Sep 12, 2016
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Audiophile™, from East Coast

Pyrate MZR

Large orchestration + Susvara is still undeniably hella good to me. What a synergy. May 29, 2024 at 4:18 PM

    1. Vtory
      I'm usually not very into tube rolling. But .. rft ef184 is super impressive! To the extent I rate SW51 higher by one minor grade or two.
      1. Qildail, FlySweep, Inoculator and 2 others like this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. Azimuth
        I love RFT tubes.
        Mar 22, 2022
      4. ColdsnapBry
        I need to try some of these then! Off to Ebay I go!
        Mar 24, 2022
      5. ColdsnapBry
    2. Vtory
      SW+6XX: really good this time around. SW+HP1(stock): unexpectedly yummy. It can do ortho!
      1. Vtory
        Interestingly with SW, my preference between HP1 stock and mod flipped (compared to SS amping).
        Mar 20, 2022
      2. ColdsnapBry
        SW+6XX is a bit alluring, I usually like a very warm signature, but this setup has kept me coming back for just one most song for almost a year now.
        Mar 21, 2022
    3. Vtory
      1. ufospls2
        Hope you love them man, I'm glad they made it safely.
        Mar 19, 2022
        Vtory likes this.
      2. roshambo123
        Yup. They're brilliant.
        Mar 20, 2022
        Vtory likes this.
    4. Vtory
      As a person wanting more air-flow for ZMF all the time, Would love to hear Atrium myself. Seems promising.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. ColdsnapBry
        Yea, that's really interesting as all ZMFs to me have sounded very closed in / closed off. Even the Verite Open. I don't think it will make me go away from the 300g Sennies, but certainly interested.
        Mar 19, 2022
      3. Elnrik
        Mar 19, 2022
      4. insidious meme
        Mar 19, 2022
    5. Vtory
      Will be able to begin to compare stock vs mod hp-1 next Tue or so. Excited.
      1. Lyander and rhythmdevils like this.
    6. Vtory
      Paypal is obviously not good for oversea transfer. Surprised how much they cost in US-Canada payments. PP for US domestic transaction only..
      1. Vtory
        I'm not even including paypal fee here.. Conversion rate is already much lower than other similar services.
        Mar 11, 2022
        Tachikoma likes this.
      2. Cspirou
        I use Wise when I can

