rhythmdevils modded orthos

Discussion in 'Headphones' started by rhythmdevils, Nov 16, 2021.

  1. Philimon

    Philimon Friend

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    Interesting. That would help explain some of the differences in burst response between v1 and v2, or atleast decay because otho walls are shifted. V2 has an ortho wall at @4800 so burst response decay is going to be longer lived (@4800). Doesnt mean v2 sounds slower in general in upper mids or treble vs v1, just at @4800.

    Do the measurements correlate with what you hear subjectively? Preference for v1 or v2?
  2. Philimon

    Philimon Friend

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  3. loadexfa

    loadexfa MOT: rhythmdevils audio

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    Dec 26, 2017
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    RD Modded LCD-X Impressions
    I heard an earlier version of this mod with very prominent mids/voices but missing a lot in the highs and lows. Voices were super euphoric which was cool but I felt too much was missing.

    Fortunately the final version of the mod has a much flatter FR. It took me longer to realize the voices are still euphoric due to being more balanced but they're still there, just need to use the correct tracks. Not as smooth with the MJ1, hearing some etch. The MJ1 isn't a bad pairing but the LauX is really good with these.

    I heard an unmodded LCD-X a few months ago and didn't like it. I hated the tone and found them generally lacking. I'm sure poor amp synergy was part of the issue but still, this mod is a massive improvement from what I remember. Even frequency response, good tone, and euphoric voices are what stand out to me now in addition to nice clarity and resolution.

    Roon (Redbook/Qobuz) -> Ambre -> Pavane -> Freya S (passive) -> [See Below for Amp/headphone pairings used]
    Stratus (using the A&S XLR to RCA converter): Clear and Auteur
    LauX: LCD-X, LCD-4
    MJ1: HE 6se

    vs HE 6se V1
    • 6se has a lighter, more airy sound.
    • LCD-X is fuller and a bit darker, wouldn't describe as dark though
    • Some details are pushed back on the 6se
    • Do you want chills listening to beautiful vocals? You want the LCD-X.
    • LCD-X has more punch and heft (despite the 6se being on a punchier amp)
    • Treble is more elevated on 6se (not harsh, more noticeable) more obvious with cymbals and some percussion. Approaches tizzy with some tracks but doesn't quite get there. I think the MJ1 helps push it towards tizzy too
    • Voices are more forward on the LCD-X
    • Both are good with busier/cluttered music. The 6se adds some distance which can be nice depending on the song whereas the LCD-X keeps you THERE. Neither is better IMO, depends on what you want
    • 6se bass is more extended but LCD-X bass hits harder
    • LCD-X is livelier

    vs LCD-4
    Note the LCD-4 is a mod in progress though it is close to what RD intends.
    • LCD-4: So much more resolution, I didn't know I was missing out before using these. Micro details I never knew existed I can now hear
    • While LCD-4 doesn't have the same level of vocal euphoria (which might change since the mod isn't finished), some vocals have more bite. Vocals for both are very good, it's more of a flavor difference
    • LCD-4: Does your neck even lift, bro? JFC these are heavy.
    • Voices are more forward on the LCD-X
    • LCD-4: Bass cleaner, possibly more extended
    • For cluttered/busier music, LCD-4 is smoother while still showing everything
    • Generally the LCD-4 is smoother while the LCD-X is sharper (but not sharp). Interesting because vocals have more bite with the LCD-4.
    • Overall very a similar presentation, the LCD-X is a great option to save money. Pick the LCD-4 if you want to hear EVERYTHING (or at least a whole lot more). The vocal differences should change as the LCD-4 gets finalized, RD doesn't like recessed vocals.
    • LCD-X can feel more focused, probably a mix of more forward vocals plus not having so much detail/resolution

