The All Purpose Advice Thread

Discussion in 'Advice Threads' started by purr1n, Sep 26, 2015.

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  1. ald0s

    ald0s Facebook Friend Contributor

    Sep 29, 2015
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    About to pick up some andros and am wonder if there's any portable dac/amp option that stands up to the wm1a and zx2 in SQ and black background. I'd love something like the mojo that I could use with my phone or laptop but you know.... better.

  2. Bulldog

    Bulldog New

    Feb 23, 2016
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    Does anyone have experience with Lake People? I was thinking about the Lake People hpa rs08 & go balance with my hd 650.
  3. Rockin_Zombie

    Rockin_Zombie Facebook Friend

    Jan 2, 2017
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  4. cskippy

    cskippy Creamy warmpoo Pyrate MZR

    Oct 14, 2015
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    Tempe, Arizona
    Yes that should work.
  5. Koth Ganesh

    Koth Ganesh Friend Pyrate BWC

    Sep 26, 2015
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    Chennai, India
    I do need to recheck. I've had this set up for almost two years now and faced this issue twice (both coincidentally after new OS releases). Thanks.
  6. gixxerwimp

    gixxerwimp Professional tricycle rider Pyrate

    Sep 30, 2015
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    small island claimed by China
    My original (silver) iFi micro iDSD has a pretty black background and comes with a built-in iEMatch which comes in handy with the Andros. Can't really compare it to the Sonys, but the Andros sound great out of it to me. I run it on Normal(power)/High(iEMatch) for optimum sound, but still need to use software volume control in UAPP to get to a usable range on the volume pot. On Eco(power)/High(iEMatch) you might get away with bit-perfect input. Ultra(iEMatch) sounds a bit dead. @Torq gives the new Black version a favorable review in his excellent portable DAC/amp comparo.

    If you haven't already, search through the Campfire Audio Andromeda Review: Holy Cow, This is a Dream, Awesomesauce! thread for other options.
  7. Thenewerguy009

    Thenewerguy009 Friend Pyrate

    Oct 11, 2015
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  8. Decomo

    Decomo Almost "Made" Contributor

    Jul 1, 2016
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    Can anyone recommend a decent desktop speaker or powered speaker? I enjoy listening music with HD650 very much... but sometime, I desire to feel the music from the speaker like listening live concert... Only speaker that I currently have is very cheap logitech USB powered speaker which is poor sound quality and does not provide any engagement whatsoever. Since I have very limited space, I prefer powered speaker or small desktop speaker. My budget is around $200 which is very small so not sure I could get decent desktop speaker without going to DIY route.... Thank you.
  9. Dino

    Dino Friend Pyrate

    Jun 21, 2016
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    @Decomo - I think you had a good idea with some Pioneer "Andrew Jones" speakers. Only thing is, you would need an amplifier of some sort.

    Edit: Wow, only sells digital goods? (That is all that I am seeing.)
    Last edited: Feb 21, 2017
  10. Decomo

    Decomo Almost "Made" Contributor

    Jul 1, 2016
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    Yep. only sells digital goods so i have to purchase from either US or UK if I purchase from Amazon with high freight cost. :)
    Pioneer speaker would be great but i try to avoid preamp so powered speaker would be preferred. :) Thank you for your suggestion.
  11. Dino

    Dino Friend Pyrate

    Jun 21, 2016
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    I have no experience with powered speakers. I think they are more popular than passive speakers with many here, so you will probably get some suggestions.
  12. Rockin_Zombie

    Rockin_Zombie Facebook Friend

    Jan 2, 2017
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    Decent bookshelf speakers in that price range might be difficult. 200 USD or AUD?

    I've heard Elac B5 and JBL lsr305, both are very good bang for buck. The micca MB42x is recommended a lot for budget speakers but I haven't heard them personally.
  13. TeskR

    TeskR New

    Feb 20, 2017
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    Looking for general purchasing advice on where to go from my current setup. Here is my intro post where I specify some of my music preferences.

    Current Gear:
    Schiit Modi > Schiit Lyr (1) > HE-400i & Oppo PM-3 (Portable)
    Previous Gear: ATH-A900X, MrSpeakers Alpha Dogs & HiFiMAN RE-400.

    My sonic preferences and use scenario:
    I thought I was sensitive to bright treble, however, I have been reading around here that the HE-400i has a sharp low treble peak which I apparently have not noticed at all. That being said, I think I prefer a warmer sound signature, with decent quality bass, however, I have not tried a whole heap of different headphones so it is hard to tell. Also, any headphone I use has to be forgiving with poor, bright recordings, as unfortunately many of the bands I listen to fall into this category.
    I listen to a wide range of genres, and I like to try and only use one headphone if possible. I also play video games using my desktop headphone rig.

    My situation:
    I am essentially trying to determine what potential options there is for upgrading sound quality in my system. I have around 600 - 1100 USD to spend, but would rather save money then spend on minimal gains.

