Denon D7200 (new flagship)

Discussion in 'Headphones' started by OJneg, Aug 30, 2016.

  1. Lyander

    Lyander Official SBAF Equitable Empathizer

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    Feb 25, 2017
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    Just passing by to say that I also hope these make it into the Loaner Program. Not that I'm a part of that, but it'd be great getting more impressions on the forum! I just got the X00 EBs not too long ago so new cans are out of the question for the immediate future, but despite that the D7200s pique my interest. If these actually do use the TH-900 driver system but somehow manage to fix the effed freq response, then Denon's got a killer on their hands (if one priced slightly out of my comfort zone).

    @limesoft, might you have heard any of the X00 variants as well? I'd like to hear how these compare in terms of clarity, headstage, and the like. My rig is nowhere near good enough for evaluating plankton, or how I understand people's usage of that term on here anyway, but that might prove valuable for others.

    Oh, and I'm one of those weird ones who actually like how these cans don't really isolate well but manage to leak out very little sound. These are great general-use cans in that regard, though they're far from ideal in portable settings for a variety of reasons.
  2. Huhnkopf

    Huhnkopf Friend

    Oct 5, 2015
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    I agree with most of your points (good post), except at imaging where I don't find them as good as the TH-900 which is noticably inferior to the HD800 there. Nevertheless a headphone that should be measured and reviewed by SBAF because it does a lot of things right.

    Imo it's such a great fire, forget about everything and grin, thump and dance away headphone (aka not much modding, fiddling, submission or even teethgrinding acceptance needed) that's much better balanced than the TH-900 while marginally not having the same technical potency (which the TH-900 kinda "destroys" with its peaks and too much wub wub).
    Between this and the HD800SD this one is leaps more compatible with any music collection. I love the HD 650 but I want my good, clean, punching bass and the D7200 delivers there. It just isn't as competitive pricewise. Imagine the HD 650 with that bass. Damn.

    I'm wondering why the US price is so high though. Normally we in the EU pay noticably more for hifi gear.
  3. limesoft

    limesoft Friend

    Oct 4, 2016
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    I haven't really listened to any of the other Fostex variants properly so can't compare. I think for the money - 550£ - in this crazy world of overpriced headphones ,the D7200 is spot on; this is the kind of quality I'd expect for this price. I've been thinking how difficult it is to find a neutralish closed back headphone these days and I don't understand why this is the case.. certainly in the speaker world it is rare to find products that have significant peaks or dips in the response. I hope the D7200 will gather more attention, it is a serious headphone.
    I will be ordering a TRRS balanced cable to use with my ZX2 in the hope of reaching audio nirvana. My HD600, Focal Listen, Denon MM400 and Chord Mojo will be going up on ebay soon
  4. Lyander

    Lyander Official SBAF Equitable Empathizer

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    Thanks! And err, huh, my memory must be failing. I was sure it was a fair bit more expensive than that! Well, hoping I get the chance to demo it even if I have to sell the Fostexes at a loss after not too long owning them, haha. Yeah, closed-backs don't get the love they deserve.

    Err, sending a PM about things.
  5. Maxx134

    Maxx134 Dunning–Kruger effect poster boy

    Oct 27, 2015
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    From my experience I can recall from memory the Eikon having a slightly larger bass and soundstage, with sweeter trebles,
    But I am waiting for its arrival
    to compare to my newly aquired D7200 which took its place for now.

    The D7200 strikes me as the most resolving closed headphones I have tried, very good detailing.

    The issue, so far, is its rather polite & tame yet very articulate well extendid bass,
    And the mids just seeemed a bit too shouty and forward, compared to open cans and Eikon.
    It is as if this is a can for midrange lovers.

    I believe it is the choice of the beutiful walnut being more lively, from checking the wood charts at Lawton Audio site..

    The trebles seems similarly polite and very accurate, detailed and clean, which actually a good thing lol.

    The real jewel about this headphones, is that upon opening, I noticed a huge empty space in the cup!

    So if you guys think it has soundstage, ummm... Not that much,
    that is untill you do something about it.
    When you fill this empty area, watch out!
    Sountage increase pretty dramatically.