    vs Clear

    The LCD-X doesn't synergize as well with the Stratus, it loses some liveliness, separation, and highs. The Clear on the LauX lacks heft and sounds very subdued. Comparisons done on the ideal amp for each.
    • Clear more heft, mid bass elevated
    • Voices on both are great, more elevated and female voices more euphoric on LCD-X. Male vocals more a toss up, both are fantastic but the LCD-X does sound a little more accurate
    • LCD-X has better air, separation can be a toss up
    • Clear has marginally better clarity
    • Both comfortable but this is very head dependent. LCD-X feels heavier but the cushy ear pads are nicer. The Clear rests easier on the top of my head.
    • LCD-X can be crisper at times
    • Clear has better presence. This could be more the Stratus than the Clear (when there's good synergy, the Stratus is fantastic with presence).
    • Both are smooth
    • Clear has more bite
    These are definitely in the same league with similar "neutral" tuning. For me they were a toss up. If I didn't have the LCD-4 I'd be tempted to get the LCD-X

    vs Auteur (suede Eikon perf pads)
    • Comfort, LCD-X is a little better (both are a bit heavy yet still comfortable. LCD-X has super cushy pads and is a little lighter.)
    • Both are really good with voices. Weird, sometimes they are elevated with the LCD-X, other songs they are more elevated with Auteur
    • LCD-X has better air, separation, and clarity
    • With LCD-X details can be easier to pick out
    • Auteur more mid bass
    • Auteur has a more intimate presentation
    • Auteur has a more romantic sound, more soul
    • Sharper percussion hits with the Auteur
    • LCD-X is better for busy/cluttered music, clarity and separation help
    Similar thoughts as Clear, same league, different flavor of something similar.

    Final Thoughts
    I think the modded LCD-X + LauX should be a strong consideration for anyone who enjoys a "neutral" sound with excellent vocals. I was pleased with how well this combination holds up against the Stratus + Clear/Auteur.
  4. dasman66

    dasman66 Self proclaimed lazy ass - friend

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    Mar 13, 2018
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    nowhere and everywhere
    Modded Audeze LCD-X
    Anner Bylsma Prélude to Bach’s Suite for solo cello No. 1 in G major
    The 5 Browns Malagueña from Andalucia Suite
    Pamela Frank/Zurich Tonhalle Orchestra Mozart’s Serenade No. 7 for orchestra in D major
    John Williams/John Etheridge Extra Time for 2 Guitars
    Duplessy & The Violins of the World Kung Fu
    Kaki King Ingots
    The Beatles Norwegian Wood
    Eagles Hotel California (from Hell Freezes Over)

    Carl Anderson Heaven on their Minds
    James Brown It’s a New Day, Pts. 1-2
    Earth Wind & Fire Shining Star
    Los Lonely Boys I Don’t Wanna Lose Your Love (Live at Blue Cat Blues)
    Led Zeppelin Moby Dick (from How the West was Won)
    Daft Punk Giorgio by Moroder
    Cream Badge
    Ben Harper & The Blind Boys of Alabama Take My Hand
    Horace Silver Quintet Finger Poppin’
    Maynard Ferguson Birdland
    Phil Woods Rain Dance (Live from the Showboat)
    Bill Evans Trio Detour Ahead [Take 2]
    Ray Charles/Count Basie Orchestra Oh, What a Beautiful Morning
    Macy Gray Redemption Song
    Joni Mitchell California

    Pi2AES -> BNC -> Bifrost 2 -> Bal -> Liquid Gold X -> Audeze LCD-X/RD Modded LCD-X

    It was interesting comparing the stock to the modded… they are definitely branches from the same tree, but some of the FR differences are pretty stark to my ears. The stock is definitely a warm headphone while the mods take the LCD-X is a different direction. Similar to the modded HE560 I listened to, I hear the LCD-X mod as maybe a little brighter than neutral. I wonder how these measure compared to the HE560… I wouldn’t be surprised if they shared a similar 7-10Khz bump.

