Comments on Profile Post by Lyander

  1. Ti_Leo
    I don't really want to claim this, but I prefer EPZ Q5 to UE18+ Pro. I bought a 2nd-handed unit for ~$20 in China, they sound a bit cold and thin but fixable with eartips and EQ. I don't why but UE18+ Pro just sound a bit weird and diffused compare to EPZ.

    As you said, cheap IEMs are getting really good...
    Aug 4, 2024
    Lyander likes this.
  2. Lyander
    @Ti_Leo I mean if you can't say that here, where else can you? SBAF is all about GOOD cheap stuff overthrowing overpriced toys :P (also DD vs multi-BA could maybe explain your impressions?).

    I'm still EQ avoidant cuz it just sounds like too much of it introduces weird issues, but glad that you've found something grand! Haven't tried those ones out yet.
    Aug 4, 2024
    Ti_Leo likes this.
  3. Ti_Leo
    I can hardly believe myself saying that. But the fact is: I tried so hard and got so far to like the UE18+ Pro unit I have, they are customized but I can get good seal, so they might sound as they should. But nah, with or without EQ, on phone or small amp, they just gave me this eerie feeling.

    But the EPZ Q5, it's like exploring Hifiman for too long and get back with HD600, it sound just right (mostly).
    Aug 4, 2024
    Lyander likes this.
  4. Ti_Leo
    I don't like EQing, but if I can just install an app on my phone and get things 70% better, I'll call that a win. Besides I'm using a pair of bone-conduction earphones, EQ really helps
    Aug 4, 2024
    Lyander likes this.
  5. Lyander
    Haha it's more just a matter of me thinking it's much easier for the sound of a transducer to not be beholden to software, I'm aware my EQ aversion is silly. That said, I get what you mean, BAs just have a sound to them that is divisive (to say the least).
    Aug 4, 2024
    Ti_Leo likes this.
  6. Ti_Leo
    No, it's not silly! If you have multiple headphones,. EQ would be a pain (I guess).

    Here's my theory: if the device is cheap, and if the EQ can vary accordingly to different devices, I'd say give it a try.

    BAs... I've tried some UE IEMs, the only one I liked was Live, and it has a DD. I don't think I'm biased, maybe eventually I can get the technical goodies from BA? But I dont have the patience.
    Aug 4, 2024
  7. Lyander
    Hah, I don't have many transducers, it's just my being stubborn about EQ.

    Addendum, several of my complaints seem to be going away with play time. Made sure to note aspects of specific songs, yeah it's a burn-in thing. Need to give these a few hours at least.
    Aug 4, 2024
  8. Sqveak
    What's the timbre like? FR looks pretty smooth so shouldn't be too much tonal oddity from dips and peaks. Any shout from the upper-mid emphasis?
    Aug 4, 2024
    Lyander likes this.
  9. Lyander
    @Sqveak still breaking them in but there's a weird sort of teethy narrowness to the mids? I actually find these less fatiguing than the Zero 2s which is shocking because FR is so similar other than the bass. Not my ideal, but I can actually use these. Notably richer, fuller sound.

    Mind, I haven't had the Zero 2s with me for ages cuz gave em to family I don't see too often, relying on memory.
    Aug 4, 2024
    Sqveak likes this.
  10. Lyander
    Addendum and last update here for now I am gobsmacked. Been having them burn in with the desktop stack while I was out and these are good. Need to borrow the Zero 2s from my brother when I see him again to confirm but the Wan'er Studios kick them IMO. Still not perfect but much more my speed.
    Aug 5, 2024
    Ti_Leo likes this.