    My current thoughts are as follows:
    • I realise that my DAC is on the low end side, not sure how much that is holding back my set-up.
    • I have thought maybe I will pick up a HD650 and potentially mod it etc. Seems like it has the sound signature I like, however, maybe not suitable for some of the electronic genres I listen to.
    • Maybe pick up a hd650 and TH-X00, use one for electronic music and HD-650 for everything else.
    • Maybe upgrade DAC/AMP to Jot with DAC or Modi Multibit and something else.
    • Buy some HD800 used and french mod them, though these may not be suitable for shitty recordings etc. Also, probably would need a different amp and/or DAC.
    • Ditch desktop system and buy some Andromedas and use them for everything, never heard them though, so not sure if they will be OK for my use case. However, they seem to have been very well recieved. Only IEMs I have ever used were HiFiMAN RE-400.
    Any advice regarding what is out there that I should be looking at as an upgrade in my system? Sorry if this question is a bit general, just struggling too see any other options or where to go from where I am.

    Last edited: Feb 21, 2017
  14. k4rstar

    k4rstar Britney fan club president Pyrate BWC

    Jun 11, 2016
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    Toronto, Canada
    @TeskR I would probably look at the HD600/650 (you said you aren't sensitive to low treble peaks, I prefer the pairing of HD600 with Vali 2 over 650 personally), Vali 2 and Modi2 (Uber or Multibit). Swap out the stock Vali 2 tube for one of many cheap recommendations. Pick up the TH-X00 as fun cans if you really feel the need to afterwards, but you may be surprised. HD800 would also work with the aforementioned amp/DAC, but it's definitely a try before you buy type of thing for a lot of people, even when modded.

    I can't really recommend the Jotunheim personally, I don't think it's a forgiving headamp at all. I wouldn't recommend the use case of ditching all desktop gear for a pair of Andromedas either. While they are fantastic IEMs I did this myself once and I ended up regretting it deeply, a desktop setup brings me more joy. Also you said you use your desktop rig for gaming, so that's keeping that in mind.

    I hope this helps.
  15. TeskR

    TeskR New

    Feb 20, 2017
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    Thanks for your input, Yeah the HD650/600 are really looking tempting, I am just not sure how different they are going to be from my HE-400i (which I do not hate by any means).

    Unfortunately, RE: HD800, I will be unable to try basically any headphones before I buy as I live across across a small sea from the nearest headphone shops. :(
  16. SSL

    SSL Friend Pyrate

    Nov 12, 2015
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    Pretty different if HE-560 => HD 650 is any reference.
  17. ibzrg1570

    ibzrg1570 Facebook Friend Contributor

    Mar 24, 2016
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    San Francisco, CA
    @TeskR What are you looking to improve on the PM3? On paper it seems to fit your preferences.

    TH-X00 is a pretty great value and has a warm yet fun sound signature. Pairing it with HD600/650 is a great combo for the best of both worlds, fun and neutral. Demo them both if you can so you can decide which to start with (my gut says TH-X00 since you listen to electronic). They both synergize well with Jotunheim though, so you won't go wrong with either choice if you decide to get a Jotunheim.

    I'd advise against HD800 - it is extremely picky and you'll have a much better time and spend a lot less money finding good synergy by starting with a different headphone like HD650. Even with mods, it's never going to be warm sounding or a bass cannon for electronic. Andromeda is also probably too neutral and a bit pricey for a blind purchase IMO.
  18. TeskR

    TeskR New

    Feb 20, 2017
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    Sorry, should have been more clear, I am happy with the PM3 as my portable headphone, as you said, it does fit my preferences.
    What I am looking to upgrade is my desktop system, I do not use the PM3 on this system as I find them a little uncomfortable to wear for a long time, and the quite narrow sound stage doesn't work well with the games I play.

    Therefore, I am more looking at what I should do to the Modi > Lyr > 400i chain mainly.

    Cheers for your input regarding HD600/650/800 and TH-X00, starting to think HD650 plus new amp, DAC or both might be the way to go. Only thing putting me off buying a pair of TH-X00 is 1. Non-removable cables and 2. more expensive compared to HD650 in AUS (can get a new HD650 for around 390 AUD or a new TH-X00 for around 600 AUD).

    @SSL Thanks, not sure how similar the 560 and 400i are, I think I remember hearing people say they are more similar than not.
  19. gixxerwimp

    gixxerwimp Professional tricycle rider Pyrate

    Sep 30, 2015
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    small island claimed by China
    Modern Musician in Hobart seems to have the HD650. Maybe you can at least give that a listen before buying.

    Beautiful place by the way.
  20. TeskR

    TeskR New

    Feb 20, 2017
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    Oh thank you for the info, I forget that Sennheiser being a big brand would be at Music shops such as those and not just HiFi/Headphone shops.
    Might have to make a trip into "The City" and have a listen.

    Thanks, it really is a lovely place to live!
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