    The mods give the LCD-X a sense of air and lightness that leaves the stock version sounding comparatively heavy. The mods pull cymbal work right out in front (maybe a little too far in front) and are given a little (bordering on too much) sizzle. But snares/toms have a crispness/attack that the stock version is lacking.

    To my ear, the mids on the mod were a little leaner than stock, but in no way objectionable. Vocals (especially female) were outstanding on the modded version and a big weak spot for me on the stock. That said, listening to California, Joni Mitchell’s voice has a slight sibilance (Sssittin in a park in Parisss Franccce…) while with the stock version her voice sounds a little too flat. Male vocals were kind of a horse apiece… some vocalists I preferred the modded (James Taylor, Carl Anderson), while with others I preferred the stock (Ray Charles, Ben Harper).

    Strings were another spot where I flip flopped preferences – with Anner Bylsma’s cello, I definitely preferred the stock, same thing with most electric guitar work – there was just a heft in the low-mids that the modded version lacked. But the mods gave violin, mandolin, acoustic guitar an airy quality that I definitely preferred.

    The bass on each was similar, but I thought the stock version had a little more heft and extension. I noticed this first with Hotel California – when the drums kick in at around 30sec, the stock version has more impact and extension. And once I noticed, I started hearing the difference in more tracks in my list… probably because I was listening for it. But… I thought the bass in the modded version sounded faster/tighter… the stock version could be considered a little boomy in comparison.

    From a detail standpoint, I think the modded version pulls more detail out of the mix. The faster transients from the mods are fairly evident to my ears, and the flatter sounding FR makes the modded treble sound more detailed. Things like brushwork on cymbals just lost detail on the stock.

    Ergonomics and stuff
    1. The modded LCD-x pads are softer than stock and are not angled – the stock pads are a little deeper. I find the stock pads more comfortable (because of the angle), but they both really pretty close comfort-wise. I’m sure others are going to prefer the modded pads.
    2. The forza cable was much nicer than the stock cable. Much more supple… I’ve already ordered one for my stock cans.
    3. Suspension headband was very comfortable (and unchanged between stock/modded) – but with my large noggin I find that I almost completely extend the headphones. For smaller heads, I could see the strap just sitting against the metal and someone not getting the suspension benefit.
    4. I’m glad RD is looking at a different approach to the venting – the plastic straws kind of scare me from a long-term durability standpoint.

    Random Thoughts

    I tried both of the LCD-X on some of my other rigs (Bifrost/Studio B; SFD-1 MKII/ECP 3f) and there was no magic to be found… without the LauX I don’t think I would have considered either LCD-X.

    I also tried some of my other headphones (Cocobolo Auteur; Cherry Eikon; HD600) on the LauX and again there was no magic to be found… the amp sounded pretty unremarkable and is something I probably would have sent back.

    IOW, the stock/modded LCD-X go with the LauX like PBJ… the synergy of the cans with the amp is kinda amazing to me.


    Eeny, meeny, miny, moe… I pick… both. But not both, I want a mash-up version. I want the sense of air and improved openness of the modded version, but I want the I want the angled pads of the stock.

    I want the deep bass impact/heft of the stock, with the speed of the modded. I want the lower-mids of the stock and the upper-mids of the modded. For treble, I would really would prefer something dialed in between the two (but much closer to the modded version than the stock)… bring the treble down a hair.

    I know… I’m wishy-washy – not helpful. I’m definitely keeping the LCD-X/LauX combination, they offer a great alternative sound my other gear. But I’m not sure what I’m going to do with my Black Friday LCD-X… get them modded, or keep them stock... sigh...



    For shiz & giggles, I plugged the stock LCD-x into my Mogwai over the weekend (modded version has already been sent off)... I wish I would have done this sooner. The Mogwai/LCD-X combination doesn't suck... it's a much stronger pairing than the LCD-X with either the 3F or StudioB... I'll have to do some more comparative listening vs the LauX and pull some thoughts together for the stock LCD-X review thread. Wishing I would have tried the modded version with the mogwai...