    This can is the ultimate sleeper, begging to be modded.
    Bass has potential to scare as well, from my trials.

    If the Eikon wasnt taking so long to be made I would've never tried these.
    These cans are now a favorite.
    Last edited: May 30, 2017
  6. Dr. Higgs

    Dr. Higgs Boson - Member

    Oct 4, 2015
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    I'm really interested in these, trying to fight the urge of spontaneously ordering a pair from the UK. Do these need a lot of power to shine?

    If they're a significant step up from the TH-X00 EB, I might consider picking these up to run with my WM1A as a transportable solution.

    Edit: Screw it, I ordered one. Got a really good gut feeling about these, just hoping Massdrop doesn't come out with a version of these next week for half the price :D
    Last edited: Jun 1, 2017
  7. Maxx134

    Maxx134 Dunning–Kruger effect poster boy

    Oct 27, 2015
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    Keeping my impressions reserved for now until I can compare with the Eikon,

    but these cans are a substantial improvement over all those past cans IMHO.

    And they actually are similar size as the TH-X00,
    So not as big as past dennons ,and they seem almost portable.

    To me, they are very impressive closed units.
    Definitely worthy of consideration for top closed cans.

    I was PMed to try a earpad upgrade before modding,
    as it can be considered a reference level closed can with better pads,
    and I can agree that its at a high level.
    This is what the Elear whishes it could be.
    Last edited: Jun 18, 2017
  8. Dr. Higgs

    Dr. Higgs Boson - Member

    Oct 4, 2015
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    I ordered my pair from the UK (which are much cheaper than US prices for anyone interested) so should have them within a couple weeks. I'll try out my Dekoni sheepskin pads once I get them in to see if there's a significant difference. Looking forward to hearing your comparisons with the Eikon.

    I wonder if @Tyll Hertsens is planning a review sometime soon. I could see how me might be Fostex'd out after his review of all of the models last year.
  9. limesoft

    limesoft Friend

    Oct 4, 2016
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    I found this a problem also at first and was concerned. Burn in of about 100 hours or more helped a lot - did you do this? Still, I find it doesn't play as nice with leaner sources
    @Dr. Higgs runs fine with my Sony ZX2 (volume cap removed), I don't feel like it needs a more powerful amp to shine (tested with schiit magni) so probably fine off your WM1A
  10. cizx.6

    cizx.6 Just couldn't stay away...

    Apr 3, 2017
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    so I can get these for $599.40 through work... worth that?
  11. limesoft

    limesoft Friend

    Oct 4, 2016
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    If brand new yes - that's less than 550 pounds, the cheapest I've seen them
  12. Maxx134

    Maxx134 Dunning–Kruger effect poster boy

    Oct 27, 2015
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    I only had them for a few days and burned them all night for about 5 nights,
    So they only have about 35hrs.

    I did notice a change sond,
    Like more fluid in the whole spectrum sounding more effortless and nuanced.
    Before when new they seemed a bit edgy .
    I also read that the wood itself changes with age.

    Anyways I didn't want to wait for full changes and just modded the signature to my liking for now which is the HEKV2 signature which is fairly neutral yet extended.

    Still wanna try some pads which is most recommended.
    I will have both Eikon and Ori pads to try soon and will post observations.

    Wow, that sounds like a great job..
  13. cizx.6

    cizx.6 Just couldn't stay away...

    Apr 3, 2017
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    Denon / Marantz is a partner, so we can get all their stuff new for 40% off.
  14. Dr. Higgs

    Dr. Higgs Boson - Member

    Oct 4, 2015
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    Just got mine in today and I've already put about 4hrs on them with my WM1A. My impressions don't differ much from what everyone else has already said so far, but the speed and macro/micro detail on these is astounding.

    Build quality is even better than pictured, and the comfort/clamp is excellent. The treble is much smoother than any of my TH-X00 variants without being veiled, mids are a bit forward (which I tend to prefer), and the bass is extremely clean/controlled and tastefully proportioned without bleeding into the mids at all.

