Comments on Profile Post by spwath

  1. brencho
    oxford english dictionary defines acquaintances as people you recognize but might not invite over for dinner. friends otoh are people you like and invite over for dinner.
    Aug 19, 2016
    Pyruvate likes this.
  2. spwath
    So I just have to eat by myself?
    Aug 19, 2016
    SSL likes this.
  3. brencho
    hahaha well if put it like that, I'll join you at the lunch table spwath!
    Aug 19, 2016
  4. brencho
    in all seriousness, changes in status are associated with meaningful contributions to the site by adding content, donating funds for loaners, and meeting fellow SBAFers at meets and the like.
    Aug 19, 2016