    --------edit 2--------

    Thoughts on the updated LCD-x mod here
    Last edited: Jun 6, 2022
  5. purr1n

    purr1n Desire for betterer is endless.

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    This is a second set of HE6seV2.

    Better tuning with different damping and different pads. This has the super soft pads.

  6. purr1n

    purr1n Desire for betterer is endless.

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  7. rhythmdevils

    rhythmdevils MOT: rhythmdevils audio

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    This is the final version.

    There's unfortunately no way to get rid of this treble peak because its coming from the driver. I could start putting stuff in front of the driver, but that lowers all upper frequencies, not just the peak, and really kills resolution and air and just isn't something ii'm willing to do as a modding practice. I've tried it a lot and never liked the results of front driver damping.

    I'm already using the warmest earpads I can find on the market. I do have some new ideas to give them more bass, warmth and possibly lower the treble peak though which I'll try out when I get these back from Marv.

    Here's the stock CSD's for comparison


  8. Bill-P

    Bill-P Level 42 Mad Wizard

    Sep 25, 2015
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    Modded HE6SE:

    I can't tell which version this is but I know this is @loadexfa's and I heard it while it was on loan to @CEE TEE. We had Mjolnir to drive it.

    Here are my notes on them:
    1. Frequency response is a bit tipped up and kinda zippy/zingy but not unpleasant. Something interesting was going on with the treble and "air" region, but it was not fatiguing.
    2. Presence region is "just right". I don't think these need more upper midrange.
    3. Heck, actually, midrange is the star of the show here. The whole presentation is kind of focused on midrange.
    4. Bass is there and does hit quite hard, but there's no "thickness" or solidity. It's kind of... light and fast.
    5. The whole presentation is kind of ethereal. Soundstage is not large and diffused but isn't quite as boxed in as other planars either. It's a more natural "headphone-like" soundstage if that makes sense. Certainly on par with HD600/650.

    Overall, I did think that it was a good headphone, if not an excellent pair of orthos. Certainly there are much worse options out there. Tempted to try it again on a good tube amp to see how a bit of warmth and body will work with the airy/light/midrange-centric presentation here.

    But even out of Mjolnir, I did like what I heard very much!
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  9. loadexfa

    loadexfa MOT: rhythmdevils audio

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    If they don’t sell before you get back you’re welcome to try them again on a tube amp. I thought they synergized quite well with the Decware Zen Taboo loaner.
  10. loadexfa

    loadexfa MOT: rhythmdevils audio

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    RD Modded Audeze LCD-4 vs Stock
    I think the stock version I heard had better than usual mids, there was definitely suckout but not as dramatic as I've seen others describe. Either way, it wasn't as much suckout as I heard with the Clear MG or the HD 8XX. I also liked the stock version a lot, something that won't be obvious when you see my comparison below.

    The modded version ... just WOW. Even when I heard an unfinished version while RD was still finalizing the mod, I knew I had to have them. Lucky for me he had an additional used pair to mod and sell. :D I'm really enjoying the superb resolution and hope to compare someday against a Utopia and a Verite which should both be really good on my chain.

    Ambre AES -> Rockna Wavedream -> Stratus (Acme 2A3, EML)
    Normally the LCD-4 is more interesting and lively with the Laux but I was finding it a bit much at the time and needed to use the Stratus instead.

