Schiit Urd Impressions

Discussion in 'Digital: DACs, USB converters, decrapifiers' started by purr1n, Jul 12, 2023.

  1. ColtMrFire

    ColtMrFire Writes better fan fics than you

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  2. Storytime

    Storytime Acquaintance

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  3. JayNYC

    JayNYC Friend

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    I could do a comparison with Cal Delta transport, using AES on each.
    If the loaner can make it to Miami….

    Shipping something around with a mechanical section probably riskier than just shipping a DAC….
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  4. purr1n

    purr1n Desire for betterer is endless.

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    I believe the Urd has been selling like hotcakes. Let me ask to see if SBAF can get a loaner. Sure seems to be enough interest and this is a good group for a product like this. Would be interesting to compare to the Shanling transport.
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  5. AlPastor

    AlPastor Facebook Friend

    Jul 17, 2023
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    Been playing with URD for a few days now and so far it's been solid and just works as it should. Looking forward to further AES vs Unison testing into Yggdrasil OG over the coming weeks.
  6. Kernel Kurtz

    Kernel Kurtz Friend

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    So my Urd arrived today. It has some weight to it and seems well built, much as I expected. Matches the rest of my Schiit cosmetically as well.

    June was very hot here, but the last couple weeks have been kind of cool and rainy. This works out well because I normally don't use my 2ch system in the summer. AC can't keep up when it is in the 30s (C) outside, but it is 21C out today so I wiped the dust off everything and fired it up for the first time since April.

    I don't have the ability to do a proper A/B test, so my quick test consisted of warming the system up playing a CD without listening to it. After that I listened to one of my favorite CDs on my cheap Tascam CD player, then I swapped in the Urd and listened to the same CD again. What I have learned is I did not know how bad my previous player was till I replaced it with something clearly better (what Donald Rumsfeld would call things we don't know we don't know). Yeah, it just spins CDs, but it also makes a noticeable SQ difference. Should have done this long ago (but was kind of waiting for Urd). My plan now is to send my Gungnir MB in for the Unison upgrade over the summer to hopefully have it back for the fall, then I can compare Unison and SPDIF directly. In the meantime I look forward to reading others impressions here.

    Anyway, my first impression is that Mike and Jason have done it again with another great value proposition, reminding me why I own so much Schiit. Thanks guys!
  7. Bina

    Bina MOT - Shanling

    Sep 29, 2015
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    Can definitely get you discount on that, will try to see about loaner unit.
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    Last edited: Jul 19, 2023
  8. hifiandrun

    hifiandrun Almost "Made"

    Nov 2, 2016
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    First impression of Schiit Urd CD transport and digital hub.


    I briefly tried several configurations available to me. All were compared with one song (Nils Lofgren - Acoustic Live, the 5th song "Keith Don't Go"). I have a physical CD, a wav file from the same CD using dbpoweramp, and stream source from Qobuz. There is no special reason for choosing this song, just that it is a good recording which I have on hand at this moment. A general score was provided following the description of each configuration. These scores should not be taken seriously. It is more of a fun way to convey my personal first impression than a reference. All impression were based on stereo speaker listening (Schiit Freya N tube mode, dual mono Aegir, KEF LS50, sub KC62).

    1. iPad mini 6, Qobuz streaming --> USB-C to USB-A adapter --> Belkin USB-A to USB-B gold --> Yggdrasil+ Unison USB-B input. Score: *******(7.0). Using the iPad mini 6 as the streaming source is pretty satisfactory for my Modi MB2, Vali 2+, and HD650mod. But in the speaker system, it is just not very engaging. Sound a bit dull or dark if it is a better word. Sound stage is between speakers, not beyond them.

    2. iPad mini 6, Qobuz streaming --> Anker USB-C to USB-C --> Urd USB in --> Urd USB-C out -- USB-C to USB-A adapter --> Belkin USB-A to USB-B gold --> Yggdrasil+ Unison USB-B input. Score: ********* (8.5 - 9.0). I can hear more details. Sound stage is wider than the speakers' outside walls. Sounds more relaxing, had a better sense of realness (sorry for the layman's term).

    3. PiCorePlayer LMS using Pi 4, Qobuz streaming --> Pi 3B+ and Pi2AES coax, separated LPS for the Pi2AES --> Blue Jeans coax cable BNC --> Yggdrasil+ coax BNC input. Score: ********** (9.5). This has been my usual set up for years. Musical and enjoyable. More details and better sound stage than the above setup (2). Note: I am working on building an atomicbob's SMPS Noise Nuke, I may add some details regarding to the Pi2AES with Yggdrasil's AES input later.

    Now, the Urd playing CD. Wow !!! I am sure I was affected by the new-toy-syndrome. But wow. The differences are undeniable. I feel as if one or more layers of veil have been removed, and it is a breeze sunny day. Everything is clearer. The music is more dynamic, with improved macrodynamic and microdynamic.

    4. CD --> Urd AES output --> Mogami digital balanced cable with Neutrik gold-plated AES connector --> Yggdrasil+ spdif AES input. Score: ************(12.0). This was my favorite upon my first impression. Sound stage is wider, very similar to the Pi2AES, the setup (3). I felt that I was sitting at row 7, which is similar to those aforementioned setups. In general, it is very musical and kind of sweet and warm sounding, especially at the midrange.

    5. CD --> Urd USB-C output --> USB-C to USB-A adapter --> Belkin USB-A to USB-B gold --> Yggdrasil+ Unison USB-B input. Score: ************(12.5). Sound is a bit forward than Urd AES output, feels like I am sitting at row 5 instead of row 7. There are more details compared to the AES output, but the differences are subtle. The overall feeling is that it sounds a bit "brighter", but without any hint of audio "digititus". It has a more "Hi-Fi ish" sound, but it is definitely not clinical sounding. I kind of liked it more and started getting used to it in less than half an hour of listening. More listening is needed.

