Comments on Profile Post by ultrabike

  1. crenca
    I don't leave home (particularly on a plane - not that that has happened in the last 10 months) without them. Better than they have a right to be on a treadmill as well.
    Jan 25, 2021
    ultrabike likes this.
  2. ultrabike
    I use it all the time when on my elliptical watching random anime. And they sound fantastic. I love how seamless the whole wireless implementation is. It just works. Seldom do I see this now a days.
    Jan 25, 2021
  3. Azimuth
    I know they were one of Tyll's favorties.
    Jan 25, 2021
    ultrabike likes this.
  4. ultrabike
    They were on Tyll's favorites. I knew that all along. But one does not realize the value of something that works seamlessly and w/o monkeying around, until one gets it. The comfort is off the charts too.
    Jan 25, 2021
    Jinxy245, Imraan, Lyander and 2 others like this.
  5. gixxerwimp
    How are they with sweat? I've been thinking about a pair of WF-1000XM3 to block out the crap music at the gym.
    Jan 25, 2021