    Modded Version
    • Superb clarity
    • Great separation
    • Voices pushed forward (in a good way) and there is space between them and the rest of the music
    • A bit brighter
    • Overall presentation more balanced in addition to the FR being more "neutral"
    • Some instruments have more "meat" like strings, you can "feel" them being plucked better
    • Livelier, could be due to flatter FR
    • These are great for classical, competitive vs HD 800 with different strengths (different tone for each, bigger stage for a whole orchestra with HD 800 and better piano tone, better clarity and resolution with LCD-4)
    • Similar clarity, separation not as distinct
    • Voices good but more recessed
    • Tonally thinner, especially voices (unexpected since the modded version is a bit brighter)
    • Classical is meh, thin tone keeps it from being engaging
    • Switching back and forth there is noticeable suckout somewhere in the mids
    Other Thoughts
    I questioned if I can sell my HD 800 since the modded LCD-4 is so good for classical. The LCD-4 is more resolving and clearer. The HD 800 stage is nice for an orchestra and has "meatier" piano but the LCD-4 has excellent separation. I think I will hang on to the HD 800, it's a bit more "right" for classical and edging out that last bit of awesome is the goal at this price point.

    Either way rhythmdevils' modded LCD-4 is DAMN GOOD for all genres, if you aren't a variety slut such as myself, this could easily be someone's one and only fantastic pair of headphones.

    I've heard multiple variations of this mod, this version has the best clarity, separation, and vocals. It's very interesting where RD can take these. I hope a SF Bay meetup happens sometime soon, other people need to hear these.
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  11. dasman66

    dasman66 Self proclaimed lazy ass - friend

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    Modded Audeze LCD-X (take 2)

    @rhythmdevils updated his mods (with the white straws/different grille materail) and asked me to re-listen before sending to @purr1n. So... please read my review of the OG Modded Audeze LCD-X for proper context... because this review will be very short. The setup and playlist was identical this time around

    Sonically, RD nailed it and these are the mash-up of the OG mod and stock that I was looking for, while sounding even more open than I remember the OG mod. Bass quantity is 99% of the stock and 100% of the speed from the OG mod. Mids seem to reach that mash-up of OG vs stock that I was looking for - keeping the best qualities of both. Treble was dialed back slightly from the OG mod... perfect. I simply have no sonic nits to pick.

    From an ergo standpoint, I still prefer the deeper angled pads of the stock, because the shallower pads put the fazor/resonance strip smack against my ears. RD indicated that he can eliminate that problem by relocating the resonance strips to the back of the driver. If so, then this hits total win category for me... sign me up!

    Last edited: Jun 6, 2022
  12. CaptainCope

    CaptainCope Almost "Made"

    Dec 19, 2020
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    Modded Audeze LCD-X

    Had these on my desk for a number of days and here is a phone picture -- with the left and right cables inverted (sigh). A shitty picture but a wonderful headphone. ld-x-mod.jpg

    Thanks so much for sending this out on a loaner and for allowing me to listen !

    Qobuz -> Bifrost 2 -> (Jot2, LauX, SW51) -> (Modded LCD-X, Auteur, Modhouse Argon v2)

    Comparison to Auteur (eikon pads)
    • Similar frequency response -- neutral and even
    • Modded LCD-X sounds wider and airer
    • Auteur stronger slam
    • Modded LCD-X has more details in busy passages
    Comparison to Modhouse Argon v2
    Wasn't originally going to use this headphone for a comparison because it is just "wonky" frequency response but I was using these cans when the LCD-X arrived and contrasts really well
    • LCD-X crisper bass
    • Argon's bass emphasis sounds farty
    • LCD-X vocals are considerably more forward -- Argon's weird tuning shows here.
    LauX vs Jot2
    Having the LauX on my desk for quiet awhile I had formed a pretty meh impression of it. Comparing the LauX and Jot 2 with my pair of T50 mods (modhouse argon and mr. speakers alpha dog pros), the LauX flatten the sound out. Jot 2 gave a larger wall of sound -- missing nuances and placement details but larger. This effect was not noticeable with the Modded LCD-X and I imagine it is because the LCD-X is just a larger and better driver.

    • Jot 2 has more macro dynamics
    • LauX wider stage
    LauX vs SW51
    Shortest Way is a linear tube amp and I have been enjoying it with the T50 headphones. With the Modded LCD-X, transients felt blunted and sound wasn't as crisp. I didn't feel like it was a good pairing and I believe that I don't experience the same with T50 mods because they aren't capable of the same level of detail.

