtz

    Kernel Kurtz Friend

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    May 19, 2018
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    Yeah it is moot right now with the pandemic. For some people it is even a problem.

    I'm hopeful the border will reopen soon as the hospitalization rates on both sides fall as more vaccines are deployed.

    For now I think the only option is inform the courier you want to self-clear. I've not done it, but I would expect the requirements to be very much the same as if you were presenting at a land border, and probably a shorter drive.
  11. wormcycle

    wormcycle Friend

    Aug 13, 2016
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    The courier will almost never provide you with the required paperwork on time to intercept the package at the border. But they know that after you request self clearing it is their obligation to do that. They would show up at the door and most people are just intimidated and pay. They do not have to. If they do leave the package without payment then you just need to repeat your request for self clearance. If they are stupid enough to send it back to the border that' the risk but I did it close to 10 times and at some point the fee is waved a nd I pay only tax.
  12. wormcycle

    wormcycle Friend

    Aug 13, 2016
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    On similar subject but related to tax. I want to upgrade my HEKv2 to KEKSE. It is $1000 US purchase. I called Hifiman US and they said they can declare HEKSE as a warranty replacement. What happens in this situation? I do not mind paying tax on what would be $1300 CAD transaction value but paying on the whole price of HEKSE, that's not worth it.
  13. Biodegraded

    Biodegraded Friend

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    May 28, 2017
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    Yeah, I think (and noting also @wormcycle 's experiences) you might be right. The temporary import paperwork doesn't look too onerous, it'd just be a matter of having the time to dedicate to it.

    Referring to your earlier post - I didn't realize you got hit with the tax for the dac1421 loaner. Seems like the rest of us Canadians who got to hear that owe you some favours.
  14. jnak00

    jnak00 Friend

    Feb 9, 2017
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    I believe if it's a warranty replacement you won't pay anything. I've had a couple Schiit items come that way and didn't pay on them.
  15. Kernel Kurtz

    Kernel Kurtz Friend

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    May 19, 2018
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    From what I have read, it is best to request self clearing when the item is shipped, or at least long before the courier shows up at your door. I agree that once it is on your doorstep it's hard to send them away with your package.

    No worries, just luck of the draw being first over the border. If it was a big deal like I said I could have filed paperwork for a refund. Was still a worthwhile exercise and I was happy to participate. Glad others found it useful too.
  16. wormcycle

    wormcycle Friend

    Aug 13, 2016
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    Self clearing request certainly has to be made before delivery, the sooner the better, when you see the tracking info that the item was picked up by the courier. But if you already made the request and they show up with the package take it, call support, reiterate your request, that's it. Do not pay!.

    Just for reference here is my "standard" email:
    "I will be self clearing this item. What I would require is the commercial invoice associated with this item: "tracking number"
    It can be forwarded to this email address. I will also need the address of the local UPS warehouse where my delivery is being held. Once I receive the required information from you, I will pay the tax and the duty in my local Canada Border Services Agency that provides LVS services. I will then send the B-15 form to you.
    Thank you very much for your help
    I remind you that under Canada sand provincial regulations I am entitled to self-clearing and you are required to provide me the above information.
  17. Kernel Kurtz

    Kernel Kurtz Friend

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    May 19, 2018
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    I just mentioned that because you can apparently tell them you want to self clear if they show up at your door with a package and a bill. I assume that would be most likely if the item is a gift. If you have ordered it yourself then of course you should be planning the process from the beginning.

    Thanks for the template. I'm waiting for a Jot 2 to ship. My last two parcels from Fedex did not include any GST or brokerage bill though (see discussion above) so I'm loathe to try it this time, not to mention with the pandemic still going I don't want to have to visit CBSA and Fedex in person. Later in the summer if things start to get back to normal I will definitely give this a try.
  18. Biodegraded

    Biodegraded Friend

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    May 28, 2017
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    Vancouver BC
  19. ductrung3993

    ductrung3993 Facebook Friend

    Sep 28, 2017
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    Meant to post my update a while ago but forgot. Anyway here it is now:

    TL;DR: @wormcycle is right. You have to be patient and go through their ringer to avoid the fees.

    My quick diary:
    1st call: was told i can self clear, no instruction given. The guy tried to ignore me asking how to do it), not sure if this is part of their "training"
    2nd call: given the self clear instruction, was told i would get email the paperworks later which I never received
    3rd call: asked them why the paperwork was never sent, and was told I would get the fees waived. Call got mysteriously disconnected apparently
    4th call: checking if the fees's been waived. Got a super rude agent this time who denied anything ever happened. I insisted on him that I was promised for a fee waive during my previous call. He kept denying it so I asked him to pull up the previous call. After a while of back and forth, the fee was cancelled. I asked for the case number to have a record just in case.

    Overall, nothing unbearable but still a very dissatisfactory experience (plus, the agent on the 1st and 4th call were very rude). Will try to avoid UPS as much as I can in the future.
    Last edited: Feb 23, 2021
  20. Iron-Juice

    Iron-Juice New

    Jun 1, 2016
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    Toronto, ON
    Thank you for the link! It's very helpful.

    It sounds painful to go through with UPS. I'm planning to buy some Schiit(Jot2 & Yggdrasil). USPS shipping quote is a lot higher than FedEx. Do Canadian friends usually choose FedEx when shopping at Schiit? Is FedEx the same self-clear procedure as UPS?

    FedEx International Economy $152.49
    FedEx International Priority $180.91
    USPS Priority International $211.20
    USPS Priority Express International $342.61

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