Schiit Yggdrasil Less is More (and MIL and OG) Impressions + Measurements

Discussion in 'Digital: DACs, USB converters, decrapifiers' started by purr1n, Sep 9, 2021.


Should SBAF get a loaner Yggdrasil Less Is More?

  1. Yes, please!

  2. Only if there isn't anything else more interesting

  3. No, I would prefer for a loaner an overpriced planar that looks like it's from House Harkonnen

  4. Save up for something better

  1. Wojciech Czupta

    Wojciech Czupta Acquaintance

    Sep 22, 2021
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    hi Guys, I've just installed MIL replacing my A2. I only had a chance to spend 15 min and it was straight out of the box, so just the key impressions: the differnece isn't huge but it is obvious. The sound is cleaner, more precise, sound stage is probably wider and base is better defined but less prominent (as much as you can notice after 3-4 tracks). It is much more Chord sound style. One thing I'm not sure about (if this is good or bad or it is kind of trade off) - the sound is cleaner but might carry less information. I don't know. At first the ear enjoys this clarity, at second notices something is missing. So what is missing? just useless noise or noise with some low level information too? do you have any thoughts on this?
  2. Beefy

    Beefy Friend

    Apr 10, 2021
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    Well, that's always the risk when you 'follow your heart', so to speak. It's easy to fall in love with something. And it's not all that difficult to fall out of love again.

    On the other hand, it's always a lot harder to talk yourself out of something your brain truly likes. That thing might be harder to convince, but it tends to stick with it's decisions for a long time.
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  3. batriq

    batriq Probably has made you smarter

    Oct 31, 2015
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    I've been listening to the LIM for a while. For reference, this is a two channel setup with Marantz8005/Pi2AES > LIM > OG-Saga tube > SET amp > Tannoys+Bass, and I've had the A2 for > 3 years. Quick thoughts:
    • Timbre on the LIM is insanely good.
    • In A2, there's more sparkle and more bass, but the LIM is more even across the board, so while you lose that sparkle, I don't miss it because I hear more of everything else. There is more texture.
    • I disagree the LIM loses details. I am distinguishing between details and that top-end sparkle.
    • Bass is more controlled on the LIM and feels more refined.
    • I need to listen at higher volumes on the A2. This is likely related to points 2 and 4.
    @purr1n's perceptual graph is spot on -- I would just slope the red line (LIM) less.
  4. Wojciech Czupta

    Wojciech Czupta Acquaintance

    Sep 22, 2021
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    we need to take in account rest of the sytem and first of all the room. for one it will be just reducing the top end sparcle. for antoher it will take down the top frequencies below perception level. Hence you're both right, just you apply it to different scenarios. And don't cross out MIL yet. I think it has a great potential. Jason said he preferes MIL to LIM as he has different music preferenctes to Mike.
  5. Wojciech Czupta

    Wojciech Czupta Acquaintance

    Sep 22, 2021
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    when it comes to MIL there are clear wins over A2. You don't need A-B to hear huge clarity improvemnt and it also improves imaging, though stage seams to be a bit shallower (maybe will burn in). Balance probably a bit to the brighter side, though I read it as less base. Timber however sounds like a loss here. I'm not 100% sure about it but I think it is noticable when natural instruments are concerned. Overall I'd say it is an upgrade, though I'm tempted now to try MIL as well. Anyone who heard both, could you guide, to what extent this clarity and imaging will be lost with LIM? I think it will be very hard to let go these qualties.
    Last edited: Oct 13, 2021
  6. purr1n

    purr1n Desire for betterer is endless.

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    You nailed it. Timbre on MIL: it's still R2R, but closer to the a DS DAC sound if that makes any sense. You get a bit less perceived clarity on the LIM on the account of its darker sound. Stage was similar between MIL and LIM. A2/OG is a bit more expansive. Small differences with stage really where I don't care.
  7. Wojciech Czupta

    Wojciech Czupta Acquaintance

    Sep 22, 2021
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    would you say MIL sounds a bit artificial?
    does timber improve over time (it's less then 24 hours under power for my MIL)?

    you say it is less perceived clarity compared to MIL. Is also when compared to A2?
    Last edited: Oct 13, 2021
  8. mhanism1

    mhanism1 New

    Oct 6, 2021
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    Seems like some of the follow-up observations and experiences w/ the LIM are showing closer performance and differences with the OG. I've decided to visit the Schiitr this Saturday and see if I can demo both.
  9. schneller

    schneller Acquaintance

    Nov 19, 2016
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    I am a bit confused reading these LIM vs. MIL vs. XYZ reports. In my personal opinion, people should let their new product burn in/warm up before comparing to anything else. It sounds like what I want is LIM but with a tad more sparkle in the treble? Is that OG?