    One interesting note. The first time I connected the Urd and the Yggdrasil Unison USB, it didn't make any sound. Then somehow it played music, but the USB output status on the Urd showed a "problem" icon (see the attached picture). Later I unintentionally touched the USB-C pigtail adapter, suddenly the "broken" icon became a regular icon. The sound seemed also slightly improved. I could not reproduce this loose connection thus I am not sure about the sound improvement. It seems that the quality of the USB cable and the connection may affect sound.


    First, Oh my, the Urd is no doubt a top-of-the-line CD transporter, either using the Unison USB output or the AES output. It seems that there is a very unique synergy between the Unison output on Urd and the Unison input on Yggdrasil. The difference is subtle but interesting. I have believed that the SPDIF was the best musical sounding connection (specially with well designed (expensive clocks, advanced power regulations, etc) Raspberry Pi HATs (such as Pi2AES, Allo Digione pro) and the USB connection was polluted (remember those megabucks supper long and super complicated USB-chains)? The Urd have changed all these. It is a game changer.

    Second, the Urd is so fun. The Urd could be one of the best non-medical treatments for severe audiophile nervosa. Imaging how many combinations we can try? What about different brands of USB-C to USB-B cables? What about different USB-C to USB-A adaptors and the unlimited combinations with our huge collections of USB-A to USB-B cables? (sorry, I am just kidding, but trying different inputs and outputs on Urd and see if it changes the sound is truly fun).

    Third. For someone who mostly uses on-line or local streaming as the main source of music playback, please relax. The Urd as a digital hub (passing and cleaning up the digital signals) can improve the sound, but how significant the improvement one can get, will be variable. As a reference, I think that my biggest improvement in my system is from Gungnir A1 to Yggdrasil OG A2.

    Edit: with iPad mini USB-C to Urd, then Urd to Yggdrasil, I prefer the Urd USB output to the Urd AES output. The differences are subtle, within the score of 0.5 out of 10. The USB output sounds a bit lively.
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    Last edited: Jul 20, 2023
  9. Kernel Kurtz

    Kernel Kurtz Friend

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    Nice detailed write up, thanks! I've been thinking about this same thing. To be sure, Urd did come out to a $2K CAD upgrade all in. Would that 2K have been better spent (for me) going from Gungnir to Yggdrasil? Replacing my Vidars with Tyrs? Updating my old MG12s with some 1.7s? I don't know, I'll find out when and if I get around to those things. I do know (now) that had I done any of those things, my cheap ass CD player would still have been holding all of them back in the end. What I learned most I guess is my system is already good enough to tell a cheap CD spinner from a good one, and I'm happy to have checked that off the list.
  10. ColtMrFire

    ColtMrFire Writes better fan fics than you

    Jun 16, 2016
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    If you have a resolving enough chain that synergizes well, the core playback source is going to be the bottleneck for the entire system at that point. I suspect this was the main point of Moffat developing the Urd... controlling the quality of the source to make their already stellar products shine... regarding unison, why develop their own usb standard if they can't control what's feeding it?
  11. schiit

    schiit SchiitHead

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    I'll make sure you get a loaner. Should be a good test of shipping durability in any case.
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  12. Baten

    Baten Friend

    Mar 18, 2018
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    idontneedthis idontneedthis idontneedthis.
  13. caute

    caute Lana Del Gayer than you

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    gigachad/chang review!

    can you do one thing for me tho pls? test the coax out of the Urd in place of AES? --don't hafta do it for every single combo you did, but just maybe test the AES vs coax on the Urd w a CD spinning?
  14. tatsugiri

    tatsugiri Acquaintance

    Jul 19, 2023
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    How fancy are the urd's clock(s)?
  15. Clemmaster

    Clemmaster Friend

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  16. Bowmoreman

    Bowmoreman Almost "Made"

    Jun 28, 2023
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    “If your system is resolving enough to hear the differences…”

    Reminds me of the old, late 1970’s into 80’s Linn philosophy about “systems”… first the source, because if it’s crap, better equipment downstream just reveals the crap BETTER (paraphrasing).

    I am sore tempted.
  17. dBel84

    dBel84 Friend

    Sep 27, 2015
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    Curious here too , I used an OPPO player for many moons and was always perfectly happy - could play SACD and DVD A as well as red book and because I picked it up as a back door option through OPPO, I was able to get full digital out sans down sampling. I picked up some of the cavalli demo gear in the fire sale and although I had always been a sceptic, the PSAudio PerfectWave, just blew me away with the detail and resolution from redbook playback. Still have no idea why it sounds as good as it does but i often prefer spinning redbook to streaming through the NAS. I would be very curious as to how the Urd stacks up , sure is a lot more compact..dB
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  18. rfernand

    rfernand Almost "Made"

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    Super first impression: UniSON OF A BITCH! It does sound different!

    Compared (quickly) PiAES SPDIF -> Yggdrasil | PiAES USB -> Urd -> Yggdrasil. How different? Who knows. The only adjective that comes to mind is “controlled”. Will need to listen more.

    CD tray was not opening. Turned off and on again and it worked. Will pay attention and compare to CXC.

    This thing definitely needs to be studied and quantified. Is it just better timing? What did unison-to-unison actually do?
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  19. Clemmaster

    Clemmaster Friend

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    At the very least, Urd provides (yet another) layer of isolation.
  20. gixxerwimp

    gixxerwimp Professional tricycle rider

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    PI2AES doesn't have a USB output, so you're comparing its S/PDIF output to the USB output of the Pi filtered through Urd.

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