    Thank you for sharing your creation with me and allowing me to sit with the LauX for so long. These headphones surprised me in two ways:
    1. Audeze House Sound -- What is described as the Audeze House Sound to my ears isn't present. If you were looking to turn your Audeze headphone into a neutral sound this mod feels like the ticket
    2. Open and wide -- my stable of headphones are all semi-closed and this was my first real listen to a open back. From my reading, headphones cannot match the width of a 2 channel setup but this was surely wide enough for every day listening
  13. Soups

    Soups Sadomasochistic cat

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    RD Modded Audeze LCD-X

    Chain: USBridge Signature > Yggdrasil A2 (Unison USB) > Liquid Gold X (Bal) || Phonitor X (Bal)

    Big thank you to @rhythmdevils for the opportunity to listen to his modded LCD-X and LauX via loaner. This modded version is my first time listening to an LCD-X, and the only other Audeze I've heard is the LCD-2C, which I bought and promptly returned for its dark stool inspired tonality, which I refer to as the Audeze "OutHouse" Sound.

    But with these - I'm going to start by sounding a bit gushy - because I really enjoyed their excellent tonality. It sounded so well balanced across the whole spectrum, while completely avoiding the mistake of being neutral-boring. They seem to tilt slightly warm via the LauX but not in an overly-smoothed way. In fact, "neutral" is mostly a good thing to my ears and doesn't veer into "boring" until it neuters the mids - reducing them too much. And although I don't have a ton of experience with planars, these are the best planar mids I've heard, reminding me of the HD650's, especially listening to female vocals, but with better extension in both highs and lows. I was second guessing myself on this, but it seems like I'm not the only one hearing some similarities between these two?

    Now the only thing that I wish was different tonally was MOAR of that planar low-end... both slam and rumble. Could be this bass-head is asking for something that will throw off the delicate perceptual balance, but the bass was my favorite feature of the stock LCD-2C, which I admit, wasn't enough to win me over.

    As far as technicalities - resolution wise, these seemed really comparable to my Focal Clears. In fact, RD's LCD-X seems to best them in terms of clarity, with both a better sense of layering and separation. The Audeze's also sounded a tad faster to me as well. The stage still felt wider with the Clears, which is not what they're known for. But even then I was pleasantly surprised with how open & wide the LCD-X sounded, even with everything feeling a bit closer to the front rows.

    One final note is that the Phonitor X is really NOT the best pairing with these. The Phonitor very much out resolves the LauX adding even more air, reverb decay, layering/separation - but at the expense of making these headphones sound a tad bit shouty in the lower treble and leaner in the bass. Which is also one good reason to at least hear these with the LauX as a baseline before trying other amps.

    All that said, I wish I had more time with these and was sad to ship them off. I'm really tempted now to save up for a pair of Audezes for rhythmdevils to mod.
  14. Aklegal

    Aklegal Friend

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    What are the LCD-2F mods? I just bought a used LCD2C. I am going to purchase some Dekoni Velour pads since I cannot deal with the air-pressure seal of the stock leathers.
  15. dBel84

    dBel84 Friend

    Sep 27, 2015
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    Through an unfortunate incident that needed attention, I was fortunate enough to get to hear a pair of @rhythmdevils modified LCD4z

    I am a man of few words generally and aside from WOW , I will try and honor the masterful job RD has performed on these exceptional headphones.

