Judegate (formerly: STOLEN ITEMS ALERT)

Discussion in 'Tales from the Bully Pulpit' started by purr1n, Mar 20, 2016.

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  1. Stapsy

    Stapsy Friend

    Sep 28, 2015
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    Pfft who needs honesty? I just want to high-five my bro's for their awesome new headphone purchases!
  2. a44100Hz

    a44100Hz Friend

    Jan 1, 2016
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    It's indicative of an industry-wide trend with seemingly common user reports of defects from certain brands. Headphones, like masculinity, are so fragile these days.
  3. purr1n

    purr1n Desire for betterer is endless.

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    Those who were around during the Changstar days and had access to the private shoutbox knew that it was mostly a bunch of garbage, random thoughts, and off-the-cuff comments from the peanut gallery. Members have said stupid shit before like wanting to have sex with wolves, or having put two hands up another member's ass. No one takes any of this stuff seriously.

    Here an excerpt from a private Changstar log that Jude claimed was "given to him" (probably from a mole associated with HF/CS/Audio360, but I cannot be certain) and that Jude used against Jeff.


    The problem with this is that Jude, being a total outsider took, our private chatbox conversations the wrong way.

    By the time of AlphaPrimeGate, most Changstar members already knew that I didn't really want anyone rocking the boat at HF. I figured there was no point upsetting Jude or creating extra work for Currawong to delete measurements, contrarian viewpoints, and up-votes. This is why I expressed: "Ohh my Goddd"... (note that Jude conveniently left out important parts of the chat logs in reddit so that it suited his own narrative).

    Anyone who has studied linguistics knows that smaller groups (family units) will talk in their own code. Jeff's comments "if you are gonna troll Dan ... might was well troll Jude... and link (in) the Prime thread here" was understood to us as "if you are going to post measurements (troll Dan), you may as well be brazen enough to put a link in that thread back to here." (As an aside, I do think it's funny after these years, that "posting measurements" or offering contrarian viewpoints of gear" on HF is considered "trolling Jude" by both parties.)

    It's so obvious that Jude misinterpreted the meaning and went Mr. Furious all over Jeff. (You see, this is what happens when you read other people's diaries or thoughts without permission. This is why Professor X tells telepaths not to read other people's minds. I'm sure Wolverine has many fleeting thoughts every hour in how he thinks Cyclops / Scott Summers is a loser - but this doesn't prevent them from being part of an effective team.)

    These are the facts:
    1. Jeff could not have organized any sort of bullying or trolling event against HF or Jude. Even if he wanted to, he didn't have the pull in Changstar.
    2. There was no trolling and no shenanigans on HF. I believe @zerodeefex posted a measurement, and @ultrabike and a few others talked about their experiences with the headphone or about interpreting the measurements. I believe some inane conversations were deleted, but supposedly the original measurement post stayed. I haven't gone back to check as I don't care enough about it.
    3. Jude took this the wrong way and instead of working things out with Jeff and directly talking with him, he went apeshit, wrote a different and twisted narrative in his mind (we've seen this before) and went directly to Jeff's bosses.
    4. Jeff's apology to Jude over this incident where he "admitted" his wrongdoings were obviously made under duress. (Keep in mind that Jeff was still a naive kid in my book).
    So what I am getting at? Why does Jude try to create shitstorms with us where ever he goes? I am not particularly interested in what went on between Jeff and HFM, and Jeff has already gone on record to ask us to leave Fang and HFM blameless. But I ask why is it when Jude goes to CanJam Singapore, he has to go around and label SuperBAF members as "false authorities". Why did Jude last year have to mention my name at the Ann Arbor meet and misrepresent me has a hardcore objectivist in regards to measurements? Why is that when I first met LH Labs at a Bay Area meet I organized on behalf on Head-Fi (yes HF too, not just Changstar), one representative told me that "someone said I shouldn't trust you guys." Why does Jude care about the activities of Changstar, and now SuperBAF (a tiny little web forum with at most 100k sessions a month whereas HF has 4-7 millions of sessions)?

    Honestly, I just want us to do our thing and Jude to do this thing and get out of our way.
    Last edited: Apr 1, 2016
  4. purr1n

    purr1n Desire for betterer is endless.

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    I'm Finished.
  5. sphinxvc

    sphinxvc Gear Master (retired)

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    Sep 28, 2015
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    perfect, now lock this thread and let's get back to what we do @ sbaf
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