    I can't believe these were only $200ish more than my TH-X00 Ebony. I need to do some more comparisons and listen on my big boy rig, but I'm going to be surprised if these aren't a solid golden schlong contender...
  15. Maxx134

    Maxx134 Dunning–Kruger effect poster boy

    Oct 27, 2015
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    I noticed Most of the burn in changes for me occurring in first 40hrs.
  16. Maxx134

    Maxx134 Dunning–Kruger effect poster boy

    Oct 27, 2015
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    For those that think the Dennon7200 not rival/surpass the th900 in any area,

    All it takes is a pad swap to the ZMF ORI pads (!) :

    They look, feel, and sound like they were made for the Dennon..

    Bass impact/slam/depth is slightly increased,
    while details remain and midrange becomes more balanced and no longer predominant .
    Just great balance with exception of slight increase in sub-bass Slam, yet very clear thruout the whole range.
    One more pic:
  17. phaeton

    phaeton Acquaintance

    Feb 11, 2017
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    Rome, the one in Italy :-)
    just passing by to say that I have these jap beauties since a week now, and I basically agree with the above comments.

    for the 500£ I paid I think this is one of the biggest bargain I have ever done.

    I do like actually the linearity of these cans, never like the Fostex's or the new Sony flagship because of the unrealistic bass boom.

    listening to jazz and trip-hop, these Denon are almost perfect to my ears bass-wise. maybe a little bit more extension under 30Hz could have been the real perfection, but I very much prefer having this realistic bass with some Hz less, than a boomy-boombastic bass down to 20Hz.

    couldn't recommend more these jap cans, for 500£ they are a steal.
  18. 9suns

    9suns [insert unearned title here]

    Jan 19, 2017
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    Would love to see measurements comparing stock VS Ori pads

    Also, stupid question, do the Ether Electrostat pads fit?
  19. Mshenay

    Mshenay Barred from loaner program. DON'T SEND ME GEAR.

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    Nov 24, 2015
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    Gawd I really need to get the heck out of this thread >.> I'm buying the ZMF Eikon and I'd love another proper Denon in my household... my AH A100 isn't anything special... and these are looking mighty tempting.

    @Maxx134 I assume you have, but how do these differ from the Atticus?
  20. Griffon

    Griffon 2nd biggest asshole on SBAF

    Sep 26, 2015
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    I'll jump in. I heard the D7200s for twice at somewhat length and quiet environment at Headphonebar. Specs on paper seemed to indicate they're somehow suitable (?) to be driven directly from my A35 Walkman, hence the impressions.

    First thing first, this is a beauty. Classy design. It looks better IRL than on pics. Comfort is top-notch. Lightweight. The detachable cable is essentially the same one to Elear's, but the nozzle (?) on Elear's cable is a bit deep, so D7200's cable fits Elear, but not the other way around.

    Sonics. Maybe during my hibernation I have grown too adapted to the sound signature of HD650/Elear +Sonnett and DAP (DPX1 or A35 Walkman) +Andromeda. The D7200 driven from the A35 does not shine. Nothing outstandingly good. The overall presentation just made me feel everything were recessed. It's a reference-like tuning. Timbre is not "off". Clean sounding, but not hyper clean. Soundstage is pretty boxy, a big box, but still boxy. Has the feel of detachment, like I was sitting in a recording booth, and everything is performing through the glass. It also did not strike me as being very detailed.

    Going by distant memories of TH900 (I used TH900 mainly with my DAPs two years ago... take your grain of salt), D7200 had less bass quantities, and I'm not sure if there's any improvement in bass quality/texture... Then a quick A/B between D7200 and Andromeda. Andromeda just had far better bass nuance and texture. Nothing outstanding good or bad in midrange, and it's still laid back/recessed, maybe less so than TH900's midrange. But it's still bordering between laid back and recessed. Not an in-your-face presentation at all. Good news is D7200 got far less treble bites than TH900.

    And the price range... 1299 CAD. Andromeda is priced 1475 CAD, and Elear at 1499. Used HD800 doesn't go off the ballpark between 900~1100 CAD. Even HE560 is 1199. As far as current impression goes, I'd go to any one of them instead of shelling my money out on a D7200.

    I sincerely hope that it's because of the half-ass Walkman, not the can itself. Better than the previous failed Denons? Yes. TOTL up to current standards? No. So far, so disappointing.

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