    I will not describe the nuances or dynamic swings but rather relate a short personal tale. Like many who have been audiophiles for "too long", things just become 'meh'. I had truly lost the desire for headphones, I have a reasonable collection still and occasionally use them but it is more convenience and a tool for enjoying the music when 2-channel is not accessible than being driven to seek out new music because of an intangible desire to experience the sound being produced by the headphones. The Rhythm Devils modified LCD4z reignited that spark. RD sent them to me as the wire to one of the drivers lost contact in the process of his wizardry - in his defense, Audeze is using very stiff silver wire that does not tolerate much manipulation, so no mishandling, just the nature of such delicate work. My first listen after fixing them was - shit, these sound good! 3 hours later, I called it a night because I need my beauty sleep. Over the course of the next 4 days, I found myself finding excuses to sit at my desk and work - all in the guise of listening to the RD-LCD4z in all of its glory. Everything sounded so present, the resolution of these headphones is beyond words. I met up with 2 local audiophiles and they were equally blown away by the RD-LCD4z, I do believe the exceptional base quality won their loyalty. It is rare that a headphone can captivate the raw nature of music and bring out that emotional connection.

    :bow: this is my new reference to which I will gauge true high end

    everyone needs to hear these although few will own them ..dB
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  16. ColtMrFire

    ColtMrFire Writes better fan fics than you

    Jun 16, 2016
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    Heard his modded LCD-4 at the Texas meet (not sure if it was a Z or not) and was also blown through the back of the wall by the sound coming out of them. No idea how it fares against a stock model, but they were impossible to ignore. Audeze really needs to hire @rhythmdevils as a consultant or something...
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  17. rhythmdevils

    rhythmdevils MOT: rhythmdevils audio

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    You heard my modded LCD-4 with the open back chrome grills. @dBel84 has my modded LCD-4z which has the magnesium housing and gold mesh grills. I'll do a loaner for both shortly. :)

    also, it's worth noting that broken wires won't be a problem if I mod your Audeze's. It's only an issue with the magnesium housing Audeze's because to open them I have to take the baffle off and then I have to move the wires because they go from the cup to the baffle, which I have to separate to open them. but these only broke because I opened them so many times in figuring out the mod, literally probably tens of times or a hundred times. If I mod your Audeze, I'll only be opening them up once, so the wires won't break. And if for some reason they do I'll take care of you of course. But they won't. ;)
  18. Aklegal

    Aklegal Friend

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    @rhythmdevils I'm holding on to my LCD2C and waiting for the mods to pop up on your site.
  19. rhythmdevils

    rhythmdevils MOT: rhythmdevils audio

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    I'm about to add the LCD-5 to my site.

    I've got both an LCD-2 (same as the LCD-2C, the LCD-2 just has wood and fazors, and I remove the fazors, so it will be the same mod) and an LCD-3 that I'm working on. I'm trialing different custom made earpads on them as I'm not happy with the mod right now. I'm very picky :) I may have to do a lot of rethinking to make it work with these models so I'm not sure when/if they'll be available.

    Something about these different drivers, they don't perform the same way as the other Audeze's. I don't know why yet.
  20. loadexfa

    loadexfa MOT: rhythmdevils audio

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    Dec 26, 2017
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    SF Bay Area Peninsula
    A brief addendum to my RD modded LCD-4 posts:

    Once it had full power, the RD modded HE 6se got A LOT closer to the awesomeness of the LCD-4. The LCD-4 still won in terms of tone and resolution but proper amplification really makes a huge difference.

    I was able to compare a Utopia against the RD modded LCD-4 and the LCD-4 won for me.
    • LCD-4 has better tone
    • LCD-4 is smoother without smoothing over anything. Even with good synergy (SFD-2 and Stratus) I could hear harshness from the Utopia
    • Both are very resolving, I like the way the LCD-4 resolves better. I feel like it has more heft to the resolution yet I wouldn't describe it as thick sounding. Hard to describe, could also be better texture.
    After comparing against the Utopia, I realized I'm not going to find headphones better than the RD modded LCD-4. Having a good amp and overall system synergy is essential of course and I've been fortunate in finding such a combo. I understand some will prefer the Utopia's presentation but if you're in the "it's a bit too much" category and still want a resolution beast, the RD modded LCD-4 is probably for you.
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