    Some of the comments also sound similar to mine after auditioning the Dynaudio Heritage Special speaker. Its Esotar3 tweeter is so revealing, even overshadowing the woofer. On one side it is good to have that much more insight into the music, but on the other it is bad because my brain was stumbling over every micro detail instead of enjoying the music. I came for the forest but got lost in the trees?
  10. Armaegis

    Armaegis Friend

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    Sep 27, 2015
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    This applies to one's love life as well.
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  11. Wojciech Czupta

    Wojciech Czupta Acquaintance

    Sep 22, 2021
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    if you get your new shit you tend to be impatient :)
  12. Wojciech Czupta

    Wojciech Czupta Acquaintance

    Sep 22, 2021
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    so another day of MIL burning in. Either my ears get used to or the timbre is improving. I asked my wife to listen and give her opinion - she was much more impressed then with Chord Dave/mscaler. She said it was hard to stop listening.

    in my taste the sound goes "spectacular way" to vast extent in positive way. Clarity is indeed spectacular. it beats Dave (this is my guess based on memory as I can't compare them directly) but also Dave's a bit flat timbre here gets a bit more flat. so it sounds like the price to pay for this super clarity.

    someone in this thread cmpared it to a photo with dynamic range extended in post processing. I think it is fair comparison. The picture is impressive, you like it very much yet you see it isn't 100% natural.

    I'm getting curious about LIM
  13. sp33ls

    sp33ls Friend

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    Oct 24, 2018
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    In this analogy, the LiM may not be the photo in the art gallery that immediately grabs your attention with crazy high dynamic range or detail, but instead the one that you came back to a second time to inspect closer because something in the back of your mind was drawn to the careful and natural composition of it all

    Then you decide take that picture home, frame it, and over time you end up appreciating it more and more. But that's just my guess since I've not heard both. :)
  14. Wojciech Czupta

    Wojciech Czupta Acquaintance

    Sep 22, 2021
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    Have you switched from A2 to LIM?
  15. exocer

    exocer Acquaintance

    Jan 30, 2020
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    FWIW I switched from A2 to LIM about a month ago. Initially, I felt as though there was some loss of information and that high frequencies were a bit too polite/smooth. I no longer feel that way after a month. I suspect the SQ peaked around two weeks in. Overall, the LIM is more relaxing resulting in less desire to "tweak" , and more desire to listen compared to A2. The low frequencies are more controlled now and presented more articulately. I do not notice much difference in soundstage in my 2-channel setup. My plan is to try the OG boards again before drawing my final conclusions. D
  16. Empyah

    Empyah Facebook Friend

    Apr 22, 2020
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    I was wondering what would suit my 2A3 Studio Junior better of these three, with an Utopia and a HDSEXXM.
    After reading everything there is online about the subject I just came around again and will have to finally pull the trigger on one of them...
  17. Wojciech Czupta

    Wojciech Czupta Acquaintance

    Sep 22, 2021
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    so in this politness/smoothness you don't feel any loss of texture, etc? This is my biggest worry about LIM. And it would be a nuisance to get both LIM, MIL and finally find A2 the most attractive :)
  18. exocer

    exocer Acquaintance

    Jan 30, 2020
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    Yes, there was a loss of texture in the higher frequencies initially but with some break-in there is certainly enough texture for my liking. Bass texture and control improved with LIM, other areas have enough texture for my liking as well. The LIM does not sound overly smooth in any way. I do not have the A2 at the same time because I upgraded.
  19. purr1n

    purr1n Desire for betterer is endless.

    Staff Member Pyrate BWC
    Sep 24, 2015
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    Gets better over time but MIL a bit artificial. Straddles DS sound almost. Definitely improvement in clarity over A2/OG.

    No less in texture. It's just that the LIM isn't a DAC that is particularly outright exciting all the time.
  20. Justin S

    Justin S Friend

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    Mar 14, 2018
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    I found that my listening and opinion of the LIM in my 2CH system swung back and forth for the first two-three weeks. Some days I found it detailed, full-sounding, spacious, etc and other days it was disjointed, small-sounding, congested and unengaging. I did swap out cables a couple of times trying to "fix" things, but I am back to my original cables (Deuland DCA12GA) and it seems to have stabilized. Could be ears/brain, but I don't think so as the SQ differences were pretty pronounced here. It did not seem like a linear progression from less good to more good. I generally do close listens on the weekends so my sample size is small at this point. I will say that last night was a one-more-song-oh-shit-it's-4am night.

    Having come from the excellent 2541 to the LIM, the bass-slam-bass-control and staging continue to be the stand-out difference and are really remarkable on the LIM.

    @exocer , I will keep my eye out for your A2/LIM comparison. I am curious. I had a BF2 in my system for a while. The occasional treble peaky-ness on the BF2 was a problem for me in my system. The LIM doesn't ever have this issue. I am interested to see if you find the A2 detail different from the LIM and how you find the differences in treble behaviour.
    Last edited: Oct 16, 2021

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