Comments on Profile Post by Ti_Leo

  1. Ti_Leo
    TL;DR: older HE6SE v1 sounded warmer bassier. I just spent 5 minutes ABing, and the winner was clear to me, as I love warmth and bass!!
    Aug 13, 2023
  2. Ti_Leo
    Source: PI2AES -> Yggdrasil A1 -> Schiit Lokius (Oh schiit, I only dial the knobs to 0 position, forgot there's a bypass mode...) -> Vali 2 -> Weiliang A60 pro
    I use OG earpads on both pairs of HE6SE v1, but the pads on older pair were worn. Newer pair using 3D printed grill while older pair using no grill. So... these differences maybe made the older pair sound less bright already?
    Aug 13, 2023
    Michael Kelly likes this.
  3. Ti_Leo
    And subjectively, I was using the newer pair last night and found myself a bit restless, like there's an itch. I dialed the 1st, 2nd and 4th dialed up a bit on Lokius to make myself feel better. But I didn't think it could be the headphones had different sound.
    Aug 13, 2023
  4. Ti_Leo
    I've used the older pair quite a bit (it belongs to one of my colleagues), and was fine with it on the same setup. Today I read someone mentioned HE6SE v1 with older SN (started with 80 / 81) could be using old HE6 drivers, I didn't believe it, but I thought it might worth an AB test, so here I am.

    (Grain of salt reminder: 1. Small sample size. 2. Variable mentioned above 3. Short testing time period. 4. Dumb ears)
    Aug 13, 2023
  5. Huhnkopf
    I had one of those earlier 6SEs and kinda regret ever selling them. They were a good contrast/addition to my 4 screws. I have never found v2 to be even remotely as well done. Warm, powerful, ver nice slam, well balanced with OG pads and also Velpads. Those v1 were goldilocks headphones.
    Aug 13, 2023
    Ti_Leo likes this.
  6. Ti_Leo
    @Huhnkopf I thought HE6SE was already a "degenerated" HE6, but really didn't reckon they had to pull anther one on HE6SE V2...

    And here comes the FAQ: HE6SE vs HE6? I guess the HE6s are leaner with more authority? But how about technical things like details? Thanks.
    Aug 14, 2023