Graham LS6f. Plonked them down in whatever position I could until someone came by for the Dyns (was already convinced they were a step forward in a direction I wanted to head towards). Now I begin to get them placed right and perhaps throw in a bit of room correction if needed
Enjoy, the LS6f is my favorite speaker I have had the privilege of owning. Seems counterintuitive, but depending on the size of your room, I found that a bit closer to the front wall than anticipated ended up working best.
Yeah i could imagine that could work, considering its a sort of front ported speaker. But too close and I lost imaging and stage. I have it for now about 0.5-0.75m out from the longer wall in a 3.5x4m room (I'll be moving into a bigger space soon so its going to change again). Do you remember what your room size/distance from the front wall is/was?
I seem to remember I was in the just 6-9" range from the front wall, but my room is rather large, so I think the front wall reinforcement helped with them filling out the space. 8x7m, with vaulted ceilings and then open concept to two adjacent rooms of similar size. Due to this large room, and fear of my kids damaging the gorgeous ebony veneer on my pair, I reluctantly sold them.
I will be curious to hear what you think long term, my reference are the Graham Chartwell Ls3/5a, and I have heard most of the Graham lineup in my local shop, and for me, just no other speakers compare. Just supremely natural and musical. I have the LS5/5 or whatever their biggest TOTL offering at the time is when I can afford it/when the kids are older and I can trust them more around them.
@rlow I think they're similar in some ways to what I remember you described the LS6 to be - the stage a bit further away (something I found was tweakable to an extent based on placement), a lot of details especially in the highs and really good stage width/depth. The S40s was really good as well so just based on this the LS6f wasnt a huge step up because I liked/was missing a bit more (stage) forwardness..
The extension and the detail in the LS6f's bass were really eye openers tho. I wasnt dissatisfied with the S40 bass, but switching back after a couple days I realized that there was a feeling of it being perhaps popcorny - perhaps due to the bass bump. Also the portrayal of note weight was so much better on the Grahams, it just felt like an overall experience upgrade that I found myself not switching back to the Dyns
It may sound like I'm taking a dump on the Dyns but thats not the intention. I'm just happy with the change and I'll wait for the honeymoon period to pass before really posting about them so I can also nitpick things I dont like as much haha (like the stage being further away/mids being less forward)
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