        But I keep two PayPal accounts for this reason. One EU and one US.
        Mar 11, 2022
        Vtory likes this.
      3. Vtory
        @Cspirou Yeah, I learned and used Wise for the first time. Seems Wise could save 4-5% of total money against PP other things being equal. That's why I was so shocked..
        Mar 12, 2022
        Cspirou and Cryptowolf like this.
    7. Vtory
      Really hate some boss battles design of elden ring. Seriously considering to start over.. (Can't proceed with greatsword sigh)
      1. Maven86 and Walderstorn like this.
      2. Merrick
        I tried three builds before landing on one I could jive with. Now running a Confessor with a Winged Scythe.
        Mar 5, 2022
      3. Boops
        Summoning the ashes helps a lot. Maybe too well. My skeletal spearmen are tenacious and fearless.
        Mar 6, 2022
    8. Vtory
      Eksonic Aeras (previously called mini-T2) turn out $7k.. Curiosity almost vanished oh well. https://bit.ly/3vpoQ2S
      1. Tachikoma and DigMe like this.
      2. DigMe
        *spits out coffee*
        Feb 28, 2022
        Vtory likes this.
      3. Vtory
        Lol I often feels like myself being a poverty class when reading HF summit-fi threads.
        Feb 28, 2022
        DigMe likes this.
    9. Vtory
      Elden ring is surely great fun. Familiar gameplay in way larger field. But the game media reviews all hyped very falsely. WTF.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Vtory
        @zerodeefex Definitely. I love adventuring with its unique gameplays. A series of micro decisions is also quite addictive enough to forget hours spent in the game.
        Feb 25, 2022
      3. Phantaminum
        Saw a friend playing it through a Discord stream. Made me buy the game. I still have PTSD from the Sekiro boss fights...
        Feb 25, 2022
        Maven86 and Vtory like this.
      4. Riotvan
        Supposedly the day one patch fucked things with stutters and frame drops. Think i’ll wait for another patch.
        Feb 25, 2022
    10. Vtory
      Very discouraging poll results. Only one quarter of American support US taking major roles in UKR war. Where’s the justice?
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Deep Funk
        Deep Funk
        The injustice started in 1921 when the then divided territory above the Black Sea was forced into the later Sovjet Union. I was obsessed with Ukraine after MH-17. Complicated region that Black Sea area...
        Feb 24, 2022
        DigMe likes this.
      3. Josh83
        We’ve had bipartisan normalization of a 9/11’s worth of domestic deaths every day or two. Kind of hard to get people worked up about deaths halfway across the world in the face of that.
        Feb 26, 2022
        DigMe likes this.
      4. Josh83
        There’s also a fairly substantial portion of GOP voters who think Putin is great, and a smaller (but no less wrong) portion of Democratic voters who think that previous immoral U.S. foreign policy somehow lessons the immorality of what Putin’s doing.
        Feb 26, 2022
        Vtory and DigMe like this.
    11. Vtory
      Based on the recent lessons, re-tuned my filters for Arya. Correction weakened but resulted in better sweetspot to me (smooth vs engaging).
      1. RestoredSparda likes this.
    12. Vtory
      1. Cspirou likes this.
      2. DigMe
        Who is Kerry?
        Feb 22, 2022
      3. Vtory
        A guy known to stax or other estat people as an amp builder (DIY-T2 builds in particular). So far he got orders or commissions individually but now things seem to start as a little more formal business.
        Feb 22, 2022
        DigMe likes this.
      4. Cspirou
        Oh that's cool. I've seen Kerry's projects and he does really good work. In fact the mini Dynalo SuSy I built is a PCB designed by him
        Feb 22, 2022
    13. Vtory
      Finished watching the Demon Slayer:EDA (S2E34 to E44). Very satisfied. The last 2-3 episodes were super crazy in battle scenes quality.
      1. Cryptowolf and RestoredSparda like this.
      2. Vtory
        This part was already pretty good in manga og, but anime describe the main theme way more elegantly. Putting lots of efforts in expressing the contrast between Kamado duo and Shabana duo.
        Feb 20, 2022
    14. Vtory
      Greatly agreed w rd&bjm’s advice . One benefit of ownership is to opt in and out selectively anytime. Utilization obsession may be a curse.
      1. Cryptowolf likes this.
      2. Vtory
        I personally love to feel refreshed when I return from semi-long break for a certain piece of gears. One reason why I can’t let things go easily.
        Feb 20, 2022
    15. Vtory
      Suddenly awoke hours ago then troubled to re-asleep. Gave up then messed with some measurements and analyses I've been procrastinating..
    16. Vtory
      Hearing both Mini and HP-1 mod with EQ off. Interestingly both sounded the best respectively among their productions I heard to date.
      1. rhythmdevils, E_Schaaf and dematted like this.
      2. Vtory
        Both the smallest and the lightest respectively among their works, too... Hey physics where are you?
        Feb 17, 2022
    17. Vtory
      Vtory EQ 101 Rule #1: Always discard someone else's setting. No matter he is crin, ora, res, or vto.. (Rule #2: Never ever ask others how)
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Vtory
        To me sine tones are a little difficult to hear particularly for higher f. I'd rather recommend to play with N band graphical equalizer with the favorite songs (start form fewer N then increase number later!). Let's get familiar with each frequency and associate with its function in perception.
        Feb 16, 2022
        Justin S likes this.
      3. pure5152
        this is all well and good, but without any baseline for your preferences, all EQ tweaking impressions kinda become strictly subjective and kinda lose their value in a way as objective impressions
        Feb 16, 2022
      4. Vtory
        Good point. But, in the context of understanding others' impression, isn't the inverted EQ one very objective way to express one's tonal assessment? We have to infer others' preferred tonality in the end (by figuring out relative assessments in various ways), and I do think EQ is no worse than that. e.g., bassy --> cut x db in bass (inverted: +x db gain in bass).
        Feb 16, 2022
        pure5152 likes this.
    18. Vtory
      EDITED: Personal Eta MINI loaner request --> Found. On its way here. Yeah!
      1. Jinxy245 likes this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. Vtory
      4. E_Schaaf
        You'll be getting a B stock unit just for the sake of this friendly comparison, because that's all I have left for right now. Of course, I suggest staying on the official tour roster so you can also hear and share thoughts about a set with closer to ideal channel matching and production build quality :)
        Feb 14, 2022
        Jinxy245, Vtory and rhythmdevils like this.
      5. rhythmdevils
        Kind of a cool showdown. 1978 planar magnetic vs 2022 electrodynamic both with good acoustics.
        Feb 14, 2022
        Jinxy245, E_Schaaf and Vtory like this.
    19. Vtory
      I may never be a one-headphones person.. Love the very moment switching from one hp to the other.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Thad E Ginathom
        Thad E Ginathom



        (...or partner of choice. Sorry, this joke is not inclusive. "|man|dog|goat" etc would have spoiled the flow. OK, so it could have been an interesting exercise in regular expressions...)
        Feb 14, 2022
      3. Vtory
        @Thad E Ginathom I followed your instruction then damn lmao. Ok, I am not unfaithful.. I am just training RE myself... lol.
        Feb 14, 2022
        Thad E Ginathom likes this.
      4. ChaChaRealSmooth
        I like the differing presentations too much to be able to settle for one myself. Not easy to pick which one I like better than the others; depends on mood and other things.
        Feb 14, 2022
        Vtory likes this.
    20. Vtory
      It's slightly frustrating when I know my amp benefits bal out.. but hp is terminated with trs (and non-detachable cables).
      1. BenjaminBore
        Having previously lived with the Mjolnir 2 for a few years I feel your frustration. I re-terminated everything I had and made pig tail adapters out of the 6.35mm end. But some manufacturers will void the warranty on the whole HP if you do (like Focal UK), so you have to be careful. Of course if it's a loaner you're SOL.
        Feb 13, 2022
        Cryptowolf likes this.
      2. Cryptowolf
        That is annoying. A friend here said to buy all headphones with 4 pin XLR and use an adapter. They saved me a lot of frustration over time.
        Feb 13, 2022
        roshambo123 and BenjaminBore like this.
      3. purr1n
        Make balanced output headphones illegal from 2023 onward.
        Feb 13, 2022
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  • About

    East Coast
    Gear List:
    Headphones: HFM Susvara (mod), Sivga SV023 / Amps: Topping LA90, SMSL HO200 / Dacs: Gustard X18, SMSL M500.3
    Team Susvara : Can't find anything sounding better than Susvara under 5k new yet.
    Team NFB: I realized a strong global NFB made me happier eventually.
    Team Delta-Sigma: I gave up R2R because anything below Spring 3 did not give me enough clarity/articulation in ways I wanted to hear. Moderately implemented 903 was pretty much good enough for my taste..



    Team Planar, Team On-Ear, Team NFB, Team Delta-Sigma
    Music Rambling: https://www.superbestaudiofriends.org/index.php?threads/vtorys-music-re-discoveries.12622/